There will obviously be many instances in which you will want to add images to a page. There are two main ways to add images to pages, either via a specific image chooser field, or via the rich text field image button. Which of these you use will be dependent on the individual setup of your site.
Often a specific image field will be used for a main image on a page, or for an image to be used when sharing the page on social media. For the standard page on the bakerydemo site, the former is used.
You have two options when selecting an image to insert:
When you click the Choose an image button you will be presented with a pop-up with two tabs at the top. The first, Search, allows you to search and select from the library. The second, Upload, allows you to upload a new image.
Choosing an image from the image library
The image below demonstrates finding and inserting an image that is already present in the CMS image library.
Uploading a new image to the CMS
Images can also be inserted into the body text of a page via the rich text editor. When working in a rich text field, click the Image control. You will then be presented with the same options as for inserting images into the main carousel.
In addition, Wagtail allows you to choose the format of your image.
The format options available are described below:
Half-width left/right aligned: Inserts the image at half the width of the text area. If inserted in a block of text, the text will wrap around the image. If two half-width images are inserted together, they will display next to each other.
The display of images formatted in this way is dependent on your implementation of Wagtail, so you may get slightly different results.