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- .. _inserting_videos:
- Inserting videos into body content
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- It is possible to embed media into the body text of a web page by clicking the *Embed* button in rich text toolbar.
- .. image:: ../../_static/images/screen20_insert_video_form.png
- * Copy and paste the web address for the media into the URL field and click Insert.
- .. image:: ../../_static/images/screen21_video_in_editor.png
- * A placeholder of the media will be inserted into the text area.
- The embed button can be used to import media from a number of supported providers, you can see the `full list of supported providers in Wagtail’s source code <https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/blob/main/wagtail/embeds/oembed_providers.py>`_.