from django import forms from wagtail.blocks import ( CharBlock, ChoiceBlock, FloatBlock, ListBlock, RichTextBlock, StreamBlock, StructBlock, ) from wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks import TableBlock from wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks import TypedTableBlock from wagtail.embeds.blocks import EmbedBlock from wagtail.images.blocks import ImageBlock from bakerydemo.base.blocks import BlockQuote, HeadingBlock class RecipeStepBlock(StructBlock): text = RichTextBlock(features=["bold", "italic", "link"]) difficulty = ChoiceBlock( widget=forms.RadioSelect, choices=[("S", "Small"), ("M", "Medium"), ("L", "Large")], default="S", ) class Meta: template = "blocks/recipe_step_block.html" icon = "tick" class RecipeStreamBlock(StreamBlock): """ Define the custom blocks that `StreamField` will utilize """ heading_block = HeadingBlock(group="Content") paragraph_block = RichTextBlock( icon="pilcrow", template="blocks/paragraph_block.html", group="Content" ) block_quote = BlockQuote(group="Content") table_block = TableBlock( group="Content", description="A table of data with plain text cells", preview_value={ "first_row_is_table_header": "True", "data": [ ["Bread type", "Origin"], ["Anpan", "Japan"], ["Crumpet", "United Kingdom"], ["Roti buaya", "Indonesia"], ], }, ) typed_table_block = TypedTableBlock( [ ("text", CharBlock()), ("numeric", FloatBlock()), ("rich_text", RichTextBlock()), ("image", ImageBlock()), ], group="Content", description=( "A table of data with cells that can include " "text, numbers, rich text, and images" ), preview_value={ "caption": "Nutritional information for 100g of bread", "columns": [ {"type": "rich_text", "heading": "Nutrient"}, {"type": "numeric", "heading": "White bread"}, {"type": "numeric", "heading": "Brown bread"}, {"type": "numeric", "heading": "Wholemeal bread"}, ], "rows": [ { "values": [ '

' "Protein (g)

", 7.9, 7.9, 9.4, ] }, { "values": [ '

' "Carbohydrate (g)

", 46.1, 42.1, 42, ] }, { "values": [ '

' "Total sugars (g)

", 3.4, 3.4, 2.8, ] }, ], }, ) image_block = ImageBlock(group="Media") embed_block = EmbedBlock( help_text="Insert an embed URL e.g", icon="media", template="blocks/embed_block.html", group="Media", preview_value="", description="An embedded video or other media", ) ingredients_list = ListBlock( RichTextBlock(features=["bold", "italic", "link"]), min_num=2, max_num=10, icon="list-ol", group="Cooking", preview_value=["

200g flour

", "

1 egg

", "

1 cup of sugar

"], description=( "A list of ingredients to use in the recipe " "with optional bold, italic, and link options" ), ) steps_list = ListBlock( RecipeStepBlock(), min_num=2, max_num=10, icon="tasks", group="Cooking", preview_value=[ {"text": "

An easy step

", "difficulty": "S"}, {"text": "

A difficult step

", "difficulty": "L"}, {"text": "

A medium step

", "difficulty": "M"}, ], description=( "A list of steps to follow in the recipe, " "with a difficulty rating for each step" ), )