{% load navigation_tags static wagtailuserbar wagtailfontawesome %} {% block title %} {% if page.seo_title %} {{ page.seo_title }} {% else %} {{ page.title }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block title_suffix %} | The Wagtail Bakery {% endblock %} {% fontawesome_css %} {% wagtailuserbar %} {% block header %} {% include "includes/header.html" with parent=site_root calling_page=self %} {% endblock header %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {# breadcrumbs is defined in base/templatetags/navigation_tags.py #} {% breadcrumbs %} {% endblock breadcrumbs %} {% block messages %} {% include "includes/messages.html" %} {% endblock messages %}
{% block content %} {% endblock content %}

{% include "includes/footer.html" %}