import os import random import string import dj_database_url import django_cache_url from .base import * # noqa: F403 DEBUG = os.getenv("DJANGO_DEBUG", "off") == "on" # DJANGO_SECRET_KEY *should* be specified in the environment. If it's not, generate an ephemeral key. if "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY" in os.environ: SECRET_KEY = os.environ["DJANGO_SECRET_KEY"] else: # Use if/else rather than a default value to avoid calculating this if we don't need it print( # noqa: T201 "WARNING: DJANGO_SECRET_KEY not found in os.environ. Generating ephemeral SECRET_KEY." ) SECRET_KEY = "".join( [random.SystemRandom().choice(string.printable) for i in range(50)] ) # Make sure Django can detect a secure connection properly on Heroku: SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO", "https") # Redirect all requests to HTTPS SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = os.getenv("DJANGO_SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT", "off") == "on" # Accept all hostnames, since we don't know in advance which hostname will be used for any given Heroku instance. # IMPORTANT: Set this to a real hostname when using this in production! # See ALLOWED_HOSTS = os.getenv("DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS", "*").split(";") EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend" # WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL required for notification emails WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8000" db_from_env = dj_database_url.config(conn_max_age=500) DATABASES["default"].update(db_from_env) # AWS creds may be used for S3 and/or Elasticsearch AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "") AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "") AWS_REGION = os.getenv("AWS_REGION", "") # configure CACHES from CACHE_URL environment variable (defaults to locmem if no CACHE_URL is set) CACHES = {"default": django_cache_url.config()} # Configure Elasticsearch, if present in os.environ ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT = os.getenv("ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT", "") if ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT: from elasticsearch import RequestsHttpConnection WAGTAILSEARCH_BACKENDS = { "default": { "BACKEND": "", "HOSTS": [ { "host": ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT, "port": int(os.getenv("ELASTICSEARCH_PORT", "9200")), "use_ssl": os.getenv("ELASTICSEARCH_USE_SSL", "off") == "on", "verify_certs": os.getenv("ELASTICSEARCH_VERIFY_CERTS", "off") == "on", } ], "OPTIONS": { "connection_class": RequestsHttpConnection, }, } } if AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: from aws_requests_auth.aws_auth import AWSRequestsAuth WAGTAILSEARCH_BACKENDS["default"]["HOSTS"][0]["http_auth"] = AWSRequestsAuth( aws_access_key=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, aws_token=os.getenv("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN", ""), aws_host=ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT, aws_region=AWS_REGION, aws_service="es", ) elif AWS_REGION: # No API keys in the environ, so attempt to discover them with Boto instead, per: # # This may be useful if your credentials are obtained via EC2 instance meta data. from aws_requests_auth.boto_utils import BotoAWSRequestsAuth WAGTAILSEARCH_BACKENDS["default"]["HOSTS"][0][ "http_auth" ] = BotoAWSRequestsAuth( aws_host=ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT, aws_region=AWS_REGION, aws_service="es", ) # Simplified static file serving. # MIDDLEWARE.append("whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware") STATICFILES_STORAGE = "" if "AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME" in os.environ: AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = os.getenv("AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME") AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN = "" % AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME AWS_AUTO_CREATE_BUCKET = True INSTALLED_APPS.append("storages") MEDIA_URL = "https://%s/" % AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage" if "GS_BUCKET_NAME" in os.environ: GS_BUCKET_NAME = os.getenv("GS_BUCKET_NAME") GS_PROJECT_ID = os.getenv("GS_PROJECT_ID") GS_DEFAULT_ACL = "publicRead" GS_AUTO_CREATE_BUCKET = True INSTALLED_APPS.append("storages") DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "storages.backends.gcloud.GoogleCloudStorage" LOGGING = { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "handlers": { "console": { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", }, }, "loggers": { "django": { "handlers": ["console"], "level": os.getenv("DJANGO_LOG_LEVEL", "INFO"), }, }, }