17 KB

  1. from django.conf import settings
  2. from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation
  3. from django.db import models
  4. from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
  5. from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
  6. from modelcluster.models import ClusterableModel
  7. from wagtail.admin.panels import (
  8. FieldPanel,
  9. FieldRowPanel,
  10. InlinePanel,
  11. MultiFieldPanel,
  12. PublishingPanel,
  13. )
  14. from wagtail.contrib.forms.models import AbstractEmailForm, AbstractFormField
  15. from wagtail.contrib.forms.panels import FormSubmissionsPanel
  16. from wagtail.contrib.settings.models import (
  17. BaseGenericSetting,
  18. BaseSiteSetting,
  19. register_setting,
  20. )
  21. from wagtail.fields import RichTextField, StreamField
  22. from wagtail.models import (
  23. Collection,
  24. DraftStateMixin,
  25. LockableMixin,
  26. Page,
  27. PreviewableMixin,
  28. RevisionMixin,
  29. Task,
  30. TaskState,
  31. TranslatableMixin,
  32. WorkflowMixin,
  33. )
  34. from import index
  35. from .blocks import BaseStreamBlock
  36. class Person(
  37. WorkflowMixin,
  38. DraftStateMixin,
  39. LockableMixin,
  40. RevisionMixin,
  41. PreviewableMixin,
  42. index.Indexed,
  43. ClusterableModel,
  44. ):
  45. """
  46. A Django model to store Person objects.
  47. It is registered using `register_snippet` as a function in
  48. to allow it to have a menu item within a custom menu item group.
  49. `Person` uses the `ClusterableModel`, which allows the relationship with
  50. another model to be stored locally to the 'parent' model (e.g. a PageModel)
  51. until the parent is explicitly saved. This allows the editor to use the
  52. 'Preview' button, to preview the content, without saving the relationships
  53. to the database.
  55. """
  56. first_name = models.CharField("First name", max_length=254)
  57. last_name = models.CharField("Last name", max_length=254)
  58. job_title = models.CharField("Job title", max_length=254)
  59. image = models.ForeignKey(
  60. "wagtailimages.Image",
  61. null=True,
  62. blank=True,
  63. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  64. related_name="+",
  65. )
  66. workflow_states = GenericRelation(
  67. "wagtailcore.WorkflowState",
  68. content_type_field="base_content_type",
  69. object_id_field="object_id",
  70. related_query_name="person",
  71. for_concrete_model=False,
  72. )
  73. revisions = GenericRelation(
  74. "wagtailcore.Revision",
  75. content_type_field="base_content_type",
  76. object_id_field="object_id",
  77. related_query_name="person",
  78. for_concrete_model=False,
  79. )
  80. panels = [
  81. MultiFieldPanel(
  82. [
  83. FieldRowPanel(
  84. [
  85. FieldPanel("first_name"),
  86. FieldPanel("last_name"),
  87. ]
  88. )
  89. ],
  90. "Name",
  91. ),
  92. FieldPanel("job_title"),
  93. FieldPanel("image"),
  94. PublishingPanel(),
  95. ]
  96. search_fields = [
  97. index.SearchField("first_name"),
  98. index.SearchField("last_name"),
  99. index.FilterField("job_title"),
  100. index.AutocompleteField("first_name"),
  101. index.AutocompleteField("last_name"),
  102. ]
  103. @property
  104. def thumb_image(self):
  105. # Returns an empty string if there is no profile pic or the rendition
  106. # file can't be found.
  107. try:
  108. return self.image.get_rendition("fill-50x50").img_tag()
  109. except: # noqa: E722 FIXME: remove bare 'except:'
  110. return ""
  111. @property
  112. def preview_modes(self):
  113. return PreviewableMixin.DEFAULT_PREVIEW_MODES + [("blog_post", _("Blog post"))]
  114. def __str__(self):
  115. return "{} {}".format(self.first_name, self.last_name)
  116. def get_preview_template(self, request, mode_name):
  117. from import BlogPage
  118. if mode_name == "blog_post":
  119. return BlogPage.template
  120. return "base/preview/person.html"
  121. def get_preview_context(self, request, mode_name):
  122. from import BlogPage
  123. context = super().get_preview_context(request, mode_name)
  124. if mode_name == self.default_preview_mode:
  125. return context
  126. page = BlogPage.objects.filter(blog_person_relationship__person=self).first()
  127. if page:
  128. # Use the page authored by this person if available,
  129. # and replace the instance from the database with the edited instance
  130. page.authors = [
  131. self if == else author for author in page.authors()
  132. ]
  133. # The authors() method only shows live authors, so make sure the instance
  134. # is included even if it's not live as this is just a preview
  135. if not
  136. page.authors.append(self)
  137. else:
  138. # Otherwise, get the first page and simulate the person as the author
  139. page = BlogPage.objects.first()
  140. page.authors = [self]
  141. context["page"] = page
  142. return context
  143. class Meta:
  144. verbose_name = "person"
  145. verbose_name_plural = "people"
  146. class FooterText(
  147. DraftStateMixin,
  148. RevisionMixin,
  149. PreviewableMixin,
  150. TranslatableMixin,
  151. models.Model,
  152. ):
  153. """
  154. This provides editable text for the site footer. Again it is registered
  155. using `register_snippet` as a function in to be grouped
  156. together with the Person model inside the same main menu item. It is made
  157. accessible on the template via a template tag defined in base/templatetags/
  159. """
  160. body = RichTextField()
  161. revisions = GenericRelation(
  162. "wagtailcore.Revision",
  163. content_type_field="base_content_type",
  164. object_id_field="object_id",
  165. related_query_name="footer_text",
  166. for_concrete_model=False,
  167. )
  168. panels = [
  169. FieldPanel("body"),
  170. PublishingPanel(),
  171. ]
  172. def __str__(self):
  173. return "Footer text"
  174. def get_preview_template(self, request, mode_name):
  175. return "base.html"
  176. def get_preview_context(self, request, mode_name):
  177. return {"footer_text": self.body}
  178. class Meta(TranslatableMixin.Meta):
  179. verbose_name = "footer text"
  180. verbose_name_plural = "footer text"
  181. class StandardPage(Page):
  182. """
  183. A generic content page. On this demo site we use it for an about page but
  184. it could be used for any type of page content that only needs a title,
  185. image, introduction and body field
  186. """
  187. introduction = models.TextField(help_text="Text to describe the page", blank=True)
  188. image = models.ForeignKey(
  189. "wagtailimages.Image",
  190. null=True,
  191. blank=True,
  192. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  193. related_name="+",
  194. help_text="Landscape mode only; horizontal width between 1000px and 3000px.",
  195. )
  196. body = StreamField(
  197. BaseStreamBlock(), verbose_name="Page body", blank=True, use_json_field=True
  198. )
  199. content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
  200. FieldPanel("introduction"),
  201. FieldPanel("body"),
  202. FieldPanel("image"),
  203. ]
  204. class HomePage(Page):
  205. """
  206. The Home Page. This looks slightly more complicated than it is. You can
  207. see if you visit your site and edit the homepage that it is split between
  208. a:
  209. - Hero area
  210. - Body area
  211. - A promotional area
  212. - Moveable featured site sections
  213. """
  214. # Hero section of HomePage
  215. image = models.ForeignKey(
  216. "wagtailimages.Image",
  217. null=True,
  218. blank=True,
  219. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  220. related_name="+",
  221. help_text="Homepage image",
  222. )
  223. hero_text = models.CharField(
  224. max_length=255, help_text="Write an introduction for the bakery"
  225. )
  226. hero_cta = models.CharField(
  227. verbose_name="Hero CTA",
  228. max_length=255,
  229. help_text="Text to display on Call to Action",
  230. )
  231. hero_cta_link = models.ForeignKey(
  232. "wagtailcore.Page",
  233. null=True,
  234. blank=True,
  235. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  236. related_name="+",
  237. verbose_name="Hero CTA link",
  238. help_text="Choose a page to link to for the Call to Action",
  239. )
  240. # Body section of the HomePage
  241. body = StreamField(
  242. BaseStreamBlock(),
  243. verbose_name="Home content block",
  244. blank=True,
  245. use_json_field=True,
  246. )
  247. # Promo section of the HomePage
  248. promo_image = models.ForeignKey(
  249. "wagtailimages.Image",
  250. null=True,
  251. blank=True,
  252. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  253. related_name="+",
  254. help_text="Promo image",
  255. )
  256. promo_title = models.CharField(
  257. blank=True, max_length=255, help_text="Title to display above the promo copy"
  258. )
  259. promo_text = RichTextField(
  260. null=True, blank=True, max_length=1000, help_text="Write some promotional copy"
  261. )
  262. # Featured sections on the HomePage
  263. # You will see on templates/base/home_page.html that these are treated
  264. # in different ways, and displayed in different areas of the page.
  265. # Each list their children items that we access via the children function
  266. # that we define on the individual Page models e.g. BlogIndexPage
  267. featured_section_1_title = models.CharField(
  268. blank=True, max_length=255, help_text="Title to display above the promo copy"
  269. )
  270. featured_section_1 = models.ForeignKey(
  271. "wagtailcore.Page",
  272. null=True,
  273. blank=True,
  274. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  275. related_name="+",
  276. help_text="First featured section for the homepage. Will display up to "
  277. "three child items.",
  278. verbose_name="Featured section 1",
  279. )
  280. featured_section_2_title = models.CharField(
  281. blank=True, max_length=255, help_text="Title to display above the promo copy"
  282. )
  283. featured_section_2 = models.ForeignKey(
  284. "wagtailcore.Page",
  285. null=True,
  286. blank=True,
  287. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  288. related_name="+",
  289. help_text="Second featured section for the homepage. Will display up to "
  290. "three child items.",
  291. verbose_name="Featured section 2",
  292. )
  293. featured_section_3_title = models.CharField(
  294. blank=True, max_length=255, help_text="Title to display above the promo copy"
  295. )
  296. featured_section_3 = models.ForeignKey(
  297. "wagtailcore.Page",
  298. null=True,
  299. blank=True,
  300. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  301. related_name="+",
  302. help_text="Third featured section for the homepage. Will display up to "
  303. "six child items.",
  304. verbose_name="Featured section 3",
  305. )
  306. content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
  307. MultiFieldPanel(
  308. [
  309. FieldPanel("image"),
  310. FieldPanel("hero_text"),
  311. MultiFieldPanel(
  312. [
  313. FieldPanel("hero_cta"),
  314. FieldPanel("hero_cta_link"),
  315. ]
  316. ),
  317. ],
  318. heading="Hero section",
  319. ),
  320. MultiFieldPanel(
  321. [
  322. FieldPanel("promo_image"),
  323. FieldPanel("promo_title"),
  324. FieldPanel("promo_text"),
  325. ],
  326. heading="Promo section",
  327. ),
  328. FieldPanel("body"),
  329. MultiFieldPanel(
  330. [
  331. MultiFieldPanel(
  332. [
  333. FieldPanel("featured_section_1_title"),
  334. FieldPanel("featured_section_1"),
  335. ]
  336. ),
  337. MultiFieldPanel(
  338. [
  339. FieldPanel("featured_section_2_title"),
  340. FieldPanel("featured_section_2"),
  341. ]
  342. ),
  343. MultiFieldPanel(
  344. [
  345. FieldPanel("featured_section_3_title"),
  346. FieldPanel("featured_section_3"),
  347. ]
  348. ),
  349. ],
  350. heading="Featured homepage sections",
  351. ),
  352. ]
  353. def __str__(self):
  354. return self.title
  355. class GalleryPage(Page):
  356. """
  357. This is a page to list locations from the selected Collection. We use a Q
  358. object to list any Collection created (/admin/collections/) even if they
  359. contain no items. In this demo we use it for a GalleryPage,
  360. and is intended to show the extensibility of this aspect of Wagtail
  361. """
  362. introduction = models.TextField(help_text="Text to describe the page", blank=True)
  363. image = models.ForeignKey(
  364. "wagtailimages.Image",
  365. null=True,
  366. blank=True,
  367. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  368. related_name="+",
  369. help_text="Landscape mode only; horizontal width between 1000px and " "3000px.",
  370. )
  371. body = StreamField(
  372. BaseStreamBlock(), verbose_name="Page body", blank=True, use_json_field=True
  373. )
  374. collection = models.ForeignKey(
  375. Collection,
  376. limit_choices_to=~models.Q(name__in=["Root"]),
  377. null=True,
  378. blank=True,
  379. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  380. help_text="Select the image collection for this gallery.",
  381. )
  382. content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
  383. FieldPanel("introduction"),
  384. FieldPanel("body"),
  385. FieldPanel("image"),
  386. FieldPanel("collection"),
  387. ]
  388. # Defining what content type can sit under the parent. Since it's a blank
  389. # array no subpage can be added
  390. subpage_types = []
  391. class FormField(AbstractFormField):
  392. """
  393. Wagtailforms is a module to introduce simple forms on a Wagtail site. It
  394. isn't intended as a replacement to Django's form support but as a quick way
  395. to generate a general purpose data-collection form or contact form
  396. without having to write code. We use it on the site for a contact form. You
  397. can read more about Wagtail forms at:
  399. """
  400. page = ParentalKey("FormPage", related_name="form_fields", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
  401. class FormPage(AbstractEmailForm):
  402. image = models.ForeignKey(
  403. "wagtailimages.Image",
  404. null=True,
  405. blank=True,
  406. on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
  407. related_name="+",
  408. )
  409. body = StreamField(BaseStreamBlock(), use_json_field=True)
  410. thank_you_text = RichTextField(blank=True)
  411. # Note how we include the FormField object via an InlinePanel using the
  412. # related_name value
  413. content_panels = AbstractEmailForm.content_panels + [
  414. FormSubmissionsPanel(),
  415. FieldPanel("image"),
  416. FieldPanel("body"),
  417. InlinePanel("form_fields", heading="Form fields", label="Field"),
  418. FieldPanel("thank_you_text"),
  419. MultiFieldPanel(
  420. [
  421. FieldRowPanel(
  422. [
  423. FieldPanel("from_address"),
  424. FieldPanel("to_address"),
  425. ]
  426. ),
  427. FieldPanel("subject"),
  428. ],
  429. "Email",
  430. ),
  431. ]
  432. @register_setting(icon="cog")
  433. class GenericSettings(ClusterableModel, BaseGenericSetting):
  434. mastodon_url = models.URLField(verbose_name="Mastodon URL", blank=True)
  435. github_url = models.URLField(verbose_name="GitHub URL", blank=True)
  436. organisation_url = models.URLField(verbose_name="Organisation URL", blank=True)
  437. panels = [
  438. MultiFieldPanel(
  439. [
  440. FieldPanel("github_url"),
  441. FieldPanel("mastodon_url"),
  442. FieldPanel("organisation_url"),
  443. ],
  444. "Social settings",
  445. )
  446. ]
  447. @register_setting(icon="site")
  448. class SiteSettings(BaseSiteSetting):
  449. title_suffix = models.CharField(
  450. verbose_name="Title suffix",
  451. max_length=255,
  452. help_text="The suffix for the title meta tag e.g. ' | The Wagtail Bakery'",
  453. default="The Wagtail Bakery",
  454. )
  455. panels = [
  456. FieldPanel("title_suffix"),
  457. ]
  458. class UserApprovalTaskState(TaskState):
  459. pass
  460. class UserApprovalTask(Task):
  461. """
  462. Based on
  463. """
  464. user = models.ForeignKey(
  465. settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=False
  466. )
  467. admin_form_fields = Task.admin_form_fields + ["user"]
  468. task_state_class = UserApprovalTaskState
  469. # prevent editing of `user` after the task is created
  470. # by default, this attribute contains the 'name' field to prevent tasks from being renamed
  471. admin_form_readonly_on_edit_fields = Task.admin_form_readonly_on_edit_fields + [
  472. "user"
  473. ]
  474. def user_can_access_editor(self, page, user):
  475. return user == self.user
  476. def page_locked_for_user(self, page, user):
  477. return user != self.user
  478. def get_actions(self, page, user):
  479. if user == self.user:
  480. return [
  481. ("approve", "Approve", False),
  482. ("reject", "Reject", False),
  483. ("cancel", "Cancel", False),
  484. ]
  485. else:
  486. return []
  487. def on_action(self, task_state, user, action_name, **kwargs):
  488. if action_name == "cancel":
  489. return task_state.workflow_state.cancel(user=user)
  490. else:
  491. return super().on_action(task_state, user, action_name, **kwargs)
  492. def get_task_states_user_can_moderate(self, user, **kwargs):
  493. if user == self.user:
  494. # get all task states linked to the (base class of) current task
  495. return TaskState.objects.filter(
  496. status=TaskState.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, task=self.task_ptr
  497. )
  498. else:
  499. return TaskState.objects.none()
  500. @classmethod
  501. def get_description(cls):
  502. return _("Only a specific user can approve this task")