production.txt 597 B

  1. -r base.txt
  2. # elasticsearch==2.x.x chosen for compatibility with t2.micro.elasticsearch and t2.small.elasticsearch
  3. # instance types on AWS (Elasticsearch 2.3). Adjust for your deployment as needed.
  4. elasticsearch==2.4.1
  5. # Additional dependencies for Heroku, AWS, and Google Cloud deployment
  6. dj-database-url==0.4.1
  7. uwsgi>=2.0.17,<2.1
  8. psycopg2>=2.7,<3.0
  9. whitenoise>=5.0,<5.1
  10. boto3==1.9.189
  11. google-cloud-storage==1.20.0
  12. django-storages>=1.8,<1.9
  13. # For retrieving credentials and signing requests to Elasticsearch
  14. botocore==1.12.33
  15. aws-requests-auth==0.4.0
  16. django-redis==4.11.0
  17. django_cache_url==2.0.0