@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Top 25 most influential Tweeters of 2022 and prior,
+Of 250 users bookmarked in 5,690 Tweets:
+1. ...
+This report was built with data from my personal apps.
+Stay tuned for my engagement report where I cound my number of Retweets for the same users--
+my equivalent to the Like button. Maybe next year the notes app will have date limited searches.
+As my capabilities and wisdom evolve my approach to social media will follow.
+Code to build this report is included in the upcoming verson of The Notes App.
+notesAppUrl = 'http://localhost:5000'
+temp1 = await fetch(notesAppUrl + '/notes/cards/search?q=twitter.com/').then(r => r.json())
+re = /(https?[a-z0-9\.\/\:]+twitter\.com\/[0-9a-z\_]+\/status\/[\d]+)/ig
+cardMatches = temp1.cards
+ .map(cm => Object.assign({}, cm, {tweetLinks: Array.from(new Set(cm.card.content.match(re)))}))
+ .filter(cm => cm.tweetLinks && cm.tweetLinks.length)
+ .map(cm => Object.assign({}, cm, {tweetUrls: cm.tweetLinks.map(l => new URL(l))}))
+ .map(cm => Object.assign({}, cm, {tweetInfos: cm.tweetUrls.map(u => ({user: u.pathname.split('/')[1], tweetId: u.pathname.split('/')[3]}))}));
+tweetsByUser = cardMatches.reduce(function (report, m) {
+ m.tweetInfos.forEach(function (ti) {
+ if (!(ti.user in report)) {
+ report[ti.user] = [];
+ }
+ report[ti.user].push(ti);
+ });
+ return report;
+}, {});
+tweetsById = cardMatches.reduce(function (report, m) {
+ m.tweetInfos.forEach(function (ti) {
+ if (!report[ti.tweetId]) {
+ report[ti.tweetId] = [];
+ }
+ report[ti.tweetId].push(ti);
+ });
+ return report;
+}, {});
+top25Authors = Object.entries(tweetsByUser).sort(function (a, b) { return b[1].length - a[1].length }).slice(0,25)
+console.log("Top 25 authors:")
+console.log(top25Authors.map((e, i) => `${i+1}.\t@${e[0]}: ${e[1].length}` ).join("\n"))
+console.log("Total tweets: " + Object.keys(tweetsById).length);