@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+from dataclasses import replace
+from datetime import datetime
+import os
+from typing import cast
+import unittest
+from unittest import TestCase
+from uuid import uuid4
+from notes_app_es import (
+ NotesApplication,
+ NoteNotFound,
+ SlugConflictError,
+from notes_app_es import (
+ Index,
+ Note,
+ user_id_cvar,
+from notes_app_es import (
+ NoteAnalytics,
+ Counter,
+from eventsourcing.system import NotificationLogReader
+from eventsourcing.domain import create_utc_datetime_now
+from eventsourcing.system import System, SingleThreadedRunner
+from eventsourcing.application import ProcessingEvent
+class TestContentManagement(TestCase):
+ def test(self) -> None:
+ # Set user_id context variable.
+ user_id = uuid4()
+ user_id_cvar.set(user_id)
+ # Construct application.
+ #app = NotesApplication()
+ #analytics = NoteAnalytics()
+ #system = System(pipes=[[app, analytics]])
+ system = System(pipes=[[NotesApplication, NoteAnalytics]])
+ runner = SingleThreadedRunner(system)
+ runner.start()
+ app = runner.get(NotesApplication)
+ analytics = runner.get(NoteAnalytics)
+ # Check the note doesn't exist.
+ with self.assertRaises(NoteNotFound):
+ app.get_note_details(slug="welcome")
+ # Check the list of notes is empty.
+ notes = list(app.get_notes())
+ self.assertEqual(len(notes), 0)
+ # Create a note.
+ app.create_note(title="Welcome", slug="welcome")
+ # Present note identified by the given slug.
+ note = app.get_note_details(slug="welcome")
+ #print(note)
+ # Check we got a dict that has the given title and slug.
+ self.assertEqual(note["title"], "Welcome")
+ self.assertEqual(note["slug"], "welcome")
+ self.assertEqual(note["body"], "")
+ self.assertEqual(note["modified_by"], user_id)
+ # Update the title.
+ app.update_title(slug="welcome", title="Welcome Visitors")
+ # Check the title was updated.
+ note = app.get_note_details(slug="welcome")
+ self.assertEqual(note["title"], "Welcome Visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(note["modified_by"], user_id)
+ # Update the slug.
+ app.update_slug(old_slug="welcome", new_slug="welcome-visitors")
+ # Check the index was updated.
+ with self.assertRaises(NoteNotFound):
+ app.get_note_details(slug="welcome")
+ # Check we can get the note by the new slug.
+ note = app.get_note_details(slug="welcome-visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(note["title"], "Welcome Visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(note["slug"], "welcome-visitors")
+ # Update the body.
+ app.update_body(slug="welcome-visitors", body="Welcome to my wiki")
+ # Check the body was updated.
+ note = app.get_note_details(slug="welcome-visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(note["body"], "Welcome to my wiki")
+ # Update the body.
+ app.update_body(slug="welcome-visitors", body="Welcome to this wiki")
+ # Check the body was updated.
+ note = app.get_note_details(slug="welcome-visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(note["body"], "Welcome to this wiki")
+ # Update the body.
+ app.update_body(
+ slug="welcome-visitors",
+ body="""
+Welcome to this wiki!
+This is a wiki about...
+ )
+ # Check the body was updated.
+ note = app.get_note_details(slug="welcome-visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ note["body"],
+ """
+Welcome to this wiki!
+This is a wiki about...
+ )
+ # Check all the Note events have the user_id.
+ for notification in NotificationLogReader(app.notification_log).read(start=1):
+ domain_event = app.mapper.to_domain_event(notification)
+ if isinstance(domain_event, Note.Event):
+ self.assertEqual(domain_event.user_id, user_id)
+ # Change user_id context variable.
+ user_id = uuid4()
+ user_id_cvar.set(user_id)
+ # Update the body.
+ app.update_body(
+ slug="welcome-visitors",
+ body="""
+Welcome to this wiki!
+This is a wiki about us!
+ )
+ # Check 'modified_by' changed.
+ note = app.get_note_details(slug="welcome-visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(note["title"], "Welcome Visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(note["modified_by"], user_id)
+ # Check a snapshot was created by now.
+ assert app.snapshots
+ index = cast(Index, app.repository.get(Index.create_id("welcome-visitors")))
+ assert index.ref
+ self.assertTrue(len(list(app.snapshots.get(index.ref))))
+ # Create some more pages and list all the pages.
+ app.create_note("Note 2", "note-2")
+ app.create_note("Note 3", "note-3")
+ app.create_note("Note 4", "note-4")
+ app.create_note("Note 5", "note-5")
+ app.create_note(None, "note-no-title")
+ notes = list(app.get_notes(desc=True))
+ self.assertEqual(notes[1]["title"], "Note 5")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[1]["slug"], "note-5")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[2]["title"], "Note 4")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[2]["slug"], "note-4")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[3]["title"], "Note 3")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[3]["slug"], "note-3")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[4]["title"], "Note 2")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[4]["slug"], "note-2")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[5]["title"], "Welcome Visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[5]["slug"], "welcome-visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[0]["title"], None)
+ self.assertEqual(notes[0]["slug"], "note-no-title")
+ notes = list(app.get_notes(desc=True, limit=3))
+ self.assertEqual(len(notes), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(notes[0]["slug"], "note-no-title")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[1]["slug"], "note-5")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[2]["slug"], "note-4")
+ notes = list(app.get_notes(desc=True, limit=3, lte=2))
+ self.assertEqual(len(notes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(notes[0]["slug"], "note-2")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[1]["slug"], "welcome-visitors")
+ notes = list(app.get_notes(desc=True, lte=2))
+ self.assertEqual(len(notes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(notes[0]["slug"], "note-2")
+ self.assertEqual(notes[1]["slug"], "welcome-visitors")
+ # Check we can't change the slug of a note to one
+ # that is being used by another note.
+ with self.assertRaises(SlugConflictError):
+ app.update_slug("note-2", "note-3")
+ # Check we can change the slug of a note to one
+ # that was previously being used.
+ app.update_slug("welcome-visitors", "welcome")
+ note = app.get_note_details(slug="welcome")
+ self.assertEqual(note["title"], "Welcome Visitors")
+ self.assertEqual(note["modified_by"], user_id)
+ now_dt = create_utc_datetime_now()
+ app.create_note(title='imported-note.md', slug='imported-note.md', created_at=now_dt, body='new note')
+ note = app.get_note_details(slug="imported-note.md")
+ self.assertEqual(note["created_at"], now_dt)
+ self.assertEqual(note["modified_at"], now_dt)
+ self.assertEqual(note["body"], 'new note')
+ app.create_note(title='imported-note-no-ts.md', slug='imported-note-no-ts.md', body='new note no ts')
+ note = app.get_note_details(slug="imported-note-no-ts.md")
+ # can we get to the underlying event?
+ self.assertEqual(note["created_at"], note["modified_at"])
+ self.assertEqual(note["body"], 'new note no ts')
+ # ----
+ # Import a note with a retro dated creation event
+ #
+ # Re-implement the Application.save machinery and the create_note logic.
+ created_at = datetime(2020,1,2)
+ import_events = Note(
+ slug='abc.md',
+ body='abc note',
+ created_at= created_at
+ ).collect_events()
+ import_events[0] = replace(import_events[0],
+ timestamp = created_at)
+ print(import_events)
+ processing_event = ProcessingEvent()
+ processing_event.collect_events(*import_events)
+ recordings = app._record(processing_event)
+ app._take_snapshots(processing_event)
+ app._notify(recordings)
+ app.notify(processing_event.events)
+ note_logged = app.note_log.trigger_event(
+ note_id=import_events[0].originator_id
+ )
+ index_entry = Index(import_events[0].slug,
+ ref=import_events[0].originator_id
+ )
+ app.save(note_logged, index_entry)
+ imported_note = app.get_note_details(slug = 'abc.md')
+ print(imported_note)
+ # ---
+ # Get a stream of all events
+ #print(analytics.recorder.select_notifications(0, 1000)[0])
+ #print(app.recorder.protocol)
+ runner.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ db_path = "./test_notes_app_es.db"
+ os.environ["PERSISTENCE_MODULE"] = "eventsourcing.sqlite"
+ os.environ["SQLITE_DBNAME"] = db_path
+ os.environ["SQLITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT"] = "10"
+ #os.environ["COMPRESSOR_TOPIC"] = "gzip"
+ print(f'Using {db_path}')
+ if os.path.exists(db_path):
+ os.remove(db_path)
+ unittest.main()