#### Self Defense The best defense is to have no karma to pay back. God does not punish sin, but withdraws his protection for the aversion of sin. Is a child born with sin? Did the sacrifice of so-called Jesus Christ appease God and win his protection despite the aversion to the sin of each person? How does one repay karma and invite the return of God and his protection? Perhaps time and fasting are enough, and this is the natural result of starvation. Stealing bread to eat is repulsive, as is hustling with deception and fear for where one will attain their next meal. Being generous wins the protection of God, more so than hoarding and fearing for the protection of resources. We find in this work that that there are basics required for survival, so for example if one is in a climate with distinct seasons that can not yield crops then a certain amount must be stored to consume during the winter months. We think in terms of dollars in the modern age, and that is a reasonable until to represent storage when used for commerce. This brings us to the power of the modern age in the next section: electricity, which can be used to power a refrigerator or freezer that extends the goods from market to days or months. A reasonable storehouse can expect God’s protection, where a storehoue larger than one canuse may be invaded by so-called pests or robbed due to squander or greed resulting from the excess—sins that repulse God. If one has Karma to pay then there may be a period where one is open to attack; no weapon formed against the righteous shall prosper, but in the period of reaching righteousness karmic matches may be met who attempt blows.