### Appendix: Employment Opportunities Survival sex. Sex workers believe that there are situations where there is no other option. Day worker. No qualifications needed. Like gig labor without need for phone. Gig labor. Download an app and do work that one is notified of. Entry level service. Walk into a location and ask or a hiring manager and apply. Blue collar small business. Similar to entry level. Often one has a connection to the owner. Corporate Office. Contact a recruiter and get the resume into shape. External or internal recruiter. Academia. Contact the admission office and start the process. Financial aid or work opportunities. It feels like mental squander and to a person who is naturally productive it feels like missed opportunity. When homeless and without income, people are also critical of how time is spent so it can feel isolating to be unable to interact with people naturally and while in violation of the social contract. During so-called worker shortages it can appear to others as though one is choosing to not work. When the weather is just right and one has access to a shower and the proper clothing then they can seek work; when that’s not the case, one can not present themselves well and will find it harder to get work and make so-called choose to not seek it. Indeed, a homeless person has a limited radius of travel constrained by budget and geography and can not show up to the same places to apply more than one in a short period [This should perhaps go in another section related to homelessness or socializing in the homeless specific work]. The time of day can play a major role in temperature. Long days will give more working hours, but there may also be a longer gap of heat and direct sunlight in the middle of the day. This may be good for charging batteries from the drive alternator and running errands, but cause some confusion during transition periods like spring and fall where day length can change by around a minute per day. If doing professional work, it’s good to start early in the morning and wrap it up by the peak of the day’s heat. The heat will linger for some time. Sitting in lingering heat can cause excess wear to electronics, consumes more battery due to inefficiencies from thermal properties, etc.One need not feel like people like them for security to realize that they need to be liked in order to be employed. How can they become likable when nobody likes them and they’re isolated?