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After 2-3 days a bath is mandatory. The hair and face become excessively greasy. Bathing can be done partially or fully. I find it useful to think of hands, face and beard, ears and neck, shoulders and arms, back and chest and bellh, armpits and side, inner thigh and crotch, outer thighs, legs, feet, butt. In a pinch, bathing can be done with tush wipes but as soon as possible one should switch to using a towel with water. Cold water and no soap is sufficient for several months, at least, as long as properly maintained. In fact, I deAdditionally, soap is hard to clean up and costs; yet is good to have around for its hygeinic property. Indeed, daily hand washing with soap is important. Often a bathroom will provide this, even in a pandemic situation. In the case of pooping pants or similar, use of soap on the hands is suggested. Face is not recommended, nor is hair on the head. Body hair should be soaped monthly or so. It’s good to have hands that smell good. Towels, Dish tub, Bio bag for laundry. Pouring technique. Order, might be given above. When? Near peak heat or after is best. Possible in the cold at 3amm in the dark. Good to get the habit built in the light, but anything is possible. Takes about 45 minutes. In cold weather more calories are burned, so it is cheapest to do it at the warmest time At the warmest time it has a cooling and refresing benefit as well. Get all things together before beginning.

  • Wash basin like dish tub
  • Towels – rough and absorbent pairs or do-all styles.
  • Bio bag / laundry bag
  • Soap, optional
  • Comb
  • Razor, optional
  • Rubber band for hair
  • Water bottle,/`1L Air flow important, as it adds humidity to the air.Routine: you should be having similar thoughts in similar places. That’s why writing in proximity and developing memory are important. The closer we are in proximity, the stronger the primary source of information. Organization is important. Remembering multiple things is important. Run the fan for air flow. A minute each 10 or so is enough. Careful of exhaust gas buildup. Abundance in towels is important. More than enough is great. Planning always fails. A plan is more for communicating reasonableness, if anyone needs convincing. Hence the name, the physics of homelessness. Courts of law have standards of reasonableness. They shouldn’t be able to violate the laws of physics.” Each wash area has a gradient of cleanliness, methods, and costs. Eg. 8% improvement vs 95% of towels vs shower from previous day. So over time towels can maintain, but have a harder time recovering from sloth or mess. Hair: dry towel, wet towel, soap + rinse, shower, ocean, lake Comb can find problem spots by feeling. When bathing is done incrementally, it is never too bad. A time slot can be allocated each day to wash face and 1 or two other areas. Each day the highest priority dirty area is washed. Long hair and beards will require more time and water and towels. A good way to preserve freshness all day is to use tush wipes after every poop without delay. Early in authoring this work the idea of having an extra tush wipe on hand was a hard pill to swallow, since $6 can be a day worth of food. It doesn’t make sense to have months of tush wipes when one can’t afford to eat for a week.

Daily & Hygeine

These are basics and what is rinsed daily before interacting with anyone. Islam views intent as mattering more than thoroughness of cleaning. The spiritual aspect of this lines up, as action > words

thoughts. Indeed we shed a good amount of toxins out through sweat. Pooping in a bag without running water is delicate. Think about every touch as transferring energy. Poop in bag, use wet wipe, use portable sink to wash hands with soap, bleach wipe portable sink. One needs to mentally check out to consider masking hygeine, but that isn’t who this book is for (touch mouth to adjust mask, touch straps to remove, touch things in public, touch straps to put back on, touch mouth to adujust, … repeat). Hair Trimmer. $45. For men there are a few key areas. Mustache, side burns (1 inch strip), and neck. Trimmer requires power… either battery or a charging station. A vacuum is strongly advised, or outside. Light might be required. If you’re doing it outside, love your neighbor. Shampooing discussion is done above. Scheduling wise this falls into a Wash+. [Homeless ID picture]




If you have a carriage then you want to preseve the value of the seats. Bathrooms are fitted with materials that will withstand the life of the house. In our case, we wash our sleeping bag weekly so that will be a good mat. It will dry by bed time, the more careful you are. Towels can be used during the accimation period.A wash basin for dishes that is about 24x18x5 inches should be good. About 10 absorbent semi-soft towels can be used once each and washed on a weekly basis, stored in a large biobag that is discarded each week. Cars provide electricity.

Public Restrooms

Certain coffee shops are hot spots for homeless people bathing for various reasons: proximity to transit, early morning or late night access, prices. This is a cost that is paid by baristas, who for monied people are often a routine source of positive social interactions for the day. When the barista is tired of cleaning up after homeless people, then they will be tired of homeless people in general even if they fake a smile.