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All must labor for 6 days per week and rest on the 7th according to God. What we do for work varies, and indeed even a Tax Collector can be blessed. We are on the earth but not of it, and so we must in some small way pay our taxes to the god of the world without worshiping him. The most remote property has property tax, thus all must do something to generate currency. The stereotype of people working their lives to retirement and then dying is true: there is no concept of retirement within The Bible. Indeed, the nature of work can change as one ages but we must always be serving others. A priest who lives based on donations can easily justify using a portion and the need for donations in general based on the need for property tax. As much of a Shepherd as one may be, having more possessions that one can carry is required even for a teacher of God’s word and thus at least a storage unit or small property with tax is required… and if not, still travel itself costs money as does food in our world built by Farmers. Isn’t retirement justified if one saves enough funds to survive the remainder of their life? Think about the storehouse: perhaps a year or 3 of provisions may be reasonable saved and protected by God, but excess is subject to destruction or theft (indeed, 666 = excess). So in conclusion, everyone must work in some capacity, and thus everything required to work can be justified and is protected by God for the righteous. What about movies where the good guy dies, such as Antitrust where the open source guy is spied on and killed with his work stolen and given workers of the competing corporation? A) we don’t know what he did off screen that would have allowed that, and B) The corporation despite any evil was in a better position to proliferate that work in a way that would work out for the good of humans. Ultimately Lucifer is a creation of God and will be destroyed, but given free will and karma the play must play out. See the appendix about finding work for concrete suggestions [Editor’s note: may not need an appendix if we put it here].