@@ -50,22 +50,46 @@ There are a lot of details, so please read on.
-You'll need a few things before getting started:
+You'll need a few things before getting started. If this is your first release,
+you'll need to coordinate with another releaser to get all these things lined
+up, and write to the Ops mailing list requesting the required access and
-* A GPG key. If the key you want to use is not your default signing key, you'll
- need to add ``-u you@example.com`` to every GPG signing command below, where
- ``you@example.com`` is the email address associated with the key you want to
- use. You will also need to add ``-i you@example.com`` to the ``twine`` call.
+* A Unix environment with these tools installed (in alphabetical order):
-* An install of some required Python packages:
+ * bash
+ * git
+ * GPG
+ * make
+ * man
+ * hashing tools (typically ``md5sum``, ``sha1sum``, and ``sha256sum`` on
+ Linux, or ``md5`` and ``shasum`` on macOS)
+ * python
+ * ssh
+* A GPG key pair. Ensure that the private part of this key is securely stored.
+ The public part needs to be uploaded to your GitHub account, and also to the
+ Jenkins server running the "confirm release" job.
+ .. admonition:: More than one GPG key
+ If the key you want to use is not your default signing key, you'll need to
+ add ``-u you@example.com`` to every GPG signing command shown below, where
+ ``you@example.com`` is the email address associated with the key you want
+ to use.
+* A clean Python virtual environment per Django version being released, with
+ these required Python packages installed:
.. code-block:: shell
$ python -m pip install wheel twine
-* Access to Django's project on PyPI. Create a project-scoped token following
- the `official documentation <https://pypi.org/help/#apitoken>`_ and set up
- your ``$HOME/.pypirc`` file like this:
+* Access to `Django's project on PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/Django/>`_ to
+ upload binaries, ideally with extra permissions to `yank a release
+ <https://pypi.org/help/#yanked>`_ if necessary. Create a project-scoped token
+ following the `official documentation <https://pypi.org/help/#apitoken>`_
+ and set up your ``$HOME/.pypirc`` file like this:
.. code-block:: ini
:caption: ``~/.pypirc``
@@ -84,7 +108,7 @@ You'll need a few things before getting started:
username = __token__
password = # A project token.
-* Access to Django's project on `Transifex
+* Access to `Django's project on Transifex
<https://app.transifex.com/django/django/>`_, with a Manager role. Generate
an API Token in the `user setting section
<https://app.transifex.com/user/settings/api/>`_ and set up your
@@ -97,33 +121,69 @@ You'll need a few things before getting started:
rest_hostname = https://rest.api.transifex.com
token = # API token
-* Access to the ``djangoproject.com`` server to upload files.
+* Access to the ``djangoproject.com`` server to upload files (using ``scp``).
-* Access to the admin on ``djangoproject.com`` as a "Site maintainer".
+* Access to the Django admin on ``djangoproject.com`` as a "Site maintainer".
-* Access to post to ``django-announce``.
+* Access to create a post in the `Django Forum - Announcements category
+ <https://forum.djangoproject.com/c/announcements/7>`_ and to send emails to
+ the following mailing lists:
-* If this is a security release, access to the pre-notification distribution
- list.
+ * `django-users <https://groups.google.com/g/django-users/>`_
+ * `django-developers <https://groups.google.com/g/django-developers/>`_
+ * `django-announce <https://groups.google.com/g/django-announce/>`_
-If this is your first release, you'll need to coordinate with another releaser
-to get all these things lined up.
+* Access to the ``django-security`` repo in GitHub. Among other things, this
+ provides access to the pre-notification distribution list (needed for
+ security release preparation tasks).
Pre-release tasks
A few items need to be taken care of before even beginning the release process.
This stuff starts about a week before the release; most of it can be done
-any time leading up to the actual release:
+any time leading up to the actual release.
+10 (or more) days before a security release
+#. Request the `CVE IDs <https://cveform.mitre.org/>`_ for the security
+ issue(s) being released. One CVE ID per issue, requested with
+ ``Vendor: djangoproject`` and ``Product: django``.
+#. Generate the relevant (private) patch(es) using ``git format-patch``, one
+ for the ``main`` branch and one for each stable branch being patched.
+A week before a security release
+#. Send out pre-notification exactly **one week** before the security release.
+ The template for that email and a list of the recipients are in the private
+ ``django-security`` GitHub wiki. BCC the pre-notification recipients and be
+ sure to include the relevant CVE IDs. Attach all the relevant patches
+ (targeting ``main`` and the stable branches) and sign the email text with
+ the key you'll use for the release, with a command like:
+ .. code-block:: shell
-#. If this is a security release, send out pre-notification **one week** before
- the release. The template for that email and a list of the recipients are in
- the private ``django-security`` GitHub wiki. BCC the pre-notification
- recipients. Sign the email with the key you'll use for the release and
- include `CVE IDs <https://cveform.mitre.org/>`_ (requested with Vendor:
- djangoproject, Product: django) and patches for each issue being fixed.
- Also, :ref:`notify django-announce <security-disclosure>` of the upcoming
- security release.
+ $ gpg --clearsign --digest-algo SHA256 prenotification-email.txt
+#. :ref:`Notify django-announce <security-disclosure>` of the upcoming
+ security release with a general message such as:
+ .. code-block:: text
+ Notice of upcoming Django security releases (3.2.24, 4.2.10 and 5.0.2)
+ Django versions 5.0.2, 4.2.10, and 3.2.24 will be released on Tuesday,
+ February 6th, 2024 around 1500 UTC. They will fix one security defect
+ with severity "moderate".
+ For details of severity levels, see:
+ https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/security/#how-django-discloses-security-issues
+A few days before any release
#. As the release approaches, watch Trac to make sure no release blockers
are left for the upcoming release.
@@ -214,13 +274,10 @@ any time leading up to the actual release:
$ git checkout -b stable/4.2.x origin/stable/4.1.x
$ git push origin stable/4.2.x:stable/4.2.x
-Preparing for release
-Write the announcement blog post for the release. You can enter it into the
-admin at any time and mark it as inactive. Here are a few examples: `example
-security release announcement`__, `example regular release announcement`__,
-`example pre-release announcement`__.
+#. Write the announcement blog post for the release. You can enter it into the
+ admin at any time and mark it as inactive. Here are a few examples: `example
+ security release announcement`__, `example regular release announcement`__,
+ `example pre-release announcement`__.
__ https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2013/feb/19/security/
__ https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2012/mar/23/14/
@@ -229,15 +286,32 @@ __ https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2012/nov/27/15-beta-1/
Actually rolling the release
-OK, this is the fun part, where we actually push out a release!
+OK, this is the fun part, where we actually push out a release! If you're
+issuing **multiple releases**, repeat these steps for each release.
#. Check `Jenkins`__ is green for the version(s) you're putting out. You
- probably shouldn't issue a release until it's green.
+ probably shouldn't issue a release until it's green, and you should make
+ sure that the latest green run includes the changes that you are releasing.
__ https://djangoci.com
+#. Cleanup the release notes for this release. Make these changes in ``main``
+ and backport to all branches where the release notes for a particular
+ version are located.
+ #. For a feature release, remove the ``UNDER DEVELOPMENT`` header at the top
+ of the release notes, remove the ``Expected`` prefix and update the
+ release date, if necessary (:commit:`example commit
+ <1994a2643881a9e3f9fa8d3e0794c1a9933a1831>`).
+ #. For a patch release, remove the ``Expected`` prefix and update the
+ release date for all releases, if necessary (:commit:`example commit
+ <34a503162fe222033a1cd3249bccad014fcd1d20>`).
#. A release always begins from a release branch, so you should make sure
- you're on a stable branch and up-to-date. For example:
+ you're on an up-to-date stable branch. Also, you should have available a
+ clean and dedicated virtual environment per version being released. For
+ example:
.. code-block:: shell
@@ -265,19 +339,19 @@ OK, this is the fun part, where we actually push out a release!
that the commit is a security fix and that an announcement will follow
(:commit:`example security commit <bf39978a53f117ca02e9a0c78b76664a41a54745>`).
-#. For a feature release, remove the ``UNDER DEVELOPMENT`` header at the
- top of the release notes and add the release date on the next line. For a
- patch release, remove the ``Expected`` prefix and update the release date,
- if necessary. Make this change on all branches where the release notes for a
- particular version are located.
#. Update the version number in ``django/__init__.py`` for the release.
Please see `notes on setting the VERSION tuple`_ below for details
- on ``VERSION``.
+ on ``VERSION`` (:commit:`example commit
+ <2719a7f8c161233f45d34b624a9df9392c86cc1b>`).
-#. If this is a pre-release package, update the "Development Status" trove
- classifier in ``setup.cfg`` to reflect this. Otherwise, make sure the
- classifier is set to ``Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable``.
+ #. If this is a pre-release package also update the "Development Status"
+ trove classifier in ``setup.cfg`` to reflect this. An ``rc`` pre-release
+ should not change the trove classifier (:commit:`example commit for alpha
+ release <eeeacc52a967234e920c001b7908c4acdfd7a848>`, :commit:`example
+ commit for beta release <25fec8940b24107e21314ab6616e18ce8dec1c1c>`).
+ #. Otherwise, make sure the classifier is set to
+ ``Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable``.
#. Tag the release using ``git tag``. For example:
@@ -285,9 +359,14 @@ OK, this is the fun part, where we actually push out a release!
$ git tag --sign --message="Tag 4.1.1" 4.1.1
- You can check your work by running ``git tag --verify <tag>``.
+ You can check your work running ``git tag --verify <tag>``.
+#. Push your work and the new tag:
-#. Push your work, including the tag: ``git push --tags``.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ $ git push
+ $ git push --tags
#. Make sure you have an absolutely clean tree by running ``git clean -dfx``.
@@ -364,48 +443,63 @@ OK, this is the fun part, where we actually push out a release!
``Django-<version>.checksum.txt.asc`` which you can then verify using ``gpg
--verify Django-<version>.checksum.txt.asc``.
-If you're issuing multiple releases, repeat these steps for each release.
Making the release(s) available to the public
Now you're ready to actually put the release out there. To do this:
-#. Upload the release package(s) to the djangoproject server, replacing
- A.B. with the appropriate version number, e.g. 4.1 for a 4.1.x release:
+#. Upload the checksum file(s):
.. code-block:: shell
- $ scp Django-* djangoproject.com:/home/www/www/media/releases/A.B
+ $ scp Django-A.B.C.checksum.txt.asc djangoproject.com:/home/www/www/media/pgp/Django-A.B.C.checksum.txt
- If this is the alpha release of a new series, you will need to create the
- directory A.B.
+ (If this is a security release, what follows should be done 15 minutes
+ before the announced release time, no sooner.)
-#. Upload the checksum file(s):
+#. Upload the release package(s) to the djangoproject server, replacing
+ A.B. with the appropriate version number, e.g. 4.1 for a 4.1.x release:
.. code-block:: shell
- $ scp Django-A.B.C.checksum.txt.asc djangoproject.com:/home/www/www/media/pgp/Django-A.B.C.checksum.txt
+ $ scp Django-* djangoproject.com:/home/www/www/media/releases/A.B
+ If this is the alpha release of a new series, you will need to create
+ **first** the directory A.B.
#. Test that the release packages install correctly using ``pip``. Here's one
- method:
+ simple method (this just tests that the binaries are available, that they
+ install correctly, and that migrations and the development server start, but
+ it'll catch silly mistakes):
.. code-block:: shell
- $ python -m venv django-pip
- $ . django-pip/bin/activate
+ $ python -m venv django-pip-tarball
+ $ . django-pip-tarball/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install https://www.djangoproject.com/m/releases/$MAJOR_VERSION/Django-$RELEASE_VERSION.tar.gz
+ $ django-admin startproject test_tarball
+ $ cd test_tarball
+ $ ./manage.py --help # Ensure executable bits
+ $ python manage.py migrate
+ $ python manage.py runserver
+ <CTRL+C>
$ deactivate
+ $ cd .. && rm -rf test_tarball && rm -rf django-pip-tarball
$ python -m venv django-pip-wheel
$ . django-pip-wheel/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install https://www.djangoproject.com/m/releases/$MAJOR_VERSION/Django-$RELEASE_VERSION-py3-none-any.whl
+ $ django-admin startproject test_wheel
+ $ cd test_wheel
+ $ ./manage.py --help # Ensure executable bits
+ $ python manage.py migrate
+ $ python manage.py runserver
+ <CTRL+C>
$ deactivate
- This just tests that the tarballs are available (i.e. redirects are up) and
- that they install correctly, but it'll catch silly mistakes.
+ $ cd .. && rm -rf test_wheel && rm -rf django-pip-wheel
#. Run the `confirm-release`__ build on Jenkins to verify the checksum file(s)
(e.g. use ``4.2rc1`` for
@@ -418,7 +512,7 @@ Now you're ready to actually put the release out there. To do this:
.. code-block:: shell
- $ twine upload -s dist/*
+ $ twine upload dist/*
#. Go to the `Add release page in the admin`__, enter the new release number
exactly as it appears in the name of the tarball