@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ Minor features
* The OpenLayers-based form widgets now use ``OpenLayers.js`` from
``https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com`` which is more suitable for production use
- than the the old ``http://openlayers.org`` source. They are also updated to
- use OpenLayers 3.
+ than the old ``http://openlayers.org`` source. They are also updated to use
+ OpenLayers 3.
* PostGIS migrations can now change field dimensions.
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ backends.
default value is ``True`` and the ``DatabaseIntrospection.get_constraints()``
method should include an ``'orders'`` key in each of the returned
dictionaries with a list of ``'ASC'`` and/or ``'DESC'`` values corresponding
- to the the ordering of each column in the index.
+ to the ordering of each column in the index.
* :djadmin:`inspectdb` no longer calls ``DatabaseIntrospection.get_indexes()``
which is deprecated. Custom database backends should ensure all types of