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Removed FastCGI support per deprecation timeline; refs #20766.

Tim Graham 10 anni fa

+ 2 - 2

@@ -432,8 +432,8 @@ X_FRAME_OPTIONS = 'SAMEORIGIN'
-# The Python dotted path to the WSGI application that Django's internal servers
-# (runserver, runfcgi) will use. If `None`, the return value of
+# The Python dotted path to the WSGI application that Django's internal server
+# (runserver) will use. If `None`, the return value of
 # 'django.core.wsgi.get_wsgi_application' is used, thus preserving the same
 # behavior as previous versions of Django. Otherwise this should point to an
 # actual WSGI application object.

+ 1 - 6

@@ -233,13 +233,8 @@ class ManagementUtility(object):
         # special case: the 'help' subcommand has no options
         elif cwords[0] in subcommands and cwords[0] != 'help':
             subcommand_cls = self.fetch_command(cwords[0])
-            # special case: 'runfcgi' stores additional options as
-            # 'key=value' pairs
-            if cwords[0] == 'runfcgi':
-                from django.core.servers.fastcgi import FASTCGI_OPTIONS
-                options.extend((k, 1) for k in FASTCGI_OPTIONS)
             # special case: add the names of installed apps to options
-            elif cwords[0] in ('dumpdata', 'sql', 'sqlall', 'sqlclear',
+            if cwords[0] in ('dumpdata', 'sql', 'sqlall', 'sqlclear',
                     'sqlcustom', 'sqlindexes', 'sqlmigrate', 'sqlsequencereset', 'test'):
                     app_configs = apps.get_app_configs()

+ 0 - 32

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-import warnings
-from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
-from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango19Warning
-class Command(BaseCommand):
-    help = "Runs this project as a FastCGI application. Requires flup."
-    def add_arguments(self, parser):
-        parser.add_argument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
-            help='Various KEY=val options.')
-    def handle(self, *args, **options):
-        warnings.warn(
-            "FastCGI support has been deprecated and will be removed in Django 1.9.",
-            RemovedInDjango19Warning)
-        from django.conf import settings
-        from django.utils import translation
-        # Activate the current language, because it won't get activated later.
-        try:
-            translation.activate(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
-        runfastcgi(args)
-    def usage(self, subcommand):
-        from django.core.servers.fastcgi import FASTCGI_HELP
-        return FASTCGI_HELP

+ 2 - 4

@@ -33,13 +33,11 @@ def get_internal_wsgi_application():
     this will be the ``application`` object in ``projectname/wsgi.py``.
     This function, and the ``WSGI_APPLICATION`` setting itself, are only useful
-    for Django's internal servers (runserver, runfcgi); external WSGI servers
-    should just be configured to point to the correct application object
-    directly.
+    for Django's internal server (runserver); external WSGI servers should just
+    be configured to point to the correct application object directly.
     If settings.WSGI_APPLICATION is not set (is ``None``), we just return
     whatever ``django.core.wsgi.get_wsgi_application`` returns.
     from django.conf import settings
     app_path = getattr(settings, 'WSGI_APPLICATION')

+ 0 - 187

@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-FastCGI (or SCGI, or AJP1.3 ...) server that implements the WSGI protocol.
-Uses the flup python package: http://www.saddi.com/software/flup/
-This is an adaptation of the flup package to add FastCGI server support
-to run Django apps from Web servers that support the FastCGI protocol.
-This module can be run standalone or from the django-admin / manage.py
-scripts using the "runfcgi" directive.
-Run with the extra option "help" for a list of additional options you can
-pass to this server.
-import importlib
-import os
-import sys
-__version__ = "0.1"
-__all__ = ["runfastcgi"]
-    'protocol': 'fcgi',
-    'host': None,
-    'port': None,
-    'socket': None,
-    'method': 'fork',
-    'daemonize': None,
-    'workdir': '/',
-    'pidfile': None,
-    'maxspare': 5,
-    'minspare': 2,
-    'maxchildren': 50,
-    'maxrequests': 0,
-    'debug': None,
-    'outlog': None,
-    'errlog': None,
-    'umask': None,
-  Run this project as a fastcgi (or some other protocol supported
-  by flup) application. To do this, the flup package from
-  http://www.saddi.com/software/flup/ is required.
-   runfcgi [options] [fcgi settings]
-Optional Fcgi settings: (setting=value)
-  protocol=PROTOCOL    fcgi, scgi, ajp, ... (default %(protocol)s)
-  host=HOSTNAME        hostname to listen on.
-  port=PORTNUM         port to listen on.
-  socket=FILE          UNIX socket to listen on.
-  method=IMPL          prefork or threaded (default %(method)s).
-  maxrequests=NUMBER   number of requests a child handles before it is
-                       killed and a new child is forked (0 = no limit).
-  maxspare=NUMBER      max number of spare processes / threads (default %(maxspare)s).
-  minspare=NUMBER      min number of spare processes / threads (default %(minspare)s).
-  maxchildren=NUMBER   hard limit number of processes / threads (default %(maxchildren)s).
-  daemonize=BOOL       whether to detach from terminal.
-  pidfile=FILE         write the spawned process-id to this file.
-  workdir=DIRECTORY    change to this directory when daemonizing (default %(workdir)s).
-  debug=BOOL           set to true to enable flup tracebacks.
-  outlog=FILE          write stdout to this file.
-  errlog=FILE          write stderr to this file.
-  umask=UMASK          umask to use when daemonizing, in octal notation (default 022).
-  Run a "standard" fastcgi process on a file-descriptor
-  (for Web servers which spawn your processes for you)
-    $ manage.py runfcgi method=threaded
-  Run a scgi server on a TCP host/port
-    $ manage.py runfcgi protocol=scgi method=prefork host= port=8025
-  Run a fastcgi server on a UNIX domain socket (posix platforms only)
-    $ manage.py runfcgi method=prefork socket=/tmp/fcgi.sock
-  Run a fastCGI as a daemon and write the spawned PID in a file
-    $ manage.py runfcgi socket=/tmp/fcgi.sock method=prefork \
-        daemonize=true pidfile=/var/run/django-fcgi.pid
-def fastcgi_help(message=None):
-    print(FASTCGI_HELP)
-    if message:
-        print(message)
-    return False
-def runfastcgi(argset=[], **kwargs):
-    options = FASTCGI_OPTIONS.copy()
-    options.update(kwargs)
-    for x in argset:
-        if "=" in x:
-            k, v = x.split('=', 1)
-        else:
-            k, v = x, True
-        options[k.lower()] = v
-    if "help" in options:
-        return fastcgi_help()
-    try:
-        import flup  # NOQA
-    except ImportError as e:
-        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e)
-        sys.stderr.write("  Unable to load the flup package.  In order to run django\n")
-        sys.stderr.write("  as a FastCGI application, you will need to get flup from\n")
-        sys.stderr.write("  http://www.saddi.com/software/flup/   If you've already\n")
-        sys.stderr.write("  installed flup, then make sure you have it in your PYTHONPATH.\n")
-        return False
-    flup_module = 'server.' + options['protocol']
-    if options['method'] in ('prefork', 'fork'):
-        wsgi_opts = {
-            'maxSpare': int(options["maxspare"]),
-            'minSpare': int(options["minspare"]),
-            'maxChildren': int(options["maxchildren"]),
-            'maxRequests': int(options["maxrequests"]),
-        }
-        flup_module += '_fork'
-    elif options['method'] in ('thread', 'threaded'):
-        wsgi_opts = {
-            'maxSpare': int(options["maxspare"]),
-            'minSpare': int(options["minspare"]),
-            'maxThreads': int(options["maxchildren"]),
-        }
-    else:
-        return fastcgi_help("ERROR: Implementation must be one of prefork or "
-                            "thread.")
-    wsgi_opts['debug'] = options['debug'] is not None
-    try:
-        module = importlib.import_module('.%s' % flup_module, 'flup')
-        WSGIServer = module.WSGIServer
-    except Exception:
-        print("Can't import flup." + flup_module)
-        return False
-    # Prep up and go
-    from django.core.servers.basehttp import get_internal_wsgi_application
-    if options["host"] and options["port"] and not options["socket"]:
-        wsgi_opts['bindAddress'] = (options["host"], int(options["port"]))
-    elif options["socket"] and not options["host"] and not options["port"]:
-        wsgi_opts['bindAddress'] = options["socket"]
-    elif not options["socket"] and not options["host"] and not options["port"]:
-        wsgi_opts['bindAddress'] = None
-    else:
-        return fastcgi_help("Invalid combination of host, port, socket.")
-    if options["daemonize"] is None:
-        # Default to daemonizing if we're running on a socket/named pipe.
-        daemonize = (wsgi_opts['bindAddress'] is not None)
-    else:
-        if options["daemonize"].lower() in ('true', 'yes', 't'):
-            daemonize = True
-        elif options["daemonize"].lower() in ('false', 'no', 'f'):
-            daemonize = False
-        else:
-            return fastcgi_help("ERROR: Invalid option for daemonize "
-                                "parameter.")
-    daemon_kwargs = {}
-    if options['outlog']:
-        daemon_kwargs['out_log'] = options['outlog']
-    if options['errlog']:
-        daemon_kwargs['err_log'] = options['errlog']
-    if options['umask']:
-        daemon_kwargs['umask'] = int(options['umask'], 8)
-    if daemonize:
-        from django.utils.daemonize import become_daemon
-        become_daemon(our_home_dir=options["workdir"], **daemon_kwargs)
-    if options["pidfile"]:
-        with open(options["pidfile"], "w") as fp:
-            fp.write("%d\n" % os.getpid())
-    WSGIServer(get_internal_wsgi_application(), **wsgi_opts).run()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    runfastcgi(sys.argv[1:])

+ 0 - 62

@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-from . import six
-buffering = int(six.PY3)        # No unbuffered text I/O on Python 3 (#20815).
-if os.name == 'posix':
-    def become_daemon(our_home_dir='.', out_log='/dev/null',
-                      err_log='/dev/null', umask=0o022):
-        "Robustly turn into a UNIX daemon, running in our_home_dir."
-        # First fork
-        try:
-            if os.fork() > 0:
-                sys.exit(0)     # kill off parent
-        except OSError as e:
-            sys.stderr.write("fork #1 failed: (%d) %s\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
-            sys.exit(1)
-        os.setsid()
-        os.chdir(our_home_dir)
-        os.umask(umask)
-        # Second fork
-        try:
-            if os.fork() > 0:
-                os._exit(0)
-        except OSError as e:
-            sys.stderr.write("fork #2 failed: (%d) %s\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
-            os._exit(1)
-        si = open('/dev/null', 'r')
-        so = open(out_log, 'a+', buffering)
-        se = open(err_log, 'a+', buffering)
-        os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
-        os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
-        os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
-        # Set custom file descriptors so that they get proper buffering.
-        sys.stdout, sys.stderr = so, se
-    def become_daemon(our_home_dir='.', out_log=None, err_log=None, umask=0o022):
-        """
-        If we're not running under a POSIX system, just simulate the daemon
-        mode by doing redirections and directory changing.
-        """
-        os.chdir(our_home_dir)
-        os.umask(umask)
-        sys.stdin.close()
-        sys.stdout.close()
-        sys.stderr.close()
-        if err_log:
-            sys.stderr = open(err_log, 'a', buffering)
-        else:
-            sys.stderr = NullDevice()
-        if out_log:
-            sys.stdout = open(out_log, 'a', buffering)
-        else:
-            sys.stdout = NullDevice()
-    class NullDevice:
-        "A writeable object that writes to nowhere -- like /dev/null."
-        def write(self, s):
-            pass

+ 0 - 431

@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-How to use Django with FastCGI, SCGI, or AJP
-.. deprecated:: 1.7
-    FastCGI support is deprecated and will be removed in Django 1.9.
-.. highlight:: bash
-Although :doc:`WSGI</howto/deployment/wsgi/index>` is the preferred deployment
-platform for Django, many people use shared hosting, on which protocols such as
-FastCGI, SCGI or AJP are the only viable options.
-.. admonition:: Note
-    This document primarily focuses on FastCGI. Other protocols, such as SCGI
-    and AJP, are also supported, through the ``flup`` Python package. See the
-    Protocols_ section below for specifics about SCGI and AJP.
-Essentially, FastCGI is an efficient way of letting an external application
-serve pages to a Web server. The Web server delegates the incoming Web requests
-(via a socket) to FastCGI, which executes the code and passes the response back
-to the Web server, which, in turn, passes it back to the client's Web browser.
-Like WSGI, FastCGI allows code to stay in memory, allowing requests to be
-served with no startup time. While
-e.g. :doc:`mod_wsgi</howto/deployment/wsgi/modwsgi>` can either be configured
-embedded in the Apache Web server process or as a separate daemon process, a
-FastCGI process never runs inside the Web server process, always in a separate,
-persistent process.
-.. _mod_perl: http://perl.apache.org/
-.. admonition:: Why run code in a separate process?
-    The traditional ``mod_*`` arrangements in Apache embed various scripting
-    languages (most notably PHP, Python and Perl) inside the process space of
-    your Web server. Although this lowers startup time -- because code doesn't
-    have to be read off disk for every request -- it comes at the cost of
-    memory use.
-    Due to the nature of FastCGI, it's even possible to have processes that run
-    under a different user account than the Web server process. That's a nice
-    security benefit on shared systems, because it means you can secure your
-    code from other users.
-Prerequisite: flup
-Before you can start using FastCGI with Django, you'll need to install flup_, a
-Python library for dealing with FastCGI. Version 0.5 or newer should work fine.
-.. _flup: http://www.saddi.com/software/flup/
-Starting your FastCGI server
-FastCGI operates on a client-server model, and in most cases you'll be starting
-the FastCGI process on your own. Your Web server (be it Apache, lighttpd, or
-otherwise) only contacts your Django-FastCGI process when the server needs a
-dynamic page to be loaded. Because the daemon is already running with the code
-in memory, it's able to serve the response very quickly.
-.. admonition:: Note
-    If you're on a shared hosting system, you'll probably be forced to use
-    Web server-managed FastCGI processes. See the section below on running
-    Django with Web server-managed processes for more information.
-A Web server can connect to a FastCGI server in one of two ways: It can use
-either a Unix domain socket (a "named pipe" on Win32 systems), or it can use a
-TCP socket. What you choose is a manner of preference; a TCP socket is usually
-easier due to permissions issues.
-To start your server, first change into the directory of your project (wherever
-your :doc:`manage.py </ref/django-admin>` is), and then run the
-:djadmin:`runfcgi` command::
-    ./manage.py runfcgi [options]
-If you specify ``help`` as the only option after :djadmin:`runfcgi`, it'll
-display a list of all the available options.
-You'll need to specify either a :djadminopt:`socket`, a :djadminopt:`protocol`
-or both :djadminopt:`host` and :djadminopt:`port`. Then, when you set up your
-Web server, you'll just need to point it at the host/port or socket you
-specified when starting the FastCGI server. See the examples_, below.
-Django supports all the protocols that flup_ does, namely fastcgi_, `SCGI`_ and
-`AJP1.3`_ (the Apache JServ Protocol, version 1.3). Select your preferred
-protocol by using the :djadminopt:`protocol=\<protocol_name\> <protocol>` option
-with ``./manage.py runfcgi`` -- where ``<protocol_name>`` may be one of:
-``fcgi`` (the default), ``scgi`` or ``ajp``. For example::
-    ./manage.py runfcgi protocol=scgi
-.. _flup: http://www.saddi.com/software/flup/
-.. _fastcgi: http://www.fastcgi.com/
-.. _SCGI: http://python.ca/scgi/protocol.txt
-.. _AJP1.3: http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/ajp/ajpv13a.html
-Running a threaded server on a TCP port::
-    ./manage.py runfcgi method=threaded host= port=3033
-Running a preforked server on a Unix domain socket::
-    ./manage.py runfcgi method=prefork socket=/home/user/mysite.sock pidfile=django.pid
-.. admonition:: Socket security
-    Django's default umask requires that the web server and the Django fastcgi
-    process be run with the same group **and** user. For increased security,
-    you can run them under the same group but as different users. If you do
-    this, you will need to set the umask to 0002 using the ``umask`` argument
-    to ``runfcgi``.
-Run without daemonizing (backgrounding) the process (good for debugging)::
-    ./manage.py runfcgi daemonize=false socket=/tmp/mysite.sock maxrequests=1
-Stopping the FastCGI daemon
-If you have the process running in the foreground, it's easy enough to stop it:
-Simply hitting ``Ctrl-C`` will stop and quit the FastCGI server. However, when
-you're dealing with background processes, you'll need to resort to the Unix
-``kill`` command.
-If you specify the :djadminopt:`pidfile` option to :djadmin:`runfcgi`, you can
-kill the running FastCGI daemon like this::
-    kill `cat $PIDFILE`
-...where ``$PIDFILE`` is the ``pidfile`` you specified.
-To easily restart your FastCGI daemon on Unix, try this small shell script::
-    #!/bin/bash
-    # Replace these three settings.
-    PROJDIR="/home/user/myproject"
-    PIDFILE="$PROJDIR/mysite.pid"
-    SOCKET="$PROJDIR/mysite.sock"
-    cd $PROJDIR
-    if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
-        kill `cat -- $PIDFILE`
-        rm -f -- $PIDFILE
-    fi
-    exec /usr/bin/env - \
-      PYTHONPATH="../python:.." \
-      ./manage.py runfcgi socket=$SOCKET pidfile=$PIDFILE
-Apache setup
-To use Django with Apache and FastCGI, you'll need Apache installed and
-configured, with `mod_fastcgi`_ installed and enabled. Consult the Apache
-documentation for instructions.
-Once you've got that set up, point Apache at your Django FastCGI instance by
-editing the ``httpd.conf`` (Apache configuration) file. You'll need to do two
-* Use the ``FastCGIExternalServer`` directive to specify the location of
-  your FastCGI server.
-* Use ``mod_rewrite`` to point URLs at FastCGI as appropriate.
-.. _mod_fastcgi: http://www.fastcgi.com/mod_fastcgi/docs/mod_fastcgi.html
-Specifying the location of the FastCGI server
-The ``FastCGIExternalServer`` directive tells Apache how to find your FastCGI
-server. As the `FastCGIExternalServer docs`_ explain, you can specify either a
-``socket`` or a ``host``. Here are examples of both:
-.. code-block:: apache
-    # Connect to FastCGI via a socket / named pipe.
-    FastCGIExternalServer /home/user/public_html/mysite.fcgi -socket /home/user/mysite.sock
-    # Connect to FastCGI via a TCP host/port.
-    FastCGIExternalServer /home/user/public_html/mysite.fcgi -host
-In either case, the file ``/home/user/public_html/mysite.fcgi`` doesn't
-actually have to exist. It's just a URL used by the Web server internally -- a
-hook for signifying which requests at a URL should be handled by FastCGI. (More
-on this in the next section.)
-.. _FastCGIExternalServer docs: http://www.fastcgi.com/mod_fastcgi/docs/mod_fastcgi.html#FastCgiExternalServer
-Using mod_rewrite to point URLs at FastCGI
-The second step is telling Apache to use FastCGI for URLs that match a certain
-pattern. To do this, use the `mod_rewrite`_ module and rewrite URLs to
-``mysite.fcgi`` (or whatever you specified in the ``FastCGIExternalServer``
-directive, as explained in the previous section).
-In this example, we tell Apache to use FastCGI to handle any request that
-doesn't represent a file on the filesystem and doesn't start with ``/media/``.
-This is probably the most common case, if you're using Django's admin site:
-.. code-block:: apache
-    <VirtualHost>
-      ServerName example.com
-      DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html
-      Alias /media /home/user/python/django/contrib/admin/media
-      RewriteEngine On
-      RewriteRule ^/(media.*)$ /$1 [QSA,L,PT]
-      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-      RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /mysite.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]
-    </VirtualHost>
-.. _mod_rewrite: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_rewrite.html
-Django will automatically use the pre-rewrite version of the URL when
-constructing URLs with the :ttag:`{% url %}<url>` template tag (and similar
-Using mod_fcgid as alternative to mod_fastcgi
-Another way to serve applications through FastCGI is by using Apache's
-`mod_fcgid`_ module. Compared to mod_fastcgi mod_fcgid handles FastCGI
-applications differently in that it manages the spawning of worker processes
-by itself and doesn't offer something like ``FastCGIExternalServer``. This
-means that the configuration looks slightly different.
-In effect, you have to go the way of adding a script handler similar to what
-is described later on regarding running Django in a :ref:`shared-hosting
-environment <apache_shared_hosting>`. For further details please refer to the
-`mod_fcgid reference`_
-.. _mod_fcgid: http://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/
-.. _mod_Fcgid reference: http://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/mod/mod_fcgid.html
-lighttpd setup
-lighttpd_ is a lightweight Web server commonly used for serving static files. It
-supports FastCGI natively and, thus, is a good choice for serving both static
-and dynamic pages, if your site doesn't have any Apache-specific needs.
-.. _lighttpd: http://www.lighttpd.net/
-Make sure ``mod_fastcgi`` is in your modules list, somewhere after
-``mod_rewrite`` and ``mod_access``, but not after ``mod_accesslog``. You'll
-probably want ``mod_alias`` as well, for serving admin media.
-Add the following to your lighttpd config file:
-.. code-block:: lua
-    server.document-root = "/home/user/public_html"
-    fastcgi.server = (
-        "/mysite.fcgi" => (
-            "main" => (
-                # Use host / port instead of socket for TCP fastcgi
-                # "host" => "",
-                # "port" => 3033,
-                "socket" => "/home/user/mysite.sock",
-                "check-local" => "disable",
-            )
-        ),
-    )
-    alias.url = (
-        "/media" => "/home/user/django/contrib/admin/media/",
-    )
-    url.rewrite-once = (
-        "^(/media.*)$" => "$1",
-        "^/favicon\.ico$" => "/media/favicon.ico",
-        "^(/.*)$" => "/mysite.fcgi$1",
-    )
-Running multiple Django sites on one lighttpd
-lighttpd lets you use "conditional configuration" to allow configuration to be
-customized per host. To specify multiple FastCGI sites, just add a conditional
-block around your FastCGI config for each site::
-    # If the hostname is 'www.example1.com'...
-    $HTTP["host"] == "www.example1.com" {
-        server.document-root = "/foo/site1"
-        fastcgi.server = (
-           ...
-        )
-        ...
-    }
-    # If the hostname is 'www.example2.com'...
-    $HTTP["host"] == "www.example2.com" {
-        server.document-root = "/foo/site2"
-        fastcgi.server = (
-           ...
-        )
-        ...
-    }
-You can also run multiple Django installations on the same site simply by
-specifying multiple entries in the ``fastcgi.server`` directive. Add one
-FastCGI host for each.
-Cherokee setup
-Cherokee is a very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server. It
-supports the widespread technologies nowadays: FastCGI, SCGI, PHP, CGI, SSI,
-TLS and SSL encrypted connections, Virtual hosts, Authentication, on the fly
-encoding, Load Balancing, Apache compatible log files, Data Base Balancer,
-Reverse HTTP Proxy and much more.
-The Cherokee project provides a documentation to `setting up Django`_ with Cherokee.
-.. _setting up Django: http://www.cherokee-project.com/doc/cookbook_django.html
-.. _apache_shared_hosting:
-Running Django on a shared-hosting provider with Apache
-Many shared-hosting providers don't allow you to run your own server daemons or
-edit the ``httpd.conf`` file. In these cases, it's still possible to run Django
-using Web server-spawned processes.
-.. admonition:: Note
-    If you're using Web server-spawned processes, as explained in this section,
-    there's no need for you to start the FastCGI server on your own. Apache
-    will spawn a number of processes, scaling as it needs to.
-In your Web root directory, add this to a file named ``.htaccess``:
-.. code-block:: apache
-    AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
-    RewriteEngine On
-    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ mysite.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]
-Then, create a small script that tells Apache how to spawn your FastCGI
-program. Create a file ``mysite.fcgi`` and place it in your Web directory, and
-be sure to make it executable::
-    #!/usr/bin/python
-    import sys, os
-    # Add a custom Python path.
-    sys.path.insert(0, "/home/user/python")
-    # Switch to the directory of your project. (Optional.)
-    # os.chdir("/home/user/myproject")
-    # Set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.
-    os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "myproject.settings"
-    from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
-    runfastcgi(method="threaded", daemonize="false")
-This works if your server uses mod_fastcgi. If, on the other hand, you are
-using mod_fcgid the setup is mostly the same except for a slight change in the
-``.htaccess`` file. Instead of adding a fastcgi-script handler, you have to
-add a fcgid-handler:
-.. code-block:: apache
-    AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi
-    RewriteEngine On
-    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ mysite.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]
-Restarting the spawned server
-If you change any Python code on your site, you'll need to tell FastCGI the
-code has changed. But there's no need to restart Apache in this case. Rather,
-just reupload ``mysite.fcgi``, or edit the file, so that the timestamp on the
-file will change. When Apache sees the file has been updated, it will restart
-your Django application for you.
-If you have access to a command shell on a Unix system, you can accomplish this
-easily by using the ``touch`` command::
-    touch mysite.fcgi
-Serving admin media files
-Regardless of the server and configuration you eventually decide to use, you
-will also need to give some thought to how to serve the admin media files. The
-advice given in the :ref:`mod_wsgi <serving-the-admin-files>` documentation
-is also applicable in the setups detailed above.
-Forcing the URL prefix to a particular value
-Because many of these fastcgi-based solutions require rewriting the URL at
-some point inside the Web server, the path information that Django sees may not
-resemble the original URL that was passed in. This is a problem if the Django
-application is being served from under a particular prefix and you want your
-URLs from the :ttag:`{% url %}<url>` tag to look like the prefix, rather than
-the rewritten version, which might contain, for example, ``mysite.fcgi``.
-Django makes a good attempt to work out what the real script name prefix
-should be. In particular, if the Web server sets the ``SCRIPT_URL`` (specific
-to Apache's mod_rewrite), or ``REDIRECT_URL`` (set by a few servers, including
-Apache + mod_rewrite in some situations), Django will work out the original
-prefix automatically.
-In the cases where Django cannot work out the prefix correctly and where you
-want the original value to be used in URLs, you can set the
-:setting:`FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME` setting in your main ``settings`` file. This sets the
-script name uniformly for every URL served via that settings file. Thus you'll
-need to use different settings files if you want different sets of URLs to
-have different script names in this case, but that is a rare situation.
-As an example of how to use it, if your Django configuration is serving all of
-the URLs under ``'/'`` and you wanted to use this setting, you would set
-``FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = ''`` in your settings file.

+ 0 - 7

@@ -12,13 +12,6 @@ ways to easily deploy Django:
-FastCGI support is deprecated and will be removed in Django 1.9.
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   fastcgi
 If you're new to deploying Django and/or Python, we'd recommend you try
 :doc:`mod_wsgi </howto/deployment/wsgi/modwsgi>` first. In most cases it'll be
 the easiest, fastest, and most stable deployment choice.

+ 4 - 4

@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ It's used both by Django's development server and in production WSGI
 WSGI servers obtain the path to the ``application`` callable from their
-configuration. Django's built-in servers, namely the :djadmin:`runserver` and
-:djadmin:`runfcgi` commands, read it from the :setting:`WSGI_APPLICATION`
-setting. By default, it's set to ``<project_name>.wsgi.application``, which
-points to the ``application`` callable in :file:`<project_name>/wsgi.py`.
+configuration. Django's built-in server, namely the :djadmin:`runserver`
+command, read it from the :setting:`WSGI_APPLICATION` setting. By default, it's
+set to ``<project_name>.wsgi.application``, which points to the ``application``
+callable in :file:`<project_name>/wsgi.py`.
 Configuring the settings module

+ 0 - 1

@@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ testing of Django applications:
 * **Deployment:**
   :doc:`Overview <howto/deployment/index>` |
   :doc:`WSGI servers <howto/deployment/wsgi/index>` |
-  :doc:`FastCGI/SCGI/AJP <howto/deployment/fastcgi>` (deprecated) |
   :doc:`Deploying static files <howto/static-files/deployment>` |
   :doc:`Tracking code errors by email <howto/error-reporting>`

+ 0 - 5

@@ -64,11 +64,6 @@ Runs over the entire source tree of the current directory and pulls out all
 strings marked for translation. It creates (or updates) a message file in the
 conf/locale (in the django tree) or locale (for project and application) directory.
-.BI "runfcgi [" "KEY=val" "] [" "KEY=val" "] " "..."
-Runs this project as a FastCGI application. Requires flup. Use
-.B runfcgi help
-for help on the KEY=val pairs.
 .BI "runserver [" "\-\-noreload" "] [" "\-\-nothreading" "] [" "\-\-nostatic" "] [" "\-\-insecure" "] [" "\-\-ipv6" "] [" "port|ipaddr:port" "]"
 Starts a lightweight Web server for development.

+ 1 - 2

@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ the deployment of a normal Django application. Please consult Django's
     GeoDjango uses the GDAL geospatial library which is
     not thread safe at this time.  Thus, it is *highly* recommended
     to not use threading when deploying -- in other words, use an
-    appropriate configuration of Apache or the prefork method
-    when using FastCGI through another Web server.
+    appropriate configuration of Apache.
     For example, when configuring your application with ``mod_wsgi``,
     set the ``WSGIDaemonProcess`` attribute ``threads`` to ``1``, unless

+ 0 - 127

@@ -775,133 +775,6 @@ run correctly.
     The ``--list`` option has been moved to the :djadmin:`showmigrations`
-runfcgi [options]
-.. django-admin:: runfcgi
-.. deprecated:: 1.7
-    FastCGI support is deprecated and will be removed in Django 1.9.
-Starts a set of FastCGI processes suitable for use with any Web server that
-supports the FastCGI protocol. See the :doc:`FastCGI deployment documentation
-</howto/deployment/fastcgi>` for details. Requires the Python FastCGI module from
-Internally, this wraps the WSGI application object specified by the
-:setting:`WSGI_APPLICATION` setting.
-.. _flup: http://www.saddi.com/software/flup/
-The options accepted by this command are passed to the FastCGI library and
-don't use the ``'--'`` prefix as is usual for other Django management commands.
-.. django-admin-option:: protocol
-Protocol to use. *PROTOCOL* can be ``fcgi``, ``scgi``, ``ajp``, etc.
-(default is ``fcgi``)
-.. django-admin-option:: host
-Hostname to listen on.
-.. django-admin-option:: port
-Port to listen on.
-.. django-admin-option:: socket
-UNIX socket to listen on.
-.. django-admin-option:: method
-Possible values: ``prefork`` or ``threaded`` (default ``prefork``)
-.. django-admin-option:: maxrequests
-Number of requests a child handles before it is killed and a new child is
-forked (0 means no limit).
-.. django-admin-option:: maxspare
-Max number of spare processes / threads.
-.. django-admin-option:: minspare
-Min number of spare processes / threads.
-.. django-admin-option:: maxchildren
-Hard limit number of processes / threads.
-.. django-admin-option:: daemonize
-Whether to detach from terminal.
-.. django-admin-option:: pidfile
-Write the spawned process-id to file *FILE*.
-.. django-admin-option:: workdir
-Change to directory *DIRECTORY* when daemonizing.
-.. django-admin-option:: debug
-Set to true to enable flup tracebacks.
-.. django-admin-option:: outlog
-Write stdout to the *FILE* file.
-.. django-admin-option:: errlog
-Write stderr to the *FILE* file.
-.. django-admin-option:: umask
-Umask to use when daemonizing. The value is interpreted as an octal number
-(default value is ``0o22``).
-Example usage::
-    django-admin runfcgi socket=/tmp/fcgi.sock method=prefork daemonize=true \
-        pidfile=/var/run/django-fcgi.pid
-Run a FastCGI server as a daemon and write the spawned PID in a file.
 runserver [port or address:port]

+ 1 - 2

@@ -692,8 +692,7 @@ more flexible ``mod_wsgi`` backend.
 If you are currently using the ``mod_python`` request handler, you
 should redeploy your Django projects using another request handler.
 :doc:`mod_wsgi </howto/deployment/wsgi/modwsgi>` is the request handler
-recommended by the Django project, but :doc:`FastCGI
-</howto/deployment/fastcgi>` is also supported. Support for
+recommended by the Django project, but FastCGI is also supported. Support for
 ``mod_python`` deployment will be removed in Django 1.5.
 Function-based generic views

+ 1 - 1

@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ with the same WSGI configuration that is used for deployment. The new
 :setting:`WSGI_APPLICATION` setting lets you configure which WSGI callable
 :djadmin:`runserver` uses.
-(The :djadmin:`runfcgi` management command also internally wraps the WSGI
+(The ``runfcgi`` management command also internally wraps the WSGI
 callable configured via :setting:`WSGI_APPLICATION`.)
 ``SELECT FOR UPDATE`` support

+ 0 - 3

@@ -199,9 +199,7 @@ Facebook
@@ -540,7 +538,6 @@ rjust

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-omit = */django/contrib/*/tests*,*/django/core/servers/fastcgi.py,*/django/utils/autoreload.py
+omit = */django/contrib/*/tests*,*/django/utils/autoreload.py
 ignore_errors = True

+ 0 - 6

@@ -93,12 +93,6 @@ class BashCompletionTests(unittest.TestCase):
         output = self._run_autocomplete()
         self.assertEqual(output, [''])
-    def test_runfcgi(self):
-        "Command arguments will be autocompleted"
-        self._user_input('django-admin runfcgi h')
-        output = self._run_autocomplete()
-        self.assertEqual(output, ['host='])
     def test_app_completion(self):
         "Application names will be autocompleted for an AppCommand"
         self._user_input('django-admin sqlmigrate a')