@@ -1057,17 +1057,19 @@ Using a 3rd-party database backend
In addition to the officially supported databases, there are backends provided
by 3rd parties that allow you to use other databases with Django:
+* `CockroachDB`_
+* `Firebird`_
* `IBM DB2`_
* `Microsoft SQL Server`_
-* Firebird_
-* ODBC_
+* `ODBC`_
The Django versions and ORM features supported by these unofficial backends
vary considerably. Queries regarding the specific capabilities of these
unofficial backends, along with any support queries, should be directed to
the support channels provided by each 3rd party project.
+.. _CockroachDB: https://pypi.org/project/django-cockroachdb/
+.. _Firebird: https://pypi.org/project/django-firebird/
.. _IBM DB2: https://pypi.org/project/ibm_db_django/
-.. _Microsoft SQL Server: https://pypi.org/project/django-pyodbc-azure/
-.. _Firebird: https://github.com/maxirobaina/django-firebird
-.. _ODBC: https://github.com/lionheart/django-pyodbc/
+.. _Microsoft SQL Server: https://pypi.org/project/django-mssql-backend/
+.. _ODBC: https://pypi.org/project/django-pyodbc/