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Removed django.contrib.markup.

Aymeric Augustin 12 ani în urmă

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 90

@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-Set of "markup" template filters for Django.  These filters transform plain text
-markup syntaxes to HTML; currently there is support for:
-    * Textile, which requires the PyTextile library available at
-      http://loopcore.com/python-textile/
-    * Markdown, which requires the Python-markdown library from
-      http://www.freewisdom.org/projects/python-markdown
-    * reStructuredText, which requires docutils from http://docutils.sf.net/
-from django import template
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_text
-from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
-register = template.Library()
-def textile(value):
-    try:
-        import textile
-    except ImportError:
-        if settings.DEBUG:
-            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Error in 'textile' filter: The Python textile library isn't installed.")
-        return force_text(value)
-    else:
-        return mark_safe(force_text(textile.textile(force_bytes(value), encoding='utf-8', output='utf-8')))
-def markdown(value, arg=''):
-    """
-    Runs Markdown over a given value, optionally using various
-    extensions python-markdown supports.
-    Syntax::
-        {{ value|markdown:"extension1_name,extension2_name..." }}
-    To enable safe mode, which strips raw HTML and only returns HTML
-    generated by actual Markdown syntax, pass "safe" as the first
-    extension in the list.
-    If the version of Markdown in use does not support extensions,
-    they will be silently ignored.
-    """
-    import warnings
-    warnings.warn('The markdown filter has been deprecated',
-                  category=DeprecationWarning)
-    try:
-        import markdown
-    except ImportError:
-        if settings.DEBUG:
-            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Error in 'markdown' filter: The Python markdown library isn't installed.")
-        return force_text(value)
-    else:
-        markdown_vers = getattr(markdown, "version_info", 0)
-        if markdown_vers < (2, 1):
-            if settings.DEBUG:
-                raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
-                    "Error in 'markdown' filter: Django does not support versions of the Python markdown library < 2.1.")
-            return force_text(value)
-        else:
-            extensions = [e for e in arg.split(",") if e]
-            if extensions and extensions[0] == "safe":
-                extensions = extensions[1:]
-                return mark_safe(markdown.markdown(
-                    force_text(value), extensions, safe_mode=True, enable_attributes=False))
-            else:
-                return mark_safe(markdown.markdown(
-                    force_text(value), extensions, safe_mode=False))
-def restructuredtext(value):
-    import warnings
-    warnings.warn('The restructuredtext filter has been deprecated',
-                  category=DeprecationWarning)
-    try:
-        from docutils.core import publish_parts
-    except ImportError:
-        if settings.DEBUG:
-            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Error in 'restructuredtext' filter: The Python docutils library isn't installed.")
-        return force_text(value)
-    else:
-        docutils_settings = getattr(settings, "RESTRUCTUREDTEXT_FILTER_SETTINGS", {})
-        parts = publish_parts(source=force_bytes(value), writer_name="html4css1", settings_overrides=docutils_settings)
-        return mark_safe(force_text(parts["fragment"]))

+ 0 - 108

@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Quick tests for the markup templatetags (django.contrib.markup)
-import re
-import warnings
-from django.template import Template, Context
-from django import test
-from django.utils import unittest
-from django.utils.html import escape
-    import textile
-except ImportError:
-    textile = None
-    import markdown
-    markdown_version = getattr(markdown, "version_info", 0)
-except ImportError:
-    markdown = None
-    import docutils
-except ImportError:
-    docutils = None
-class Templates(test.TestCase):
-    textile_content = """Paragraph 1
-Paragraph 2 with "quotes" and @code@"""
-    markdown_content = """Paragraph 1
-## An h2"""
-    rest_content = """Paragraph 1
-Paragraph 2 with a link_
-.. _link: http://www.example.com/"""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.save_warnings_state()
-        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning, module='django.contrib.markup')
-    def tearDown(self):
-        self.restore_warnings_state()
-    @unittest.skipUnless(textile, 'textile not installed')
-    def test_textile(self):
-        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ textile_content|textile }}")
-        rendered = t.render(Context({'textile_content':self.textile_content})).strip()
-        self.assertEqual(rendered.replace('\t', ''), """<p>Paragraph 1</p>
-<p>Paragraph 2 with &#8220;quotes&#8221; and <code>code</code></p>""")
-    @unittest.skipIf(textile, 'textile is installed')
-    def test_no_textile(self):
-        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ textile_content|textile }}")
-        rendered = t.render(Context({'textile_content':self.textile_content})).strip()
-        self.assertEqual(rendered, escape(self.textile_content))
-    @unittest.skipUnless(markdown and markdown_version >= (2,1), 'markdown >= 2.1 not installed')
-    def test_markdown(self):
-        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ markdown_content|markdown }}")
-        rendered = t.render(Context({'markdown_content':self.markdown_content})).strip()
-        pattern = re.compile("""<p>Paragraph 1\s*</p>\s*<h2>\s*An h2</h2>""")
-        self.assertTrue(pattern.match(rendered))
-    @unittest.skipUnless(markdown and markdown_version >= (2,1), 'markdown >= 2.1 not installed')
-    def test_markdown_attribute_disable(self):
-        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ markdown_content|markdown:'safe' }}")
-        markdown_content = "{@onclick=alert('hi')}some paragraph"
-        rendered = t.render(Context({'markdown_content':markdown_content})).strip()
-        self.assertTrue('@' in rendered)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(markdown and markdown_version >= (2,1), 'markdown >= 2.1 not installed')
-    def test_markdown_attribute_enable(self):
-        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ markdown_content|markdown }}")
-        markdown_content = "{@onclick=alert('hi')}some paragraph"
-        rendered = t.render(Context({'markdown_content':markdown_content})).strip()
-        self.assertFalse('@' in rendered)
-    @unittest.skipIf(markdown, 'markdown is installed')
-    def test_no_markdown(self):
-        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ markdown_content|markdown }}")
-        rendered = t.render(Context({'markdown_content':self.markdown_content})).strip()
-        self.assertEqual(rendered, self.markdown_content)
-    @unittest.skipUnless(docutils, 'docutils not installed')
-    def test_docutils(self):
-        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ rest_content|restructuredtext }}")
-        rendered = t.render(Context({'rest_content':self.rest_content})).strip()
-        # Different versions of docutils return slightly different HTML
-        try:
-            # Docutils v0.4 and earlier
-            self.assertEqual(rendered, """<p>Paragraph 1</p>
-<p>Paragraph 2 with a <a class="reference" href="http://www.example.com/">link</a></p>""")
-        except AssertionError:
-            # Docutils from SVN (which will become 0.5)
-            self.assertEqual(rendered, """<p>Paragraph 1</p>
-<p>Paragraph 2 with a <a class="reference external" href="http://www.example.com/">link</a></p>""")
-    @unittest.skipIf(docutils, 'docutils is installed')
-    def test_no_docutils(self):
-        t = Template("{% load markup %}{{ rest_content|restructuredtext }}")
-        rendered = t.render(Context({'rest_content':self.rest_content})).strip()
-        self.assertEqual(rendered, self.rest_content)

+ 2 - 8

@@ -145,9 +145,6 @@ If you want to run the full suite of tests, you'll need to install a number of
 *  PyYAML_
-*  Markdown_
-*  Textile_
-*  Docutils_
 *  setuptools_
 *  memcached_, plus a :ref:`supported Python binding <memcached>`
 *  gettext_ (:ref:`gettext_on_windows`)
@@ -160,9 +157,6 @@ Each of these dependencies is optional. If you're missing any of them, the
 associated tests will be skipped.
 .. _PyYAML: http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML
-.. _Markdown: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Markdown/1.7
-.. _Textile: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/textile
-.. _docutils: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/docutils/0.4
 .. _setuptools: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools/
 .. _memcached: http://memcached.org/
 .. _gettext: http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html
@@ -200,7 +194,7 @@ multiple modules by using a ``tests`` directory in the normal Python way.
 For the tests to be found, a ``models.py`` file must exist, even if it's empty.
 If you have URLs that need to be mapped, put them in ``tests/urls.py``.
-To run tests for just one contrib app (e.g. ``markup``), use the same
+To run tests for just one contrib app (e.g. ``auth``), use the same
 method as above::
-    ./runtests.py --settings=settings markup
+    ./runtests.py --settings=settings auth

+ 0 - 8

@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ those packages have.
-   markup
@@ -121,13 +120,6 @@ A set of Django template filters useful for adding a "human touch" to data.
 See the :doc:`humanize documentation </ref/contrib/humanize>`.
-A collection of template filters that implement common markup languages
-See the :doc:`markup documentation </ref/contrib/markup>`.

+ 0 - 77

@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-.. module:: django.contrib.markup
-   :synopsis: A collection of template filters that implement common markup languages.
-.. deprecated:: 1.5
-    This module has been deprecated.
-Django provides template filters that implement the following markup
-* ``textile`` -- implements `Textile`_ -- requires `PyTextile`_
-* ``markdown`` -- implements `Markdown`_ -- requires `Python-markdown`_ (>=2.1)
-* ``restructuredtext`` -- implements `reST (reStructured Text)`_
-  -- requires `doc-utils`_
-In each case, the filter expects formatted markup as a string and
-returns a string representing the marked-up text. For example, the
-``textile`` filter converts text that is marked-up in Textile format
-to HTML.
-To activate these filters, add ``'django.contrib.markup'`` to your
-:setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` setting. Once you've done that, use
-``{% load markup %}`` in a template, and you'll have access to these filters.
-For more documentation, read the source code in
-.. warning::
-    The output of markup filters is marked "safe" and will not be escaped when
-    rendered in a template. Always be careful to sanitize your inputs and make
-    sure you are not leaving yourself vulnerable to cross-site scripting or
-    other types of attacks.
-.. _Textile: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textile_%28markup_language%29
-.. _Markdown: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown
-.. _reST (reStructured Text): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReStructuredText
-.. _PyTextile: http://loopcore.com/python-textile/
-.. _Python-markdown: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Markdown
-.. _doc-utils: http://docutils.sf.net/
-reStructured Text
-When using the ``restructuredtext`` markup filter you can define a
-:setting:`RESTRUCTUREDTEXT_FILTER_SETTINGS` in your django settings to
-override the default writer settings. See the `restructuredtext writer
-settings`_ for details on what these settings are.
-.. warning::
-   reStructured Text has features that allow raw HTML to be included, and that
-   allow arbitrary files to be included. These can lead to XSS vulnerabilities
-   and leaking of private information. It is your responsibility to check the
-   features of this library and configure appropriately to avoid this. See the
-   `Deploying Docutils Securely
-   <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/howto/security.html>`_ documentation.
-.. _restructuredtext writer settings: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/config.html#html4css1-writer
-The Python Markdown library supports options named "safe_mode" and
-"enable_attributes". Both relate to the security of the output. To enable both
-options in tandem, the markdown filter supports the "safe" argument::
-    {{ markdown_content_var|markdown:"safe" }}
-.. warning::
-    Versions of the Python-Markdown library prior to 2.1 do not support the
-    optional disabling of attributes. This is a security flaw. Therefore,
-    ``django.contrib.markup`` has dropped support for versions of
-    Python-Markdown < 2.1 in Django 1.5.

+ 0 - 14

@@ -1502,20 +1502,6 @@ Default: ``()`` (Empty tuple)
 A tuple of profanities, as strings, that will be forbidden in comments when
-Default: ``{}``
-A dictionary containing settings for the ``restructuredtext`` markup filter from
-the :doc:`django.contrib.markup application </ref/contrib/markup>`. They override
-the default writer settings. See the Docutils restructuredtext `writer settings
-docs`_ for details.
-.. _writer settings docs: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/config.html#html4css1-writer
 .. setting:: ROOT_URLCONF

+ 0 - 10

@@ -2356,16 +2356,6 @@ django.contrib.humanize
 A set of Django template filters useful for adding a "human touch" to data. See
-A collection of template filters that implement these common markup languages:
-* Textile
-* Markdown
-* reST (reStructuredText)
-See the :doc:`markup documentation </ref/contrib/markup>`.

+ 0 - 7

@@ -48,13 +48,6 @@ escaping.
 You should also be very careful when storing HTML in the database, especially
 when that HTML is retrieved and displayed.
-Markup library
-If you use :mod:`django.contrib.markup`, you need to ensure that the filters are
-only used on trusted input, or that you have correctly configured them to ensure
-they do not allow raw HTML output. See the documentation of that module for more
 Cross site request forgery (CSRF) protection