@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ depth: 1
+## Writing style guide
+To ensure consistency in tone and language, follow the [Google developer documentation style guide](https://developers.google.com/style) when writing the Wagtail documentation.
## Formatting recommendations
Wagtail’s documentation uses a mixture of [Markdown](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/stable/syntax/syntax.html) and [reStructuredText](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html). We encourage writing documentation in Markdown first, and only reaching for more advanced reStructuredText formatting if there is a compelling reason.
@@ -20,6 +26,19 @@ Keep your sentences short, varied in length.
Separate text with an empty line to create a new paragraph.
+### Latin phrases and abbreviations
+Try to avoid Latin phrases (such as `ergo` or `de facto`) and abbreviations (such as `i.e.` or `e.g.`), and use common English phrases instead. Alternatively, find a simpler way to communicate the concept or idea to the reader. The exception is `etc.` which can be used when space is limited.
+| Don't use this | Use this instead |
+| -------------- | -------------------- |
+| e.g. | for example, such as |
+| i.e. | that is |
+| viz. | namely |
+| ergo | therefore |
### Heading levels
Use heading levels to create sections, and allow users to link straight to a specific section. Start documents with an `# h1`, and proceed with `## h2` and further sub-sections without skipping levels.