@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Changelog
* Fix: Remove redundant 'clear' button from site root page chooser (Matt Westcott)
* Fix: Make ModelAdmin IndexView keyboard-navigable (Saptak Sengupta)
* Fix: Prevent error on refreshing page previews when multiple preview tabs are open (Alex Tomkins)
- * Fix: Multiple accessibility fixes for Windows high contrast mode; Admin fields, Icon visibility, Page Editor field panels, sidebar menu (Dmitrii Faiazov, Chakita Muttaraju, Onkar Apte, LB (Ben Johnston))
+ * Fix: Multiple accessibility fixes for Windows high contrast mode; Admin fields, Icon visibility, Page Editor field panels, sidebar menu (Dmitrii Faiazov, Chakita Muttaraju, Onkar Apte, Desai Akshata, LB (Ben Johnston))
* Fix: `blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock`, `forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple` and `ArrayField` checkboxes will now stack instead of display inline to align with all other checkboxes fields (Seb Brown)
* Fix: Screen readers can now access login screen field labels (Amy Chan)
* Fix: Admin breadcrumbs home icon now shows for users with access to a subtree only (Stefan Hammer)