@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ You can also customise this [same behaviour for images](../images/title_generati
You can customise the resolved value of this title using a JavaScript [event listener](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener) which will listen to the `'wagtail:documents-upload'` event.
-The simplest way to add JavaScript to the editor is via the [`insert_global_admin_js` hook](insert_global_admin_js), however any JavaScript that adds the event listener will work.
+The simplest way to add JavaScript to the editor is via the [`insert_global_admin_js` hook](insert_global_admin_js). However, any JavaScript that adds an event listener will work.
## DOM Event
-The event name to listen for is `'wagtail:documents-upload'`. It will be dispatched on the document upload `form`. The event's `detail` attribute will contain:
+The event name to listen to is `'wagtail:documents-upload'`. It will be dispatched on the document upload `form`. The event's `detail` attribute will contain:
- `data` - An object which includes the `title` to be used. It is the filename with the extension removed.
- `maxTitleLength` - An integer (or `null`) which is the maximum length of the `Document` model title field.
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def get_global_admin_js():
### Changing generated titles on the page editor only to remove dashes/underscores
-Using the [`insert_editor_js` hook](insert_editor_js) instead so that this script will not run on the `Document` upload page, only on page editors.
+Use the [`insert_editor_js` hook](insert_editor_js) instead so that this script will run only on page editors and not on the `Document`.
# wagtail_hooks.py