Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Matt Westcott 7c9c54a676 Fetch new translations from Transifex il y a 1 an
  John-Scott Atlakson f8fc2c3a20 Apply `ruff format .` il y a 1 an
  zerolab ac10b36c7b Run pyupgrade with `--py38-plus` il y a 1 an
  Matt Westcott 862a57d2f7 Enable ruff checks for print statements il y a 1 an
  Matt Westcott 159c2ab856 Add translators.txt il y a 1 an
  Matt Westcott 741c6185e9 Update get-translator-credits script to run from project root il y a 2 ans
  Matt Westcott 6429f8d40b Upgrade flake8-print to resolve CircleCI failures il y a 2 ans
  Dan Braghis d10f15e558 Reformat with black il y a 3 ans
  Matt Westcott f54f0942e0 Fetch new translations from Transifex il y a 4 ans
  Matt Westcott 9947b955da Lint config fixes (#6473) il y a 4 ans
  Matt Westcott 906380486d isort new files added in #6428 il y a 4 ans
  Karl Hobley f2dfff8061 Flake8 all other Python files il y a 4 ans
  Matt Westcott 42a5027dcf Update translator credits il y a 4 ans
  Matt Westcott d5bc3c92d2 Fetch new translations and update config for Chinese (#3668) il y a 5 ans
  Mads Jensen 8b420b9abc Removed __future__ imports il y a 7 ans
  Daniel Chimeno 92f64bef27 make script py2/3 compatible il y a 8 ans
  Matt Westcott bd1456c793 Pull new translations from Transifex il y a 9 ans
  Matt Westcott 3129d72151 Sort languages by English name il y a 9 ans
  Matt Westcott e868f47852 add script for extracting a list of translators from the .po files il y a 9 ans