
Removed contrib.comments per deprecation timeline.

Tim Graham 11 年之前
共有 100 個文件被更改,包括 0 次插入14391 次删除
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+ 0 - 1

@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ recursive-include django/contrib/admindocs/templates *
 recursive-include django/contrib/auth/fixtures *
 recursive-include django/contrib/auth/templates *
 recursive-include django/contrib/auth/tests/templates *
-recursive-include django/contrib/comments/templates *
 recursive-include django/contrib/formtools/templates *
 recursive-include django/contrib/formtools/tests/templates *
 recursive-include django/contrib/flatpages/fixtures *

+ 0 - 10

@@ -500,16 +500,6 @@ CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX = ''
-# COMMENTS         #
-# The profanities that will trigger a validation error in
-# CommentDetailsForm.clean_comment. All of these should be in lowercase.

+ 0 - 93

@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-from importlib import import_module
-import warnings
-from django.apps import apps as django_apps
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.core import urlresolvers
-from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
-from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment
-from django.contrib.comments.forms import CommentForm
-from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango18Warning
-warnings.warn("django.contrib.comments is deprecated and will be removed before Django 1.8.", RemovedInDjango18Warning)
-DEFAULT_COMMENTS_APP = 'django.contrib.comments'
-def get_comment_app():
-    """
-    Get the comment app (i.e. "django.contrib.comments") as defined in the settings
-    """
-    try:
-        app_config = django_apps.get_app_config(get_comment_app_name().rpartition(".")[2])
-    except LookupError:
-        raise ImproperlyConfigured("The COMMENTS_APP (%r) "
-                                   "must be in INSTALLED_APPS" % settings.COMMENTS_APP)
-    return app_config.module
-def get_comment_app_name():
-    """
-    Returns the name of the comment app (either the setting value, if it
-    exists, or the default).
-    """
-    return getattr(settings, 'COMMENTS_APP', DEFAULT_COMMENTS_APP)
-def get_model():
-    """
-    Returns the comment model class.
-    """
-    if get_comment_app_name() != DEFAULT_COMMENTS_APP and hasattr(get_comment_app(), "get_model"):
-        return get_comment_app().get_model()
-    else:
-        return Comment
-def get_form():
-    """
-    Returns the comment ModelForm class.
-    """
-    if get_comment_app_name() != DEFAULT_COMMENTS_APP and hasattr(get_comment_app(), "get_form"):
-        return get_comment_app().get_form()
-    else:
-        return CommentForm
-def get_form_target():
-    """
-    Returns the target URL for the comment form submission view.
-    """
-    if get_comment_app_name() != DEFAULT_COMMENTS_APP and hasattr(get_comment_app(), "get_form_target"):
-        return get_comment_app().get_form_target()
-    else:
-        return urlresolvers.reverse("django.contrib.comments.views.comments.post_comment")
-def get_flag_url(comment):
-    """
-    Get the URL for the "flag this comment" view.
-    """
-    if get_comment_app_name() != DEFAULT_COMMENTS_APP and hasattr(get_comment_app(), "get_flag_url"):
-        return get_comment_app().get_flag_url(comment)
-    else:
-        return urlresolvers.reverse("django.contrib.comments.views.moderation.flag",
-                                    args=(comment.id,))
-def get_delete_url(comment):
-    """
-    Get the URL for the "delete this comment" view.
-    """
-    if get_comment_app_name() != DEFAULT_COMMENTS_APP and hasattr(get_comment_app(), "get_delete_url"):
-        return get_comment_app().get_delete_url(comment)
-    else:
-        return urlresolvers.reverse("django.contrib.comments.views.moderation.delete",
-                                    args=(comment.id,))
-def get_approve_url(comment):
-    """
-    Get the URL for the "approve this comment from moderation" view.
-    """
-    if get_comment_app_name() != DEFAULT_COMMENTS_APP and hasattr(get_comment_app(), "get_approve_url"):
-        return get_comment_app().get_approve_url(comment)
-    else:
-        return urlresolvers.reverse("django.contrib.comments.views.moderation.approve",
-                                    args=(comment.id,))
-default_app_config = 'django.contrib.comments.apps.CommentsConfig'

+ 0 - 86

@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from django.contrib import admin
-from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
-from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ungettext_lazy
-from django.contrib.comments import get_model
-from django.contrib.comments.views.moderation import perform_flag, perform_approve, perform_delete
-class UsernameSearch(object):
-    """The User object may not be auth.User, so we need to provide
-    a mechanism for issuing the equivalent of a .filter(user__username=...)
-    search in CommentAdmin.
-    """
-    def __str__(self):
-        return 'user__%s' % get_user_model().USERNAME_FIELD
-class CommentsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
-    fieldsets = (
-        (None,
-           {'fields': ('content_type', 'object_pk', 'site')}
-        ),
-        (_('Content'),
-           {'fields': ('user', 'user_name', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'comment')}
-        ),
-        (_('Metadata'),
-           {'fields': ('submit_date', 'ip_address', 'is_public', 'is_removed')}
-        ),
-     )
-    list_display = ('name', 'content_type', 'object_pk', 'ip_address', 'submit_date', 'is_public', 'is_removed')
-    list_filter = ('submit_date', 'site', 'is_public', 'is_removed')
-    date_hierarchy = 'submit_date'
-    ordering = ('-submit_date',)
-    raw_id_fields = ('user',)
-    search_fields = ('comment', UsernameSearch(), 'user_name', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'ip_address')
-    actions = ["flag_comments", "approve_comments", "remove_comments"]
-    def get_actions(self, request):
-        actions = super(CommentsAdmin, self).get_actions(request)
-        # Only superusers should be able to delete the comments from the DB.
-        if not request.user.is_superuser and 'delete_selected' in actions:
-            actions.pop('delete_selected')
-        if not request.user.has_perm('comments.can_moderate'):
-            if 'approve_comments' in actions:
-                actions.pop('approve_comments')
-            if 'remove_comments' in actions:
-                actions.pop('remove_comments')
-        return actions
-    def flag_comments(self, request, queryset):
-        self._bulk_flag(request, queryset, perform_flag,
-                        ungettext_lazy('%d comment was successfully flagged',
-                                       '%d comments were successfully flagged'))
-    flag_comments.short_description = _("Flag selected comments")
-    def approve_comments(self, request, queryset):
-        self._bulk_flag(request, queryset, perform_approve,
-                        ungettext_lazy('%d comment was successfully approved',
-                                       '%d comments were successfully approved'))
-    approve_comments.short_description = _("Approve selected comments")
-    def remove_comments(self, request, queryset):
-        self._bulk_flag(request, queryset, perform_delete,
-                        ungettext_lazy('%d comment was successfully removed',
-                                       '%d comments were successfully removed'))
-    remove_comments.short_description = _("Remove selected comments")
-    def _bulk_flag(self, request, queryset, action, done_message):
-        """
-        Flag, approve, or remove some comments from an admin action. Actually
-        calls the `action` argument to perform the heavy lifting.
-        """
-        n_comments = 0
-        for comment in queryset:
-            action(request, comment)
-            n_comments += 1
-        self.message_user(request, done_message % n_comments)
-# Only register the default admin if the model is the built-in comment model
-# (this won't be true if there's a custom comment app).
-if get_model() is Comment:
-    admin.site.register(Comment, CommentsAdmin)

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-from django.apps import AppConfig
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-class CommentsConfig(AppConfig):
-    name = 'django.contrib.comments'
-    verbose_name = _("Comments")

+ 0 - 31

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
-from django.contrib.sites.shortcuts import get_current_site
-from django.contrib import comments
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
-class LatestCommentFeed(Feed):
-    """Feed of latest comments on the current site."""
-    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.site = get_current_site(request)
-        return super(LatestCommentFeed, self).__call__(request, *args, **kwargs)
-    def title(self):
-        return _("%(site_name)s comments") % dict(site_name=self.site.name)
-    def link(self):
-        return "http://%s/" % (self.site.domain)
-    def description(self):
-        return _("Latest comments on %(site_name)s") % dict(site_name=self.site.name)
-    def items(self):
-        qs = comments.get_model().objects.filter(
-            site__pk=self.site.pk,
-            is_public=True,
-            is_removed=False,
-        )
-        return qs.order_by('-submit_date')[:40]
-    def item_pubdate(self, item):
-        return item.submit_date

+ 0 - 194

@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-import time
-from django import forms
-from django.forms.utils import ErrorDict
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
-from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment
-from django.utils.crypto import salted_hmac, constant_time_compare
-from django.utils.encoding import force_text
-from django.utils.text import get_text_list
-from django.utils import timezone
-from django.utils.translation import ungettext, ugettext, ugettext_lazy as _
-COMMENT_MAX_LENGTH = getattr(settings,'COMMENT_MAX_LENGTH', 3000)
-class CommentSecurityForm(forms.Form):
-    """
-    Handles the security aspects (anti-spoofing) for comment forms.
-    """
-    content_type  = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
-    object_pk     = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
-    timestamp     = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
-    security_hash = forms.CharField(min_length=40, max_length=40, widget=forms.HiddenInput)
-    def __init__(self, target_object, data=None, initial=None):
-        self.target_object = target_object
-        if initial is None:
-            initial = {}
-        initial.update(self.generate_security_data())
-        super(CommentSecurityForm, self).__init__(data=data, initial=initial)
-    def security_errors(self):
-        """Return just those errors associated with security"""
-        errors = ErrorDict()
-        for f in ["honeypot", "timestamp", "security_hash"]:
-            if f in self.errors:
-                errors[f] = self.errors[f]
-        return errors
-    def clean_security_hash(self):
-        """Check the security hash."""
-        security_hash_dict = {
-            'content_type' : self.data.get("content_type", ""),
-            'object_pk' : self.data.get("object_pk", ""),
-            'timestamp' : self.data.get("timestamp", ""),
-        }
-        expected_hash = self.generate_security_hash(**security_hash_dict)
-        actual_hash = self.cleaned_data["security_hash"]
-        if not constant_time_compare(expected_hash, actual_hash):
-            raise forms.ValidationError("Security hash check failed.")
-        return actual_hash
-    def clean_timestamp(self):
-        """Make sure the timestamp isn't too far (> 2 hours) in the past."""
-        ts = self.cleaned_data["timestamp"]
-        if time.time() - ts > (2 * 60 * 60):
-            raise forms.ValidationError("Timestamp check failed")
-        return ts
-    def generate_security_data(self):
-        """Generate a dict of security data for "initial" data."""
-        timestamp = int(time.time())
-        security_dict =   {
-            'content_type'  : str(self.target_object._meta),
-            'object_pk'     : str(self.target_object._get_pk_val()),
-            'timestamp'     : str(timestamp),
-            'security_hash' : self.initial_security_hash(timestamp),
-        }
-        return security_dict
-    def initial_security_hash(self, timestamp):
-        """
-        Generate the initial security hash from self.content_object
-        and a (unix) timestamp.
-        """
-        initial_security_dict = {
-            'content_type' : str(self.target_object._meta),
-            'object_pk' : str(self.target_object._get_pk_val()),
-            'timestamp' : str(timestamp),
-          }
-        return self.generate_security_hash(**initial_security_dict)
-    def generate_security_hash(self, content_type, object_pk, timestamp):
-        """
-        Generate a HMAC security hash from the provided info.
-        """
-        info = (content_type, object_pk, timestamp)
-        key_salt = "django.contrib.forms.CommentSecurityForm"
-        value = "-".join(info)
-        return salted_hmac(key_salt, value).hexdigest()
-class CommentDetailsForm(CommentSecurityForm):
-    """
-    Handles the specific details of the comment (name, comment, etc.).
-    """
-    name          = forms.CharField(label=_("Name"), max_length=50)
-    email         = forms.EmailField(label=_("Email address"))
-    url           = forms.URLField(label=_("URL"), required=False)
-    comment       = forms.CharField(label=_('Comment'), widget=forms.Textarea,
-                                    max_length=COMMENT_MAX_LENGTH)
-    def get_comment_object(self):
-        """
-        Return a new (unsaved) comment object based on the information in this
-        form. Assumes that the form is already validated and will throw a
-        ValueError if not.
-        Does not set any of the fields that would come from a Request object
-        (i.e. ``user`` or ``ip_address``).
-        """
-        if not self.is_valid():
-            raise ValueError("get_comment_object may only be called on valid forms")
-        CommentModel = self.get_comment_model()
-        new = CommentModel(**self.get_comment_create_data())
-        new = self.check_for_duplicate_comment(new)
-        return new
-    def get_comment_model(self):
-        """
-        Get the comment model to create with this form. Subclasses in custom
-        comment apps should override this, get_comment_create_data, and perhaps
-        check_for_duplicate_comment to provide custom comment models.
-        """
-        return Comment
-    def get_comment_create_data(self):
-        """
-        Returns the dict of data to be used to create a comment. Subclasses in
-        custom comment apps that override get_comment_model can override this
-        method to add extra fields onto a custom comment model.
-        """
-        return dict(
-            content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.target_object),
-            object_pk=force_text(self.target_object._get_pk_val()),
-            user_name=self.cleaned_data["name"],
-            user_email=self.cleaned_data["email"],
-            user_url=self.cleaned_data["url"],
-            comment=self.cleaned_data["comment"],
-            submit_date=timezone.now(),
-            site_id=settings.SITE_ID,
-            is_public=True,
-            is_removed=False,
-        )
-    def check_for_duplicate_comment(self, new):
-        """
-        Check that a submitted comment isn't a duplicate. This might be caused
-        by someone posting a comment twice. If it is a dup, silently return the *previous* comment.
-        """
-        possible_duplicates = self.get_comment_model()._default_manager.using(
-            self.target_object._state.db
-        ).filter(
-            content_type=new.content_type,
-            object_pk=new.object_pk,
-            user_name=new.user_name,
-            user_email=new.user_email,
-            user_url=new.user_url,
-        )
-        for old in possible_duplicates:
-            if old.submit_date.date() == new.submit_date.date() and old.comment == new.comment:
-                return old
-        return new
-    def clean_comment(self):
-        """
-        If COMMENTS_ALLOW_PROFANITIES is False, check that the comment doesn't
-        contain anything in PROFANITIES_LIST.
-        """
-        comment = self.cleaned_data["comment"]
-        if settings.COMMENTS_ALLOW_PROFANITIES == False:
-            bad_words = [w for w in settings.PROFANITIES_LIST if w in comment.lower()]
-            if bad_words:
-                raise forms.ValidationError(ungettext(
-                    "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here.",
-                    "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here.",
-                    len(bad_words)) % get_text_list(
-                        ['"%s%s%s"' % (i[0], '-'*(len(i)-2), i[-1])
-                         for i in bad_words], ugettext('and')))
-        return comment
-class CommentForm(CommentDetailsForm):
-    honeypot      = forms.CharField(required=False,
-                                    label=_('If you enter anything in this field '\
-                                            'your comment will be treated as spam'))
-    def clean_honeypot(self):
-        """Check that nothing's been entered into the honeypot."""
-        value = self.cleaned_data["honeypot"]
-        if value:
-            raise forms.ValidationError(self.fields["honeypot"].label)
-        return value


+ 0 - 324

@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# Ossama Khayat <okhayat@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Ossama Khayat <okhayat@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Arabic (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ar\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 "
-"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "محتوى"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "ميتاداتا"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "لا يوجد"
-msgstr[1] "عليه علامة"
-msgstr[2] "عليهما علامة"
-msgstr[3] "عليها علامة"
-msgstr[4] "عليها علامة"
-msgstr[5] "عليها علامة"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "تعليم التعليقات المحددة"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "اعتُمد"
-msgstr[1] "اعتُمد"
-msgstr[2] "اعتُمدا"
-msgstr[3] "اعتُمدت"
-msgstr[4] "اعتُمدت"
-msgstr[5] "اعتُمدت"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "اعتماد التعليقات المحددة"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "أزيل"
-msgstr[1] "أزيل"
-msgstr[2] "أزيلا"
-msgstr[3] "أزيلت"
-msgstr[4] "أزيل"
-msgstr[5] "أزيل"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "احذف التعليقات المحددة"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "تعليق %(count)s %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "تعليق %(count)s %(action)s."
-msgstr[2] "تعليقان %(count)s %(action)s."
-msgstr[3] "تعليقات %(count)s %(action)s."
-msgstr[4] "تعليق %(count)s %(action)s."
-msgstr[5] "تعليقات %(count)s %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "تعليقات %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "آخر التعليقات على %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "الاسم"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "عنوان بريد إلكتروني"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "رابط"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "تعليق"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "احفظ لسانك! الكلمة %s ممنوعة هنا."
-msgstr[1] "احفظ لسانك! الكلمة %s ممنوعة هنا."
-msgstr[2] "احفظ لسانك! الكلمة %s ممنوعة هنا."
-msgstr[3] "احفظ لسانك! الكلمة %s ممنوعة هنا."
-msgstr[4] "احفظ لسانك! الكلمة %s ممنوعة هنا."
-msgstr[5] "احفظ لسانك! الكلمة %s ممنوعة هنا."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "و"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "إن كتبت أي شيء في هذا الحقل فسيُعتبر تعليقك غير مرغوب به"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "نوع البيانات"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "معرف العنصر"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "مستخدم"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "اسم المستخدم"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "عنوان البريد الإلكتروني للمستخدم"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "عنوان URL للمستخدم"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "تعليق"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "تاريخ ووقت الإرسال"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "عنوان IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "عام"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "أزل اختيار هذا المربّع كي تُزيل التعليق نهائياً من الموقع."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "محذوف"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"انتق هذا المربع إذا كان التعليق غير لائق، سيتم عرض الرسالة \"تم حذف هذا "
-"التعليق\" بدلا منه."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "تعليقات"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr "كتب هذا التعليق مستخدم مُسجّل ولذا كان اسمهللقراءة فقط."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"كتب هذا التعليق مستخدم مُسجّل ولذا كان عنوان بريده الالكتروني للقراءة فقط."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"كتبه %(user)s في %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "علم"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "التاريخ"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "علَم التعليق"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "أعلام التعليقات"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "وافق على تعليق"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "تريد فعلاً جعل هذا التعليق عامّاً؟"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "وافق"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "شكراً لموافقتك"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "شكراً لك على قضاء وقتك في تحسين جودة النقاش على موقعنا"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "أزل تعليق"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "تريد فعلاً إزالة هذا التعليق؟"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "أزل"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "شكراً لإزالته"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "سِم هذا التعليق"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "تريد فعلاً وسم هذا التعليق؟"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "سٍم"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "شكراً لك على الوَسم"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "أرسل "
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "عاين"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "شكراً على تعليقك"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "شكراً لك على تعليقك"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "عاين تعليقك"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "لا يوجد أخطاء"
-msgstr[1] "رجاءً صحح الخطأ أدناه"
-msgstr[2] "رجاءً صحح الخطأين أدناه"
-msgstr[3] "رجاءً صحح الأخطاء أدناه"
-msgstr[4] "رجاءً صحح الأخطاء أدناه"
-msgstr[5] "رجاءً صحح الأخطاء أدناه"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "أرسال تعليقك"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "أو قم ببعض التغيير"


+ 0 - 309

@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Ali Ismayilov <ali@ismailov.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Ali Ismayilov <ali@ismailov.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Azerbaijani (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: az\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Məzmun"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Meta-məlumat"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"one: işarələndi\n"
-"other: işarələndilər"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Seçilmiş şərhləri işarələ"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"one: təsdiq olundu\n"
-"other: təsdiq olundular"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Seçilmiş şərhləri təsdiq et"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"one: silindi\n"
-"other: silindilər"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Seçilmiş şərhləri sil"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"one: Şərh uğurla %(action)s.\n"
-"other: %(count)s şərh uğurlar %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s şərhləri"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s üzrə son şərhlər"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Ad"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "E-poçt"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Şərh"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"one: Danışığınıza fikir verin! %s sözünü burda işlətməyə icazə verilmir.\n"
-"other:Danışığınıza fikir verin! %s sözlərini burda işlətməyə icazə verilmir."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "və"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Bu sahəyə nəsə yazsanız, şərhiniz spam kimi qiymətləndiriləcək."
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "məzmunun tipi"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "obyektin ID-si"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "istifadəçi"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "istifadəçinin adı"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "istifadəçinin e-poçt ünvanı"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "istifadəçinin URL-ni"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "şərh"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "yazılma tarix/vaxtı"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP ünvanı"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "hamı görür"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Şərhi saytdan yox etmək üçün buradakı quşu yığışdırın."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "yığışdırılıb"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Əgər şərh qeyri-uyğundursa, bura quş qoyun və şərhin yerinə \"Bu şərh "
-"yığışdırılıb\" yazısı çıxacaq."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "şərhlər"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Bu şərh daxil olmuş istifadəçi adından yazılmışdır, buna görə də onun adını "
-"dəyişmək mümkün deyil."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Bu şərh daxil olmuş istifadəçi adından yazılmışdır, buna görə də onun e-poçt "
-"ünvanını dəyişmək mümkün deyil."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%(user)s %(date)s tarixində yazmışdır.\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "işarələ"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "tarix"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "şərh işarəsi"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "şərh işarələri"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Şərhə icazə ver"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Bu şərhi hamı görsün?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Təsdiqləyirəm"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Təsdiqlədiniz"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Saytımızda müzakirəni daha keyfiyyətli etmək üçün sərf etdiyiniz vaxta görə "
-"təşəkkür edirik."
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Şərhi yığışdır"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Şərhi yığışdıraq?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Yığışdır"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Yığışdırdıq"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Şərhi işarələ"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Şərhi işarələyək?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "İşarələ"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "İşarələdik"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Yaz"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Baxım"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Şərh etdiyiniz üçün təşəkkür edirik"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Şərh etdiyiniz üçün təşəkkür edirik"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Şərhin görünüşü"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"one: Aşağıdakı səhvi düzəldin.\n"
-"other: Aşağıdakı səhvləri düzəldin."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Şərhi göndər"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "və ya düzəliş et"


+ 0 - 315

@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-01 10:41+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Павал Клёк <yehekim@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Belarusian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: be\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
-"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Зьмесьціва"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Зьвесткі"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "Пазначылі"
-msgstr[1] "пазначылі"
-msgstr[2] "Пазначылі"
-msgstr[3] "Пазначылі"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Пазначыць абраныя выказваньні"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "Ухвалілі"
-msgstr[1] "Ухвалілі"
-msgstr[2] "Ухвалілі"
-msgstr[3] "Ухвалілі"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Ухваліць абраныя выказваньні"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "Прыбралі"
-msgstr[1] "Прыбралі"
-msgstr[2] "Прыбралі"
-msgstr[3] "Прыбралі"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Прыбраць абраныя выказваньні"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(action)s %(count)s заўвагу."
-msgstr[1] "%(action)s %(count)s заўвагі."
-msgstr[2] "%(action)s %(count)s заўвагаў."
-msgstr[3] "%(action)s %(count)s заўвагаў."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "Выказваньні на %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Найноўшыя выказваньні на %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Імя"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Адрас эл. пошты"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "Сеціўная спасылка"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Выказваньне"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Сачыце за сваімі словамі! Тут нельга казаць «%s»."
-msgstr[1] "Сачыце за сваімі словамі! Тут нельга казаць «%s»."
-msgstr[2] "Сачыце за сваімі словамі! Тут нельга казаць «%s»."
-msgstr[3] "Сачыце за сваімі словамі! Тут нельга казаць «%s»."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "і"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Калі напісаць нешта ў гэтым полі, выказваньне будзе лічыцца лухтою (спамам)."
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "від зьмесьціва"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "нумар аб’екта"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "карыстальнік"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "імя карыстальніка"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "эл. пошта карыстальніка"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "сеціўная спасылка карыстальніка"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "выкавзаньне"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "час і дата выказваньня"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "Адрас IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "бачнае"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Прыбярыце гэтую птушачку, каб выказваньне зьнікла з пляцоўкі."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "прыбралі"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Абярыце, калі выказваньне не да месца або не адпавядае правілам. Замест яго "
-"будзе надпіс «Выказваньне прыбралі»."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "выказваньні"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Выказваньне пакінуў карыстальнік, які апазнаўся, таму ягонае імя нельга "
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Выказваньне пакінуў карыстальнік, які апазнаўся, таму ягоны адрас эл. пошты "
-"нельга зьмяняць."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%(date)s, аўтар — %(user)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "пазнака"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "дата"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "пазнака выказваньня"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "пазнакі выказваньняў"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Ухваліць выказваньне"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Ці сапраўды зрабіць выказваньне бачным?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Ухваліць"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Дзякуем, што ўхвалілі"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Мы ўдзячныя, што вы дапамагаеце палепшыць якасьць размовы на нашай пляцоўцы"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Прыбраць выказваньне"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Ці сапраўды прыбраць выказваньне?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Прыбраць"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Дзякуем, што прыбралі"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Пазначыць выказваньне"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Ці сапраўды пазначыць выказваньне?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Пазначыць"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Дзякуем, што пазначылі"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Даслаць"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Прагледзець"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Дзякуем, што выказаліся"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Мы ўдзячныя за вашае выказваньне"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Прагледзець выказваньне"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Выпраўце памылку ніжэй"
-msgstr[1] "Выпраўце памылкі ніжэй"
-msgstr[2] "Выпраўце памылкі ніжэй"
-msgstr[3] "Выпраўце памылкі ніжэй"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Дашліце выказваньне"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "або выпраўце яго"


+ 0 - 305

@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Boris Chervenkov <office@sentido.bg>, 2012.
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# Todor Lubenov <tlubenov@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Boris Chervenkov <office@sentido.bg>\n"
-"Language-Team: Bulgarian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: bg\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Благодаря за маркирането"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Метаданни"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "маркиран"
-msgstr[1] "маркирани"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Маркирай избраните коментари"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "одобрен"
-msgstr[1] "одобрени"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Одобри избраните коментари"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "отстранен"
-msgstr[1] "отстранени"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Премахване на избраните коментари"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s коментар беше успешно %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s коментари бяха успешно %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s коментари"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Последни коментари  на %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Име"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Email адрес"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL адрес"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Коментар"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Внимание! Думата %s не се допуска."
-msgstr[1] "Внимание! Думите %s не се допускат."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "и"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Ако въведете нещо в това поле, вашия коментар ще се третира като спам"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "тип на съдържанието"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID на обекта"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "потребител"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "потребителско име"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "email адрес на потребителя"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL адрес на потребителя"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "коментар"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "дата и час на подаване"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP адрес"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "е публичен"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Махнете отметката от това поле, за да премахнете коментара от сайта."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "е премахнат"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Щракнете тук ако коментарът е неподходящ. Вместо съдържанието на коментара, "
-"ще се покаже надписът \"Този коментар беше премахнат.\""
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "коментари"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Този коментар е публикуван от регистриран потребител, затова името не може "
-"да бъде редактирано."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Този коментар е публикуван от регистриран потребител, затова email адресът "
-"не може да бъде редактиран."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Публикуван от %(user)s на %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "маркиране"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "дата"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "отбелязване на коментар"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "отбелязване на коментари"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Одобряване на коментар"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Наистина ли да стане този коментар публичен?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Одобри"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Благодарим за одобрението"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Благодарим, че отделихте време, за да се подобри качеството на обсъждането "
-"на нашия сайт"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Премахване на коментар"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да премахнете този коментар?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Премахване"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Благодарим за премахването"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Маркирай този коментар"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да отбележете този коментар?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Отбелязване"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Благодарим за отбелязването"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Публикувай"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Преглед"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Благодарим за коментара"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Благодарим за Вашия коментар"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Преглед на коментар"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Моля, поправете грешката по-долу"
-msgstr[1] "Моля, поправете грешките по-долу"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Публикувай коментар"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "или направете промени"


+ 0 - 300

@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Translators:
-#  <anubhab91@gmail.com>, 2013.
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-20 15:10+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: anubhab91 <anubhab91@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Bengali (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: bn\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "কনটেন্ট"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "মেটাডাটা"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "ফ্ল্যাগ করা হয়েছে"
-msgstr[1] "ফ্ল্যাগ করা হয়েছে"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "চয়িত মন্তব্যগুলোকে ফ্ল্যাগ করুন"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "অনুমোদিত"
-msgstr[1] "অনুমোদিত"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "চিহ্নিত মন্তব্যগুলি অনুমোদন করুন"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে"
-msgstr[1] "মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "চয়িত মন্তব্যগুলি মুছে ফেলুন"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "নাম"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "ইমেইল ঠিকানা"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "ইউআরএল (URL)"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "মন্তব্য"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "সাবধান! %s শব্দটি এখানে প্রযোজ্য নয়।"
-msgstr[1] "সাবধান! %s শব্দগুলো এখানে প্রযোজ্য নয়।"
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "এবং"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "আপনি যদি এখানে কোনকিছু লিখেন তবে আপনার মন্তব্যকে স্প্যাম হিসেবে ধরা হবে"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "কনটেন্ট টাইপ"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "অবজেক্ট আইডি"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "সদস্য"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "সদস্যের নাম"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "সদস্যের ইমেইল ঠিকানা"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "সদস্যের ইউআরএল (URL)"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "মন্তব্য"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "দাখিলের তারিখ/সময়"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "আইপি ঠিকানা"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "সার্বজনীন"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "সাইট থেকে মন্তব্য মুছে ফেলতে এখানে আনচেক করুন।"
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "মোছা হয়েছে"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"এই বাক্সে চেক করুন যদি মন্তব্যটি যথাযথ না হয়। মন্তব্যের পরিবর্তে \"মন্তব্যদি মুছে ফেলা "
-"হয়েছে\" দেখানো হবে।"
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr "এই মন্তব্যটি একজন নিবন্ধনকৃত সদস্য করেছেন, সেজন্যই নামটি শুধুমাত্র পড়ার যোগ্য।"
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"এই মন্তব্যটি একজন নিবন্ধনকৃত সদস্য করেছেন, সেজন্যই ইমেইল ঠিকানা শুধুমাত্র পড়ার যোগ্য।"
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"লিখেছেন %(user)s - %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "পতাকা"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "তারিখ"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "মন্তব্য পতাকা"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "মন্তব্য পতাকাসমূহ"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "একটি মন্তব্য অনুমোদন করুন"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "সত্যিই কি এই মন্তব্যকে সাধারণের জন্য উন্মুক্ত করতে চান?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "অনুমোদন"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "অনুমোদন করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "আমাদের সাইটের উন্নতিকল্পে আলোচনায় যোগ দেওয়ার জন্য আপনাকে সাধুবাদ জানাই"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "একটি মন্তব্য মুছে ফেলুন"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "সত্যিই কি এই মন্তব্যকে উড়িয়ে দিতে চান?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "মুছে ফেলুন"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "মুছে ফেলার জন্য ধন্যবাদ"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "এই মন্তব্যকে পতাকাচিহ্নিত করুন"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "সত্যিই কি এই মন্তব্যকে পতাকাচিহ্নিত করতে চান?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "পতাকা"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "পতাকাচিহ্নিত করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "প্রাকদর্শন"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "মন্তব্য লেখার জন্য ধন্যবাদ"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "আপনার মতামতের জন্য ধন্যবাদ"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "আপনার মন্তব্যকে প্রাকদর্শন করুন"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr ""


+ 0 - 290

@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Fulup  <fulup.jakez@gmail.com>, 2012.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-29 18:35+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Fulup <fulup.jakez@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Breton (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: br\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Danvez"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metaroadennoù"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "merket"
-msgstr[1] "merket"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Merkañ an evezhiadennoù diuzet"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "aprouet"
-msgstr[1] "aprouet"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Aprouiñ an evezhiadennoù diuzet"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "dilamet"
-msgstr[1] "dilamet"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Dilemel an evezhiadennoù diuzet"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Anv"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Chomlec'h postel"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Evezhiadenn"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "seurt danvez"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "implijer"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "chomlec'h postel an implijer"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL an implijer"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "danvez"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "deiziad/eur kaset"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "Chomlec'h IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "zo foran"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "zo bet dilamet"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "evezhiadennoù"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "merker"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "deiziad"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "aprouiñ un evezhiadenn"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Aprouiñ"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Trugarez da vezañ aprouet"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Diverkañ un evezhiadenn"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Dilemel"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Trugarez evit an diverkadenn-mañ"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Kas"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Rakwelet"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Rakwelet hoc'h evezhiadenn"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr ""


+ 0 - 309

@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Filip Dupanović <filip.dupanovic@gmail.com>, 2011.
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Filip Dupanović <filip.dupanovic@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Bosnian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: bs\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
-"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Sadržaj"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metapodaci"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "označen"
-msgstr[1] "označena"
-msgstr[2] "označena"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Označite izabrane komentare"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "odobren"
-msgstr[1] "odobrena"
-msgstr[2] "odobrena"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Odobri izabrane komentare"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "izbrisan"
-msgstr[1] "izbrisana"
-msgstr[2] "izbrisan"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Obriši izabrane komentare"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s komentar je uspješno %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s komentara su uspješno %(action)s."
-msgstr[2] "%(count)s komentara su uspješno %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "Komentari na %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Najnoviji komentari na %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Ime"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Email adresa"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Komentar"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Pazite šta pišete! Riječ %s nije dozvoljena ovdje."
-msgstr[1] "Pazite šta pišete! Riječi %s nisu dozvoljene ovdje."
-msgstr[2] "Pazite šta pišete! Riječi %s nisu dozvoljene ovdje."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "i"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Ako unesete bilo šta u ovo polje, Vaš komentar će se smatrati spamom"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "tip sadržaja"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID objekta"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "korisnik"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "korisnikovo ime"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "korisnikova email adresa"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "korisnikov URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "komentar"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "datum/vrijeme unosa"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP adresa"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "javno dostupan"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Uklonite izbor ovog polja da bi se komentar izbrisao sa stranice."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "uklonjen"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Obilježite ovo polje ukoliko je komentar neprikladan. Prikazat će se poruka "
-"\"Komentar je ukonjen\" umjesto komentara."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "komentari"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Ovaj komentar je postavio prijavljeni korisnik i ime se ne može mijenjati."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Ovaj komentar je postavio prijavljeni korisnik i email se ne može mijenjati."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Postavio %(user)s, %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "oznaka"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "datum"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "oznaka komentara"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "oznake komentara"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Odobri komentar"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Da li zaista želite da učinite ovaj komentar javno dostupnim?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Odobri"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Hvala na odobrenju"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Hvala što ste izdvojili vrijeme da poboljšate kvalitet diskusije na našoj "
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Obriši komentar"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Da li zaista želite da obrišete ovaj komentar?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Obriši"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Hvala na brisanju"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Označi ovaj komentar"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Da li zaista želite da označite ovaj komentar?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Označi"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Hvala što ste označili komentar."
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Postavi"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Pregled"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Hvala na komentaru"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Hvala što ste ostavili svoj komentar"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Pregledaj komentar"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Molimo ispravite navadenu grešku niže"
-msgstr[1] "Molimo ispravite navedene greške niže"
-msgstr[2] "Molimo ispravite navedene greške"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Postavi komentar"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "ili izvrši izmjene"


+ 0 - 307

@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Catalan (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ca\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Contingut"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadades"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "marcat"
-msgstr[1] "marcats"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Marcar els comentaris seleccionats"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "aprovat"
-msgstr[1] "aprovats"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Aprovar els comentaris seleccionats"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "eliminat"
-msgstr[1] "eliminats"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Eliminar els comentaris seleccionats"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 comentari ha estat %(action)s satisfactòriament."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s comentaris han estat %(action)s satisfactòriament."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "comentaris de %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Últims comentaris a %(site_name)s."
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nom"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Adreça de correu electrònic"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Comentari"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Vigileu amb el vostre llenguatge! Aquí no s'admet la paraula: %s."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Vigileu amb el vostre llenguatge! Aquí no s'admeten les paraules: %s."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "i"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Si entreu qualsevol cosa en aquest camp el vostre comentari es tractarà com "
-"a spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "tipus de contingut"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID de l'objecte"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "usuari"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "nom de l'usuari"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "adreça de correu electrònic de l'usuari"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL de l'usuari"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "comentari"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "data/hora d'enviament"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "Adreça IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "és públic"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Desmarqueu aquesta casella per fer desaparèixer aquest comentari del lloc "
-"web de forma efectiva."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "està eliminat"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Marqueu aquesta casella si el comentari no és apropiat. En lloc seu es "
-"mostrarà \"Aquest comentari ha estat eliminat\" "
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "comentaris"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Aquest comentari va ser publicat per un usuari autentificat, per això el seu "
-"nom no es pot modificar."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Aquest comentari va ser publicat per un usuari autentificat, per això la "
-"seva adreça de correu electrònic no es pot modificar."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Enviat per %(user)s el %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "marcar"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "data"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "marca del comentari"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "marques del comentari"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Aprovar un comentari"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Voleu realment fer públic aquest comentari?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Aprovar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Gràcies per aprovar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Gràcies per dedicar el temps a millorar la qualitat del debat al nostre lloc"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Eliminar un comentari"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Realment voleu eliminar aquest comentari?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Gràcies per eliminar"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Marcar aquest comentari"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Realment voleu marcar aquest comentari?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Marcar"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Gràcies per marcar"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Publicar"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Vista prèvia"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Gràcies per comentar"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Gràcies pel vostre comentari"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Previsualitzar el vostre comentari"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Si us plau, corregiu l'error mostrat a sota."
-msgstr[1] "Si us plau, corregiu els errors mostrats a sota."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Enviar el seu comentari"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "o feu canvis."


+ 0 - 307

@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Czech (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: cs\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Obsah"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadata"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "označen"
-msgstr[1] "označeny"
-msgstr[2] "označeno"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Označit vybrané komentáře"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "schválen"
-msgstr[1] "schváleny"
-msgstr[2] "schváleno"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Schválit vybrané komentáře"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "odebrán"
-msgstr[1] "odebrány"
-msgstr[2] "odebráno"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Odebrat vybrané komentáře"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 komentář byl úspěšně %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s komentáře byly úspěšně %(action)s."
-msgstr[2] "%(count)s komentářů bylo úspěšně %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "Komentáře z webu %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Poslední komentáře na webu %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Jméno"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "E-mailová adresa"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Komentář"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Mluvte slušně! Slovo %s je zde nepřípustné."
-msgstr[1] "Mluvte slušně! Slova %s jsou zde nepřípustná."
-msgstr[2] "Mluvte slušně! Slova %s jsou zde nepřípustná."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "a"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Jestliže do tohoto pole cokoli zadáte, bude komentář považován za spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "typ obsahu"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID položky"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "uživatel"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "jméno uživatele"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "e-mailová adresa uživatele"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL uživatele"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "komentář"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "datum a čas byly zaslané"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "Adresa IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "je veřejný"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Pokud zrušíte zaškrtnutí tohoto políčka, komentář se na stránce nezobrazí."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "je odebrán"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Zaškrtněte, pokud je komentář nevhodný. Místo něj bude zobrazena zpráva "
-"\"Tento komentář byl odebrán\"."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "komentář"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Tento komentář zaslal přihlášený uživatel, jméno tedy není možné změnit."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Tento komentář zaslal přihlášený uživatel, e-mail tedy není možné změnit."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Zadal uživatel %(user)s dne %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "značka"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "datum"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "značka komentáře"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "značky komentáře"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Schválit komentář"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Opravdu chcete zveřejnit tento komentář?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Schválit"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Děkujeme za schválení"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Děkujeme za váš čas věnovaný zlepšení kvality diskuze na našich stránkách"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Odebrat komentář"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Opravdu chcete odebrat tento komentář?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Odebrat"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Děkujeme za odebrání"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Označit tento komentář"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Opravdu chcete označit tento komentář?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Označit"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Děkujeme za označení komentáře"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Odeslat"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Náhled"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Děkujeme za vložení komentáře"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Děkujeme za komentář"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Zobrazit náhled komentáře"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Opravte níže uvedenou chybu."
-msgstr[1] "Opravte níže uvedené chyby."
-msgstr[2] "Opravte níže uvedené chyby."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Komentář odeslat"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "nebo upravit"


+ 0 - 308

@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Welsh (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: cy\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n==2) ? 1 : (n != 8 && n != "
-"11) ? 2 : 3;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Sylw"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "ac"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "math cynnwys"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID gwrthrych"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "sylw"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "dyddiad/amser wedi ymostwng"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "cyfeiriad IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "yn gyhoeddus"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "wedi diddymu"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Postiwyd gan %(user)s ar %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr ""


+ 0 - 306

@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: da\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Indhold"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadata"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "Markeret"
-msgstr[1] "Markeret"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Marker valgte kommentarer"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "Godkendt"
-msgstr[1] "Godkendt"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Godkend valgte kommentarer"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "fjernet"
-msgstr[1] "fjernet"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Fjern valgte kommentarer"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 kommentar blev %(action)s"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s kommentarer blev %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "kommentarer på %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Seneste kommentarer på %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Navn"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "E-mail-adresse"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Kommentar"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Var din mund! Ordet %s er ikke tilladt her."
-msgstr[1] "Var din mund! Ordene %s er ikke tilladt her."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "og"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Hvis du indtaster noget i dette felt, vil din kommentar blive betragtet som "
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "indholdstype"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "objekt-ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "bruger"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "brugerens navn"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "brugerens e-mail-adresse"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "brugerens URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "kommentar"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "dato/tidspunkt for oprettelse"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP-adresse"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "er offentlig"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Hvis du fjerner afkrydsningen her, bliver din kommentar slettet fra sitet."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "er fjernet"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Afkryds denne boks, hvis kommentaren er upassende. Beskeden \"Denne "
-"kommentar er blevet fjernet\" vil blive vist i stedet."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "kommentarer"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Denne kommentar blev indsendt af en autenticeret bruger; derfor er navnet "
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Denne kommentar blev indsendt af en autenticeret bruger; derfor er e-mail-"
-"adressen skrivebeskyttet."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Indsendt af %(user)s den %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "Flag"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "dato"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "kommentarflag"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "kommentarflag"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Godkend en kommentar"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Vil du godkende denne kommentar?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Godkend"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Tak for godkendelsen"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Tak fordi du tog dig tid til at højne kvaliteten af diskussionen på vores "
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Fjern en kommentar"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Skal kommentaren fjernes?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Fjern"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Tak for fjernelsen"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Flag denne kommentar"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Skal kommentaren flages?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Flag"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Tak for markeringen"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Indsend"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Forhåndsvis"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Tak for kommenteringen"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Tak for kommentaren"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Forhåndsvis kommentar"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Ret venligst fejlen herunder."
-msgstr[1] "Ret venligst fejlene herunder."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Indsend din kommentar"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "eller gennemfør ændringer"


+ 0 - 309

@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: de\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Inhalt"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadaten"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "markiert"
-msgstr[1] "markiert"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Ausgewählte Kommentare markieren"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "freigegeben"
-msgstr[1] "freigegeben"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Ausgewählte Kommentare freigeben"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "entfernt"
-msgstr[1] "entfernt"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Ausgewählte Kommentare entfernen"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 Kommentar wurde erfolgreich %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s Kommentare wurden erfolgreich %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s-Kommentare"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Die neuesten Kommentare auf %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Name"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "Adresse (URL)"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Kommentar"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Keine Schimpfworte! Das Wort %s ist hier nicht erlaubt!"
-msgstr[1] "Keine Schimpfworte! Die Wörter %s sind hier nicht erlaubt!"
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "und"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie irgendetwas in dieses Feld eintragen, wird der Kommentar als Spam "
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "Inhaltstyp"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "Objekt-ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "Benutzer"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "Benutzername"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "Kommentar"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "Datum/Zeit Erstellung"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP-Adresse"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "ist öffentlich"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Deaktivieren, um den Kommentar sofort von der Website zu entfernen."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "ist gelöscht"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Hier einen Haken setzen, wenn der Kommentar unpassend ist. Stattdessen wird "
-"dann \"Dieser Kommentar wurde entfernt\" Meldung angezeigt."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "Kommentare"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem authentifizierten Benutzer geschrieben.\n"
-"Der Name ist daher schreibgeschützt.\n"
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem authentifizierten Benutzer geschrieben.\n"
-"Die E-Mail-Adresse ist daher schreibgeschützt.\n"
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Geschrieben von %(user)s am %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "Markierung"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "Datum"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "Kommentar-Markierung"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "Kommentar-Markierungen"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Kommentar freigeben"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie diesen Kommentar wirklich freigeben?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Freigeben"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Vielen Dank, dass Sie den Kommentar freigegeben haben"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Vielen Dank, dass Sie dabei mithelfen, die Qualität der Diskussion auf "
-"unserer Website zu verbessern"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Kommentar entfernen"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie diesen Kommentar wirklich entfernen?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Entfernen"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Vielen Dank, dass Sie diesen Kommentar entfernt haben"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Diesen Kommentar markieren"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie diesen Kommentar wirklich markieren?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Markierung"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Vielen Dank, dass Sie diesen Kommentar markiert haben"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Abschicken"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Vorschau"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Vielen Dank, dass Sie einen Kommentar geschrieben haben"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Vielen Dank für Ihren Kommentar"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Kommentarvorschau"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Bitte den unten aufgeführten Fehler korrigieren."
-msgstr[1] "Bitte die unten aufgeführten Fehler korrigieren."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Kommentar abschicken"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "oder Änderungen vornehmen"


+ 0 - 309

@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Dimitris Glezos <glezos@indifex.com>, 2011.
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# Yorgos Pagles <y.pagles@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Yorgos Pagles <y.pagles@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Greek (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: el\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Περιεχόμενο"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Μεταδεδομένα"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "επισημασμένο"
-msgstr[1] "επισημασμένα"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Επισημανση των επιλεγμένων σχολίων"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "εγκρίθηκε"
-msgstr[1] "εγκρίθηκαν"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Έγκριση των συγκεκριμένων σχολίων"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "αφαιρέθηκε"
-msgstr[1] "αφαιρέθηκαν"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Αφαίρεση των επιλεγμένων σχολίων"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] "Πραγματοποιήθκε επιτυχημένα %(action)s στα %(count)s σχόλια."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "Σχόλια στο %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Τελευταία σχόλια στο %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Όνομα"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Σχόλιο"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Η λέξη %s δεν επιτρέπεται σε σχόλια."
-msgstr[1] "Η λέξεις %s δεν επιτρέπονται σε σχόλια."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "και"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Αφήστε αυτό το πεδίο κενό. Αν εισάγετε κάτι τότε το σχόλιο θα θεωρηθεί spam "
-"και δεν θα εμφανιστεί."
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "τύπος περιεχομένου"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID αντικειμένου"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "χρήστης"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "όνομα χρήστη"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση χρήστη"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "διεύθυνση ιστοτόπου χρήστη"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "σχόλιο"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "ημερομηνία/ώρα υποβολής"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "διεύθυνση IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "είναι δημόσιο"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Απεπιλέξτε αυτή την επιλογή για να κάνετε το σχόλιο να μην εμφανίζεται."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "είναι διαγραμμένο"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Επιλέξτε αυτή την επιλογή εάν το σχόλιο είναι ανάρμοστο. Ένα μήνυμα \"Αυτό "
-"το σχόλιο διαγράφηκε\" θα εμφανιστεί στη θέση του."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "σχόλια"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Αυτό το σχόλιο πραγματοποιήθκε από πιστοποιημένο χρήστη και για τον λόγο "
-"αυτό δεν είναι είναι δυνατή η επεξεργασία του ονόματός του."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Αυτό το σχόλιο πραγματοποιήθκε από πιστοποιημένο χρήστη και για τον λόγο "
-"αυτό δεν είναι είναι δυνατή η επεξεργασία της διεύθυνσης του ηλεκτρονικού "
-"του ταχυδρομείου."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Σχόλιο από %(user)s στις %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "επισήμανση"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "ημερομηνία"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "επισήμανση σχολίου"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "επισημάνσεις σχολίου"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Έγκριση σχολίου"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Επιβεβαιώστε ότι επιθυμείτε την δημόσια εμφάνιση του σχολίου."
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Έγκριση."
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Ευχαριστούμε για την έγκριση."
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Ευχαριστούμε για τον χρόνο που διαθέσατε για την βελτίωση της ποιότητας των "
-"σχολίων στον ιστότοπό μας."
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Αφαίρεση σχολίου"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Επιβεβαιώστε ότι επιθυμείτε την αφαίρεση του σχολίου."
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Αφαίρεση"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Ευχαριστούμε για την αφαίρεση"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Επισήμανση σχολίου"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Επιβεβαιώστε ότι επιθυμείτε την επισήμανσση του σχολίου."
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Επισήμανση"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Ευχαριστούμε για την επισήμανση"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Δημοσίευση"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Προβολή:"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Ευχαριστούμε για το σχόλιό σας"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Ευχαριστούμε για το σχόλιό σας"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Προβολή του σχολίου σας"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Παρακαλούμε διορθώστε το παρακάτω σφάλμα:"
-msgstr[1] "Παρακαλούμε διορθώστε τα παρακάτω σφάλματα:"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Δημοσιοποίηση του σχολίου σας"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "ή πραγματοποιήστε αλλαγές"


+ 0 - 284

@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-25 14:19+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-13 15:35+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Django team\n"
-"Language-Team: English <en@li.org>\n"
-"Language: en\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:55
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d comment was successfully flagged"
-msgid_plural "%d comments were successfully flagged"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: admin.py:57
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:61
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d comment was successfully approved"
-msgid_plural "%d comments were successfully approved"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: admin.py:63
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:67
-#, python-format
-msgid "%d comment was successfully removed"
-msgid_plural "%d comments were successfully removed"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: admin.py:69
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr ""


+ 0 - 304

@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Ross Poulton <ross@rossp.org>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Ross Poulton <ross@rossp.org>\n"
-"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: en_GB\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Content"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadata"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "flagged"
-msgstr[1] "flagged"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Flag selected comments"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "approved"
-msgstr[1] "approved"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Approve selected comments"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "removed"
-msgstr[1] "removed"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Remove selected comments"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s comments"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Name"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Email address"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Comment"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgstr[1] "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "and"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "content type"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "object ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "user"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "user's name"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "user's email address"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "user's URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "comment"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "date/time submitted"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP address"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "is public"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "is removed"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "comments"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "flag"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "date"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "comment flag"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "comment flags"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Approve a comment"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Really make this comment public?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Approve"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Thanks for approving"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Remove a comment"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Really remove this comment?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Remove"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Thanks for removing"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Flag this comment"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Really flag this comment?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Flag"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Thanks for flagging"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Post"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Preview"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Thanks for commenting"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Thank you for your comment"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Preview your comment"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Please correct the error below"
-msgstr[1] "Please correct the errors below"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Post your comment"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "or make changes"


+ 0 - 304

@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Baptiste <baptiste+transifex@darthenay.fr>\n"
-"Language-Team: Esperanto (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: eo\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Enhavo"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadatumo"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "markita"
-msgstr[1] "markitaj"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Marki elektitajn komentojn"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "aprobita"
-msgstr[1] "aprobitaj"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Aprobi elektitajn komentojn"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "forigita"
-msgstr[1] "forigitaj"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Forigi elektitajn komentojn"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 komento estis suksese %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s komentoj estis suksese %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s komentoj"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Lastaj komentoj ĉe %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nomo"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Retpoŝtadreso"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Komento"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Atentu via lingvaĵo! La vorto %s ne estas permisita ĉi-tie."
-msgstr[1] "Atentu via lingvaĵo! La vortoj %s ne estas permisitaj ĉi-tie."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "kaj"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Se vi enigas ion-ajn en ĉi-tiu kampo, via komento estos traktita kiel spamo"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "enhava tipo"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "objekta identigaĵo"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "uzanto"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "uzanta nomo"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "uzanta retpoŝtadreso"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "uzanta URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "komento"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "dato kaj horo transsenditaj"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP-adreso"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "estas publika"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Malŝaltu ĉi-tiun markobutonon por definitive malaperigi la komenton el la "
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "estas forigita"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Ŝaltu ĉi-tiun markobutonon se la komento estas nekonvena. La mesaĝo \"Ĉi-tiu "
-"komento estis forigita\" estos montrita anstataŭe."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "komentoj"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Ĉi-tiu komento estis afiŝita de aŭtentigita uzanto, do tiel la nomo estas "
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Ĉi-tiu komento estis afiŝita de aŭtentigita uzanto, do tiel la nomo kaj "
-"retpoŝtadreo estas nurlegaj."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Afiŝita de %(user)s - %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "marko"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "dato"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "komenta marko"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "komentaj markoj"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Aprobi komenton"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Ĉu certe publikigi ĉi-tiun komenton?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Aprobi"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Dankon por la aprobo"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Dankon por trapasi tempon por plibonigi la diskutan kvaliton ĉe nia retejo"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Forigi komenton"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Ĉu certe forigi ĉi-tiun komenton?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Forigu"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Dankon por la forigo"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Marki ĉi-tiun komenton"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Ĉu certe marki ĉi-tiun komenton?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Marki"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Dankon por la marko"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Afiŝi"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Antaŭrigardo"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Dankon por al komentado"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Dankon por via komento"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Antaŭrigardi vian komenton"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Bonvolu ĝustigi la eraron sube."
-msgstr[1] "Bonvolu ĝustigi la erarojn sube."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Publikigi vian komenton"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "aŭ lin redakti"


+ 0 - 306

@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# Marc Garcia <garcia.marc@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Marc Garcia <garcia.marc@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: es\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "contenido"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "metadatos"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "marcado"
-msgstr[1] "marcados"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Marcar los comentarios seleccionados"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "aprobado"
-msgstr[1] "aprobados"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "aprobar los comentarios seleccionados"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "eliminado"
-msgstr[1] "eliminados"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Eliminar los comentarios seleccionados"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 comentarios ha sido %(action)s satisfactoriamente."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s comentarios han sido %(action)s satisfactoriamente."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "comentarios de %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Últimos comentarios en %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nombre"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "dirección de correo electrónico"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Comentario"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "¡Cuide su vocabulario! Aquí no admitimos la palabra %s."
-msgstr[1] "¡Cuide su vocabulario! Aquí no admitimos las palabras %s."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "y"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Si introduce algo en este campo su comentario será tratado como spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "tipo de contenido"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID de objeto"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "usuario"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "nombre del usuario"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "dirección de correo electrónico del usuario"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL del usuario"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "comentario"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "fecha/hora de envío"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "Dirección IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "es público"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Desmarque esta casilla para hacer desaparecer el comentario del sitio web de "
-"forma efectiva."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "está eliminado"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Marque esta opción si el comentario es inapropiado. En su lugar se mostrará "
-"el mensaje \"Este comentario ha sido eliminado\"."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "comentarios"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Este comentario ha sido enviado por un usuario autentificado: de modo que su "
-"nombre no es modificable."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Este comentario ha sido colocado por un usuario autentificado: de modo que "
-"su dirección de correo electrónico no es modificable."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Enviado por %(user)s en %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "marcar"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "fecha"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "marca de comentario"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "marcas de comentario"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Aprobar un comentario"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Realmente desea hacer este comentario público?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Aprobar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Gracias por aprobar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para mejorar la calidad del debate en nuestro "
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Eliminar un comentario"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "¿Realmente desea eliminar este comentario?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Gracias por eliminar"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Marcar este comentario"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "¿Realmente desea marcar este comentario?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Marcar"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Graciar por marcar"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Enviar"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Previsualizar"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Gracias por comentar"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Gracias por su comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Previsualizar su comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Por favor, corrija el siguiente error."
-msgstr[1] "Por favor, corrija los siguientes errores."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Envie su comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "o haga cambios"


+ 0 - 303

@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish (Argentina) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: es_AR\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Contenido"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadatos"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "marcado"
-msgstr[1] "marcados"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Marcar comentarios seleccionados"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "aprobado"
-msgstr[1] "aprobados"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Aprobar comentario seleccionado"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "eliminado"
-msgstr[1] "eliminados"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Eliminar comentarios seleccionados"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "un comentario fue %(action)s satisfactoriamente."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s comentarios fueron %(action)s satisfactoriamente"
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "comentarios en %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Últimos comentarios en %(site_name)s."
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nombre"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Comentario"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "¡Controla tu lenguaje! Aquí no admitimos la palabra %s."
-msgstr[1] "¡Controla tu lenguaje! Aquí no admitimos las palabras %s."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "y"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Si introduce algo en este campo su comentario será tratado como spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "tipo de contenido"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID de objeto"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "usuario"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "nombre de usuario"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "dirección de correo electrónico del usuario"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL del usuario"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "comentario"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "fecha/hora de envío"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "Dirección IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "es público"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "desmarque este ítem para que el comentario desaparezca del sitio."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "se ha eliminado"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Marque este ítem si el comentario es inapropiado. En su lugar se mostrará un "
-"mensaje \"Este comentario ha sido eliminado\"."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "comentarios"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Este comentario ha sido enviado por un usuario identificado, por lo tanto el "
-"nombre no puede modificarse."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Este comentario ha sido enviado por un usuario identificado, por lo tanto la "
-"dirección de correo electrónico no puede modificarse."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Enviado por %(user)s el %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "marca"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "fecha"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "marca de comentario"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "marcas de comentario"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Aprobar un comentario"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "¿Confirma que realmente desea hacer este comentario público?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Aprobar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "¡Gracias por aprobar!"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de mejorar la calidad de la discusión en "
-"nuestro sitio"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Eliminar un comentario"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "¿Confirma que realmente desea eliminar este comentario?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "¡Gracias por eliminar!"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Marcar este comentario"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "¿Confirma que realmente desde marcar este comentario?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Marcar"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "¡Gracias por marcar!"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Remitir"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Previsualización"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Gracias por dejar su comentario"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Gracias por dejar su comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Ver una copia previa de su comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Por favor, corrija el siguiente error."
-msgstr[1] "Por favor, corrija los siguientes errores."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Enviar su comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "o realice modificaciones"


+ 0 - 303

@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Abraham Estrada <abraham.estrada@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish (Mexico) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: es_MX\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Contenido"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadatos"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "marcado"
-msgstr[1] "marcados"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Marcar comentarios seleccionados"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "aprobado"
-msgstr[1] "aprobados"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Aprobar comentario seleccionado"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "eliminado"
-msgstr[1] "eliminados"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Eliminar comentarios seleccionados"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s comentarios fueron %(action)s satisfactoriamente."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "comentarios en %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Últimos comentarios en %(site_name)s "
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nombre"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Comentario"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "¡Controla tu lenguaje! Aquí no admitimos la palabra %s."
-msgstr[1] "¡Controla tu lenguaje! Aquí no admitimos las palabras %s."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "y"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Si introduce algo en este campo su comentario será tratado como spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "tipo de contenido"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID de objeto"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "usuario"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "nombre de usuario"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "dirección de correo electrónico del usuario"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL del usuario"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "comentario"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "fecha/hora de envío"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "Dirección IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "es público"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Desactive esta casilla para hacer el comentario desaparezca del sitio."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "se ha eliminado"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Marque esta casilla si el comentario es inapropiado. En su lugar se mostrará "
-"un mensaje \"Este comentario ha sido eliminado\"."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "comentarios"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Este comentario ha sido enviado por un usuario identificado, por lo tanto el "
-"nombre no puede modificarse."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Este comentario ha sido enviado por un usuario identificado, por lo tanto la "
-"dirección de correo electrónico no puede modificarse."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Enviado por %(user)s el %(date)s \n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "marca"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "fecha"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "marca de comentario"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "marcas de comentario"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Aprobar un comentario"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "¿Desea hacer público este comentario?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Aprobar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Gracias por aprovar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para mejorar la calidad de la  discución en "
-"nuestro sitio"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Eliminar comentario"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "¿Desea eliminar este comentario?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Gracias por eliminar"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Marcar este comentario"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "¿Desea marcar este comentario?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Marcar"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Gracias por marcar"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Enviar"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Previsualizar"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Gracias por comentar"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Gracier por el comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Previsualizar el comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Por favor corrija el error"
-msgstr[1] "Por favor corrija los errores"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Envia comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "o hacer cambios"


+ 0 - 302

@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# madisvain <madisvain@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: madisvain <madisvain@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Estonian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: et\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Sisu"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Meta-andmed"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "märgistatud"
-msgstr[1] "märgistatud"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Märgista valitud kommentaarid"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "heaks kiidetud"
-msgstr[1] "heaks kiidetud"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Kiida heaks valitud kommentaarid"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "eemaldatud"
-msgstr[1] "eemaldatud"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Eemalda valitud kommentaarid"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "Saidi %(site_name)s kommentaarid"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Viimased kommentaarid saidil %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nimi"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "E-posti aadress"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Kommentaar"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Jälgige oma keelekasutust. Sõna %s ei ole lubatud."
-msgstr[1] "Jälgige oma keelekasutust. Sõnad %s ei ole lubatud."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "ja"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Kui sisestate sellesse lahtrisse midagi, loetakse kommentaar rämpsuks"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "sisutüüp"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "objekti ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "kasutaja"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "kasutaja pärisnimi"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "kasutaja e-posti aadress"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "kasutaja URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "kommentaar"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "loomise kuupäev/kellaaeg"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP aadress"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "on avalik"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Eemaldage siit linnuke, et varjata kommentaar saidilt."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "on eemaldatud"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Märkige siia linnuke, kui see kommentaar on ebasobiv. Kommentaari asemel "
-"kuvatakse kirja \"Kommentaar on kustutatud\"."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "kommentaarid"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Selle kommentaari postitas sisselogitud kasutaja, mistõttu ei ole nimetus "
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Selle kommentaari postitas sisselogitud kasutaja, mistõttu ei ole e-posti "
-"aadress muudetav."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Postitatud kasutaja %(user)s poolt %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "märge"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "kuupäev"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "kommentaari märge"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "kommentaari märked"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Märgi kommentaar sobivaks"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Oled kindel, et soovid teha selle kommentaari avalikuks?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Sobib"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Aitäh, et märkisid kommentaari sobivaks"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "Aitäh, et leidsid aega parandamaks arutelude kvaliteeti meie lehel"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Eemalda kommentaar"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Oled kindel, et soovid selle kommentaari eemaldada?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Eemalda"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Aitäh, et eemaldasid kommentaari"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Märgi see kommentaar"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Oled kindel, et soovid selle kommentaari märkida?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Märge"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Aitäh, et märkisid kommentaari"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Postita"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Eelvaade"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Tänan kommenteerimast"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Aitäh kommentaari eest"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Kommentaari eelvaade"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Palun parandage allolev viga"
-msgstr[1] "Palun parandage allolevad vead"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Postita kommentaar"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "või tee muudatused"


+ 0 - 305

@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Aitzol Naberan <anaberan@codesyntax.com>, 2011.
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Aitzol Naberan <anaberan@codesyntax.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: eu\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Edukia"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metada"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "markaduna"
-msgstr[1] "markadunak"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Markatu aukeratutako iruzkinak"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "onartua"
-msgstr[1] "onartuak"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Onartu aukeratutako iruzkinak"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "ezabatua"
-msgstr[1] "ezabatuak"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Ezabatu aukeratutako iruzkinak"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s iruzkin ondo %(action)s dira."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s guneko iruzkinak"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s guneko azken iruzkinak"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Izena"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Eposta helbidea"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Iruzkina"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Txiiist! %s hitza ez zaigu gustatzen"
-msgstr[1] "Txiiist! %s hitzak ez zaizkigu gustatzen"
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "eta"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Eremu honetan zerbait idazten baduzu zure iruzkina spam gisa tratatuko da."
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "eduki mota"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "objetuaren ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "Erabiltzailea"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "erabiltzailearen izena"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "erabiltzailearen eposta helbidea"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "erabiltzailearen URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "iruzkina"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "data/hordua bidalia"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP helbidea"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "publikoa"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Markatu kutxa hau iruzkina webgunetik desagertarazteko."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "ezabatua"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Markatu kutxa hau komentario ezegokia bada. \"Komentario hau ezabatua izan da"
-"\" mezua erakutsiko da bere ordez."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "iruzkinak"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Iruzkin hau autentikatutako erabiltzaile batek egin du. Hori dela eta, izena "
-"irakurtzeko moduan dago bakarrik. "
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Iruzkin hau autentikatutako erabiltzaile batek egin du. Hori dela eta, "
-"eposta irakurtzeko moduan dago bakarrik. "
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%(user)s erabiltzileak bidalia %(date)s datan\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "marka"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "data"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "iruzkin marka"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "iruzkin markak"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Onartu iruzkina"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Publikatu iruzkina?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Onartu"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Eskerrik asko onartzearren"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Eskerrik asko webguneko estabaidaren kalitatea hobetzeko hartutako "
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Ezabatu iruzkina"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Ziur iruzkin hau ezabtu nahi duzula?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Ezabatu"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Eskerrik asko ezabatzearren"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Markatu iruzkina"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Ziur iruzkin hau markatu nahi duzula?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Marka"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Eskerrik asko markatzearren"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Bidali"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Aurreikusi"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Eskerrik asko iruzkintzearren"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Eskerrik asko zure iruzkinagatik"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Aurreikusi zure iruzkina"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Mesedez zuzendu azpiko errorea"
-msgstr[1] "Mesedez zuzendu azpiko erroreak"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Bidali zure iruzkina"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "edo egin aldaketak"


+ 0 - 295

@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Ali Nikneshan <ali@nikneshan.com>, 2012.
-# Arash Fazeli <arash_fazeli77@yahoo.com>, 2012.
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-11 08:27+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Ali Nikneshan <ali@nikneshan.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Persian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: fa\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "محتوا"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "فوق داده"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "پرچم دار"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "نشان‌گذاری نظرات انتخاب شده"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "تایید شده"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "تایید نظرات انتخاب شده"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "حذف شده"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "حذف نظر های انتخاب شده"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s کامنت با موفقیت %(action)s شدند."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "نظرات %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "آخرین نظرات در  %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "نام"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "نشانی پست الکترونیکی"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "نشانی اینترنتی"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "نظر:"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "حرف دهنت رو بفهم! کلمهٔ %s اینجا قابل قبول نیست"
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "و"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "اگر چیزی در این فیلد وارد کنید، نظر شما به عنوان اسپم شناخته خواهد شد"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "نوع محتوا"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "مشخصهٔ شیء"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "کاربر"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "نام کاربر"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "نشانی پست الکترونیکی کاربر"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "نشانی اینترنتی کاربر"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "نظر"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "تاریخ/زمان فرستاده شد"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "نشانی IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "عمومی است"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "تیک این جعبه را بردارید تا نظر به طور کارا از وبگاه ناپدید شود."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "حذف شده است"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"اگر نظر نامناسب است این جا علامت بزنید. پیغام \"این نظر حذف شد\" به جای آن "
-"نمایش داده می شود."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "نظرات"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr "این نظر توسط یک کاربر ثبت‌شده فرستاده شده و لذا نامش فقط-خواندنی است."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"این نظر توسط یک کاربر ثبت‌شده فرستاده شده و لذا پست الکترونیکی‌اش فقط-خواندنی "
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ارسال‌شده توسط %(user)s در تاریخ %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "علامت گذاری "
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "تاریخ"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "علامت گذاری نظر"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "علامت گذاری های نظر"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "تایید یک نظر"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "واقعا این نظر به صورت عمومی نمایش داده شود؟"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "تایید"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "ممنون از تایید."
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "ممنون از وقتی که برای افزایش کیفیت بحث در سایت ما گذاشتید."
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "حذف یک نظر"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "واقعا این نظر حذف شود؟"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "حذف"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "ممنون از حذف"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "علامت گذاری این نظر"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "واقعا این نظر علامت گذاری شود؟"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "علامت گذاری "
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "ممنون از علامت گذاری "
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "پست"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "پیش نمایش"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "برای اظهار نظر"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "با تشکر از نظر شما"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "پیش نمایش نظر شما"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "لطفا خطاهای زیر را تصحیح"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "نظر خود را ارسال کنید"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "و یا تغییر ایجاد کنید."


+ 0 - 302

@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Finnish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: fi\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Sisältö"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metatieto"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "merkitty"
-msgstr[1] "merkitty"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Merkitse valitut kommentit"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "hyväksytty"
-msgstr[1] "hyväksytty"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Hyväksy valitut kommentit"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "poistettu"
-msgstr[1] "poistettu"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Poista valitut kommentit"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 kommentti %(count)s onnistuneesti."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s kommenttia %(action)s onnistuneesti."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "Kommentit sivustolle %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Sivuston %(site_name)s viimeisimmät kommentit"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nimi"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL-osoite"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Kommentti"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Siivoa suusi! Sanaa \"%s\" ei saa käyttää tässä."
-msgstr[1] "Siivoa suusi! Sanoja \"%s\" ei saa käyttää tässä."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "ja"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Jos syötät tähän kenttään jotain, kommenttisi luokitellaan roskapostiksi"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "sisältötyyppi"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "kohteen tunniste"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "käyttäjä"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "käyttäjän nimi"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "käyttäjän sähköpostiosoite"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "käyttäjän URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "kommentti"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "lähettämishetki"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP-osoite"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "on julkinen"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Piilottaaksesi kommentin näkymästä sivustolta, poista tämä ruksi."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "on poistettu"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Rastita jos kommentti on asiaankuulumaton. Kommentin tilalla näytetään\n"
-"viesti \"Tämä kommentti on poistettu\"."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "kommentit"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Kommentin lähettäjän nimeä ei voi muuttaa, koska lähettäjä on kirjautunut "
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Kommentin lähettäjän sähköpostiosoitetta ei voi muuttaa, koska lähettäjä on "
-"kirjautunut käyttäjä."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-" Kirjoittanut %(user)s, pvm %(date)s\\n\n"
-" \\n\n"
-" %(comment)s\\n\n"
-" \\n\n"
-" http://%(domain)s%(url)s"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "merkintä"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "päivä"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "kommentin merkintä"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "kommenttien merkinnät"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Hyväksy kommentti"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Haluatko varmasti tehdä kommentista julkisen?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Hyväksy"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Kiitos hyväksynnästäsi"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "Kiitos sivustomme keskusteluihin panostamastasi ajasta"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Poista kommentti"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän kommentin?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Poista"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Kiitos poistamisesta"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Merkitse tämä kommentti"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Haluatko varmasti merkitä tämän kommentin?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Merkitse"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Kiitos merkitsemisestä"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Lähetä"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Esikatsele"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Kiitos kommentista"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Kiitos kommentistasi"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Esikatsele kommenttia"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Korjaa allaoleva virhe"
-msgstr[1] "Korjaa allaolevat virheet"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Lähetä kommentti"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "tai tee muutoksia"


+ 0 - 308

@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-#   <claude@2xlibre.net>, 2011.
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: claudep <claude@2xlibre.net>\n"
-"Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: fr\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Contenu"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Métadonnées"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "marqué"
-msgstr[1] "marqués"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Marquer les commentaires sélectionnés"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "approuvé"
-msgstr[1] "approuvés"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Approuver les commentaires sélectionnés"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "supprimé"
-msgstr[1] "supprimés"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Masquer les commentaires sélectionnés"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 commentaire a été %(action)s avec succès."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s commentaires ont été %(action)ss avec succès."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "Commentaires sur %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Derniers commentaires sur %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nom"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Adresse électronique"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Commentaire"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Attention à votre langage ! Le terme %s n'est pas autorisé ici."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Attention à votre langage ! Les termes %s ne sont pas autorisés ici."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "et"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Si vous saisissez quelque chose dans ce champ, votre commentaire sera "
-"considéré comme étant indésirable"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "type de contenu"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID de l'objet"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "utilisateur"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "nom de l'utilisateur"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "adresse électronique de l'utilisateur"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL de l'utilisateur"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "commentaire"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "date et heure soumises"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "adresse IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "est public"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Décochez cette case pour faire vraiment disparaître ce commentaire du site."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "est masqué"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Cochez cette case si le commentaire est inadéquat. Un message type « Ce "
-"commentaire a été supprimé » sera affiché en lieu et place de celui-ci."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "commentaires"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Ce commentaire a été posté par un utilisateur authentifié, le nom est donc "
-"en lecture seule."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Ce commentaire a été posté par un utilisateur authentifié et le courriel est "
-"donc en lecture seule"
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Posté par %(user)s le %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "indicateur"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "date"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "indicateur de commentaire"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "indicateurs de commentaire"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Valider un commentaire"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous rendre ce commentaire public ?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Valider"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Merci pour cette validation"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Merci d'avoir pris le temps d'améliorer la qualité de la discussion sur "
-"notre site"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Supprimer un commentaire"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous supprimer définitivement ce commentaire ?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Supprimer"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Merci pour cette suppression"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Signaler ce commentaire"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment signaler ce commentaire ?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Signaler"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Merci d'avoir signalé ce commentaire"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Envoyer"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Prévisualiser"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Merci pour votre commentaire"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Merci pour votre commentaire"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Prévisualiser votre commentaire"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Veuillez corriger l'erreur suivante."
-msgstr[1] "Veuillez corriger les erreurs suivantes."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Envoyer votre commentaire"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "ou le modifier"


+ 0 - 287

@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-23 02:37+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-15 15:37+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Django team\n"
-"Language-Team: English <en@li.org>\n"
-"Language: fy_NL\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
-#: admin.py:12
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:15
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:42
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: admin.py:43
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:47
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: admin.py:48
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:52
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: admin.py:53
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:65
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: feeds.py:13
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: feeds.py:23
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:22
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:24
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:50 models.py:168
-msgid "user"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:52
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:53
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:54
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:56 models.py:76 models.py:169
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:59
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:60
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:61
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:62
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:77
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:119
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:128
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:153
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:170
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:171
-msgid "date"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:181
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:182
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr ""


+ 0 - 324

@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# Michael Thornhill <michael@maithu.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Michael Thornhill <michael@maithu.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Irish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ga\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=5; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : "
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Inneachar"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Meiteashonraí"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "bratach curtha leis "
-msgstr[1] "bratach curtha leis "
-msgstr[2] "bratach curtha leis "
-msgstr[3] "bratach curtha leis "
-msgstr[4] "bratach curtha leis "
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Bratach nótaí tráchta roghnaithe"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "ceadaithe"
-msgstr[1] "ceadaithe"
-msgstr[2] "ceadaithe"
-msgstr[3] "ceadaithe"
-msgstr[4] "ceadaithe"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Cheadú nótaí tráchta roghnaithe"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "bhaint"
-msgstr[1] "bhaint"
-msgstr[2] "bhaint"
-msgstr[3] "bhaint"
-msgstr[4] "bhaint"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Bain nótaí tráchta roghnaithe"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "Bhí %(count)s nóta tráchta %(action)s go rathúil."
-msgstr[1] "Bhí %(count)s nótaí tráchta %(action)s go rathúil."
-msgstr[2] "Bhí %(count)s nótaí tráchta %(action)s go rathúil."
-msgstr[3] "Bhí %(count)s nótaí tráchta %(action)s go rathúil."
-msgstr[4] "Bhí %(count)s nótaí tráchta %(action)s go rathúil."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s nótaí"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Nótaí tráchtaí is déanaí ar %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Ainm"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "R-phost"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Nóta tráchta"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Féach ar do bhéal! Níl an focal %s cheadaítear anseo."
-msgstr[1] "Féach ar do bhéal! Níl na focail %s cheadaítear anseo."
-msgstr[2] "Féach ar do bhéal! Níl na focail %s cheadaítear anseo."
-msgstr[3] "Féach ar do bhéal! Níl na focail %s cheadaítear anseo."
-msgstr[4] "Féach ar do bhéal! Níl na focail %s cheadaítear anseo."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "agus"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Má cuireann tú aon rud sa réimse seo, beidh do nóta déileálfar mar spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "tíopa inneachar "
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "oibiacht ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "úsáideoir"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "Ainm úsáideoir"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "seoladh r-phost an t-úsáideoir"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL an t-úsáideora"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "trácht"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "Dáta/am curtha isteach"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "Seol IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "poiblí"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Díthiceáil an bosca seo chun an nóta a thógáil as an suíomh."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "Scrioste"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Seic an bosca seo dá bbéadh an nóta tráchta seo míchuí. Taispeantar \"Bhí an "
-"nóta tráchta scrioste\" in áit an nóta tráchta seo."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "nótaí tráchta"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Bhí an nóta tráchta póstailte trí uaire trí úsáideoir fíordheimhnithe mar "
-"sin tá an ainm léamh-amhain."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Bhí an nóta tráchta póstailte trí úsáideoir fíordeimhnite mar sin tá an r-"
-"phost léamh amháin."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Postáilte trí %(user)s ar %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "brat"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "dáta"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "brat nóta tráchta"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "bratacha nótaí tráchta"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Ceadaigh nóta tráchta"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Cuir an nóta seo poiblí?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Fhormheas"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Go raibh maith agait le hadhaigh to formheas"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Go raibh maith agat as an am chun feabhas a chur ar chaighdeán na "
-"díospóireachta ar ár suíomh"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Tóg amach nóta tráchta"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Dáiríre, cuir amach an nóta seo?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Tóg amach"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Go raibh maith agat le hadhaigh do thógail amach"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Cuir brat ar an nóta tráchta seo"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Go deimhin cuir brat ar an nóta tráchta seo?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Brat"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Go raibh maith agat le hadhaigh do brat"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Post"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Réamhamharc"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Go raibh maith agat le hadhaign do nóta tráchta"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Go raibh maith agat le hadhaigh do nóta tráchta"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Nóta tráchta réamhamharc"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Le do thoil, ceartaigh an botún thíos."
-msgstr[1] "Le do thoil, ceartaigh na botúin thíos."
-msgstr[2] "Le do thoil, ceartaigh na botúin thíos."
-msgstr[3] "Le do thoil, ceartaigh na botúin thíos."
-msgstr[4] "Le do thoil, ceartaigh na botúin thíos."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Seol do Nóta tráchta"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "nó déan aithraithe"


+ 0 - 307

@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# fasouto <fsoutomoure@gmail.com>, 2011.
-# fonso <fonzzo@gmail.com>, 2011.
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: fonso <fonzzo@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Galician (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: gl\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Contido"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadatos"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "con indicador"
-msgstr[1] "con indicador"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Poñer un indicador"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "aprobado"
-msgstr[1] "aprobados"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Aprobar os comentarios seleccionados"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "eliminado"
-msgstr[1] "eliminados"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Eliminar os comentarios seleccionados"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s comentarios foron %(action)s con éxito."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "Comentarios en %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Últimos comentarios en %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nome"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Enderezo electrónico"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Comentario"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Sen palabrotas, por favor! Aquí non se pode usar a palabra %s."
-msgstr[1] "Sen palabrotas, por favor! Aquí non se poden usar as palabras %s."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "e"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Se insire calquera cousa neste campo o seu comentario será tratado coma spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "tipo de contido"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID do obxecto"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "usuario"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "nome de usuario"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "enderedo electrónico do usuario"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL do usuario"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "comentario"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "data/hora do envío"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "Enderezo IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "é público"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Desmarque esta casilla para eliminar o comentario definitivamente deste "
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "está borrado"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Marque esta caixa se o comentario non é apropiado. Verase a mensaxe \"Este "
-"comentario foi borrado\" no canto do seu contido."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "comentarios"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Este comentario foi publicado por un usuario identificado e polo tanto o "
-"nome é de só lectura."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Este comentario foi publicado por un usuario identificado e polo tanto o "
-"enderezo de correo electrónico é de só lectura."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Publicado por %(user)s o %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "indicador"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "data"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "indicador de comentarios"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "indicadores de comentarios"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Aprobar un comentario"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Realmente desexa facer público este comentario?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Aprobar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Grazas pola aprobación"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Grazas por tomar o tempo de mellorar a calidade da discusión no noso sitio"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Eliminar un comentario"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Realmente desexa eliminar este comentario?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Grazas pola eliminación"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Poñerlle un indicador a este comentario"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Realmente desexa poñerlle un indicador a este comentario?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Indicador"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Grazas por colocar o indicador"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Publicar"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Vista previa"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Grazas polo seu comentario"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Grazas polo seu comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Vista previa do seu comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Por favor, corrixa o erro de embaixo"
-msgstr[1] "Por favor, corrixa os erros de embaixo"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Publicar o seu comentario"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "ou facer cambios"


+ 0 - 297

@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Hebrew (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: he\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "תוכן"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "מטא־נתונים"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "סומנה"
-msgstr[1] "סומנו"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "סמן תגובות שנבחרו"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "אושרה"
-msgstr[1] "אושרו"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "אשר תגובות שנבחרו"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "הוסרה"
-msgstr[1] "הוסרו"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "הסר תגובות שנבחרו"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "תגובה אחת %(action)s בהצלחה"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s תגובות %(action)s בהצלחה"
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "תגובות עבור %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "התגובות האחרונות על %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "שם"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "כתובת דוא\"ל"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "תגובה"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "שמור על לשונך! המילה %s אסורה לשימוש כאן."
-msgstr[1] "שמור על לשונך! המילים %s אסורות לשימוש כאן."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "ו"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "אם יוזן משהו בשדה זה תגובתך תטופל כספאם"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "סוג תוכן"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "מזהה אובייקט"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "משתמש"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "שם משתמש"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "כתובת דוא\"ל משתמש"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "אתר המשתמש"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "תגובה"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "תאריך/שעת הגשה"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "כתובת IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "פומבי "
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "ביטול סימון התיבה יעלים בפועל את התגובה מהאתר"
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "האם הוסר"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"יש לסמן תיבה זו עבור תגובה לא נאותה. הודעת \"תגובה זו נמחקה\" תוצג במקום "
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "תגובות"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr "הודעה זו נשלחה ע\"י משתמש מחובר לכן השם אינו ניתן לשינוי."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr "הודעה זו נשלחה ע\"י משתמש מחובר לכן כתובת הדוא\"ל אינה ניתנת לשינוי."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"הוגש ע\"י %(user)s ב %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "סימן"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "תאריך"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "סמן הערה"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "סמני הערה"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "אשר הערה"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "באמת להפוך את התגובה לפומבית?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "אשר"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "תודה על אישור התגובה"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "תודה על שהקדשת מזמנך כדי לשפר את איכות הדיון באתר שלנו"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "הסר תגובה"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "באמת להסיר תגובה זו?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "להסיר"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "תודה על ההסרה"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "סמן תגובה זו"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "באמת לסמן תגובה זו?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "סימן"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "תודה על הסימון"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "פוסט"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "תצוגה מקדימה"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "תודה על התגובה"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "תודה על התגובה"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "תצוגה מקדימה של התגובה"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "בבקשה לתקן את השגיאה למטה"
-msgstr[1] "אנא תקן את שגיאות למטה"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "פרסם את התגובה"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "או לבצע שינויים"


+ 0 - 304

@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# Sandeep Satavlekar <sandysat@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Sandeep Satavlekar <sandysat@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Hindi (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: hi\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "विषय सूची"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "मेटाडाटा"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "झंडी ऊंचायी"
-msgstr[1] "झंडी ऊंचायी"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "चयनित टिप्पणियों के लिए झंडी ऊंचाओ"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "स्वीकृत"
-msgstr[1] "स्वीकृत"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "चयनित टिप्पणियों को स्वीकार करो"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "हटाया"
-msgstr[1] "हटाया"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "चयनित टिप्पणियाँ हटाएँ"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s टिप्पणि सफलतापूर्वक %(action)s"
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s टिप्पणियाँ सफलतापूर्वक %(action)s"
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s टिप्पणियाँ "
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s पर नवीनतम टिप्पणियाँ"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "नाम"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "ईमेल पता"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "टिप्पणी"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "अपनी ज़बान संभालो %s यह शब्द इस्तेमाल करने की यहाँ अनुमति नहीं हैं "
-msgstr[1] "अपनी ज़बान संभालो %s यह शब्द इस्तेमाल करने की यहाँ अनुमति नहीं हैं "
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "और"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"अगर आप इस क्षेत्र में कुछ भी दर्ज करते हो तो आप की टिप्पणी के साथ spam के जैसा सुलुख किया "
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "विषय-सूची प्रकार"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "वस्तु आइ डी"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "उपभोक्ता"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "प्रयोक्ता नाम"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "प्रयोक्ता ईमेल पता"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "प्रयोक्ता यू.आर.एल"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "टिप्पणी"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "तिथि/समय निवेदित"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "आइ.पि पता"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "सार्वजनिक है"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "इस टिप्पणी को प्रभावी रूप से साइट से गायब करने के लिए यह बॉक्स को अनचेक करें."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "हटाया गया"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"अगर टिप्पणी अनुचित है तो इस बॉक्स को चेक करें. एक \"यह टिप्पणी हटा दी गयी हैं\" संदेश "
-"प्रदर्शित किया जाएगा."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "टिप्पणियाँ"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"इस टिप्पणी को किसी प्राधिकृत उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा पोस्ट किया गया था और इसीलिए इस नाम "
-"को केवल पढ़ने के लिए है."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"इस टिप्पणी को किसी प्राधिकृत उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा पोस्ट किया गया था और इसीलिए यह ईमेल "
-"केवल पढ़ने के लिए है."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%(user)s द्वारा %(date)s पर पोस्ट की गयी हैं\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "झंडा"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "तिथि"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "टिप्पणी झंडा"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "टिप्पणी झंडे"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "टिप्पणी पसंद करें"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "क्या इस टिप्पणी को सार्वजनिक बनाएँ ?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "पसंद करें"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "पसंद करने के लिए धन्यवाद"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "हमारी साइट पर चर्चा की गुणवत्ता में सुधार के लिए समय देने के लिए धन्यवाद"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "टिप्पणी निकालें"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "क्या आप इस टिप्पणी को हटाना चाहते हैं ?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "निकालें"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "निकालने के लिये धन्यवाद"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "टिप्पनी को फ्लैग करो"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "क्या आप इस टिप्पणी को फ्लैग करना चाहते हैं ?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "फ्लैग"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "फ्लैग करने के लिए धन्यवाद"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "प्रस्तुत"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "पूर्व दर्शन"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "टिप्पणी के लिये धन्यवाद"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "टिप्पणी के लिये धन्यवाद"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "आपके टिप्पणी का पूर्व दर्शन देखे`"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "कृपया नीचे पायी गयी गलती को ठीक करें"
-msgstr[1] "कृपया नीचे पाये गये गलतियाँ को ठीक करें"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "टिप्पणी प्रस्तुत करें"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "अथवा बदलें"


+ 0 - 313

@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Croatian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: hr\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
-"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Sadržaj"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadata"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "oznaka"
-msgstr[1] "oznake"
-msgstr[2] "oznake"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Označi ovaj komentar"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "odobreno"
-msgstr[1] "odobrene"
-msgstr[2] "odobrene"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Odobri odabrane komentare"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "uklonjeno"
-msgstr[1] "uklonjena"
-msgstr[2] "uklonjena"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Ukloni odabrane komentare"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s komentar je uspješno %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s komentara su uspješno %(action)s."
-msgstr[2] "%(count)s komentara su uspješno %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "komentari za %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Najnoviji komentari na %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Ime"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "E-mail adresa"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Komentar"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Pazite na izražavanje! Riječ %s nije dopuštena."
-msgstr[1] "Pazite na izražavanje! Riječi %s nisu dopuštene."
-msgstr[2] "Pazite na izražavanje! Riječi %s nisu dopuštene."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "i"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Ako unesete nešto u ovo polje vaš komentar biti će tretiran kao spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "tip sadržaja"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID objekta"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "korisnik"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "korisničko ime"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "e-mail adresa korisnika"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "korisnikov URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "komentar"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "datum/vrijeme unosa"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP adresa"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "javno dostupno"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Uklonite oznaku da bi komentar nestao sa stranica."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "uklonjeno"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Uključite ako je komentar neprikladan. Umjesto komentara biti će prikazana "
-"poruka \"Komentar je uklonjen.\"."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "komentari"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Ovaj komentar je napisao prijavljeni korisnik te se ime ne može mijenjati.\n"
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Ovaj komentar je napisao prijavljeni korisnik te se email ne može "
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Napisao %(user)s dana %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "oznaka"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "datum"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "oznaka za komentar"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "oznake komentara"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Odobri komentar"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Učini komentar javno dostupnim?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Odobri"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Hvala na odobrenju"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Hvala što ste izdvojili vrijeme da poboljšate kvalitetu rasprava na "
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Ukloni komentar"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Stvarno ukloni ovaj komentar?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Ukloni"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Hvala na brisanju"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Označi ovaj komentar"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Stvarno označi ovaj komentar?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Oznaka"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Hvala na označavanju"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Unos"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Prikaz"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Hvala što ste komentirali"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Hvala na komentaru"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Prikaz komentara"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Molimo ispravite navedenu grešku."
-msgstr[1] "Molimo ispravite navedene greške."
-msgstr[2] "Molimo ispravite navedene greške."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Objava komentara"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "ili unesite promjene"


+ 0 - 308

@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# Szilveszter Farkas <szilveszter.farkas@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Szilveszter Farkas <szilveszter.farkas@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Hungarian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: hu\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Tartalom"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metaadat"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "megjelölve"
-msgstr[1] "megjelölve"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Kiválasztott hozzászólások megjelölése"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "jóváhagyva"
-msgstr[1] "jóváhagyva"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Kiválasztott hozzászólások jóváhagyása"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "törölve"
-msgstr[1] "törölve"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Kiválasztott hozzászólások törlése"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s hozzászólás sikeresen %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s hozzászólás sikeresen %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s hozzászólások"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s legfrissebb hozzászólásai"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Név"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "E-mail cím"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Hozzászólás"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Vigyázzon a szájára! Az ilyen szó (%s) itt nem megengedett."
-msgstr[1] "Vigyázzon a szájára! Az ilyen szavak (%s) itt nem megengedettek."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "és"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha bármit begépel ebbe a mezőbe, akkor azt szemétként fogja kezelni a "
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "tartalom típusa"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "objektum ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "felhasználó"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "felhasználó neve"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "felhasználó e-mail címe"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "felhasználó URL-je"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "megjegyzés"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "dátum/idő beállítva"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP cím"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "publikus"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Vegye ki a pipát a jelölőnégyzetből, hogy eltűntesse a hozzászólást az "
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "eltávolítva"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Jelöld be a négyzetet, ha a megjegyzés nem megfelelő. Az \"Ezt a megjegyzést "
-"törölték\" üzenet fog megjelenni helyette."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "hozzászólások"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Ezt a hozzászólást egy hitelesített felhasználó küldte be, ezért a név csak "
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Ezt a hozzászólást egy hitelesített felhasználó küldte be, ezért az e-mail "
-"csak olvasható."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Beküldte %(user)s ekkor: %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "megjelölés"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "dátum"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "hozzászólás megjelölés"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "hozzászólás megjelölés"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Hozzászólás jóváhagyása"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Biztosan publikálni szeretné ezt a hozzászólást?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Jóváhagyás"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Köszönjük a jóváhagyást"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Köszönjük, hogy időt szánt az oldalunkon zajló beszélgetések minőségének "
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Hozzászólás törlése"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Biztosan törli ezt a hozzászólást?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Törlés"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Köszönjük a törlést"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Hozzászólás megjelölése"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Biztosan megjelöli ezt a hozzászólást?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Megjelölés"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Köszönjük a megjelölést"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Elküldés"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Előnézet"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Köszönjük a hozzászólást"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Köszönjük, hogy hozzászólt"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Hozzászólás előnézetének megtekintése"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Javítsa ki az alábbi hibát"
-msgstr[1] "Javítsa ki az alábbi hibákat"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Hozzászólás elküldése"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "vagy módosítása"


+ 0 - 306

@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Martijn Dekker <mcdutchie@hotmail.com>, 2012.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-19 23:34+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Martijn Dekker <mcdutchie@hotmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Interlingua (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ia\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Contento"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadatos"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "marcate"
-msgstr[1] "marcate"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Marcar le commentos seligite"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "approbate"
-msgstr[1] "approbate"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Approbar le commentos seligite"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "removite"
-msgstr[1] "removite"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Remover le commentos seligite"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 commento ha essite %(action)s con successo."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s commentos ha essite %(action)s con successo."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "Commentos de %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Ultime commentos in %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nomine"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Adresse de e-mail"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Commento"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Le parola %s non es permittite hic."
-msgstr[1] "Le parolas %s non es permittite hic."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "e"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Si tu insere qualcosa in iste campo, tu commento essera tractate como spam."
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "typo de contento"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID del objecto"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "usator"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "nomine del usator"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "adresse de e-mail del usator"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL del usator"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "commento"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "data/hora de submission"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "adresse IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "es public"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Dismarca iste quadro pro facer le commento effectivemente disparer de iste "
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "es removite"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Marca iste quadro si le commento es inappropriate. Un message \"iste "
-"commento ha essite removite\" essera monstrate in su loco."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "commentos"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Iste commento ha essite publicate per un usator authenticate e dunque le "
-"nomine es immodificabile."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Iste commento ha essite publicate per un usator authenticate e dunque le "
-"adresse de e-mail es immodificabile."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Publicate per %(user)s le %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "marca"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "data"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "marcation de commento"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "marcationes de commento"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Approbar un commento"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Es tu secur de voler render iste commento public?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Approbar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Gratias pro approbar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Gratias pro prender le tempore pro meliorar le qualitate del discussion in "
-"nostre sito"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Remover un commento"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Es tu secur de voler remover iste commento?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Remover"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Gratias pro remover"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Marcar iste commento"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Es tu secur de voler marcar iste commento?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Marcar"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Gratias pro marcar"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Publicar"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Previsualisar"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Gratias pro commentar"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Gratias pro tu commento"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Previsualisar tu commento"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Per favor corrige le error sequente"
-msgstr[1] "Per favor corrige le errores sequente"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Publicar tu commento"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "o facer modificationes"


+ 0 - 298

@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# rodin <romihardiyanto@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: rodin <romihardiyanto@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: id\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Isi"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadata"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "ditandai"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Tandai komentar terpilih"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "disetujui"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Setujui komentar terpilih"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "dihapus"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Hapus komentar terpilih"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s komentar berhasil %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "komentar pada %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Komentar terbaru pada %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nama"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Alamat email"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Komentar"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Awas! Kata %s tidak diizinkan di sini."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "dan"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Jika Anda mengisi bidang ini, komentar Anda akan dianggap sebagai spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "tipe konten"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID objek"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "pengguna"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "nama pengguna"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "alamat email pengguna"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL pengguna"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "komentar"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "tanggal/waktu dikirim"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "alamat IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "untuk umum"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Hapus centang pada kotak ini agar komentar tidak ditampilkan pada situs."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "telah dihapus"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Centang kotak ini jika komentar tidak pantas. Pesan \"Komentar ini telah "
-"dihapus\" akan ditampilkan sebagai penggantinya."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "komentar"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Komentar ini dikirim oleh seorang pengguna terautentikasi sehingga nama "
-"pengguna tidak dapat diubah."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Komentar ini dikirim oleh seorang pengguna terautentikasi sehingga alamat "
-"email tidak dapat diubah."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Dikirim oleh %(user)s pada %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "tanda"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "tanggal"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "tanda komentar"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "tanda komentar"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Setujui komentar"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Yakin ingin menampilkan komentar ini untuk umum?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Setujui"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Terima kasih telah menyetujui komentar"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Terima kasih telah membantu meningkatkan kualitas diskusi pada situs kami"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Hapus komentar"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Yakin ingin menghapus komentar ini?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Hapus"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Terima kasih telah menghapus"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Tandai komentar ini"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Yakin ingin menandai komentar ini?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Tandai"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Terima kasih telah menandai"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Kirim"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Pratinjau"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Terima kasih telah meninggalkan komentar"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Terima kasih atas komentar Anda"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Pratinjau komentar Anda"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Mohon perbaiki kesalahan di bawah ini"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Kirim komentar Anda"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "atau lakukan perubahan"


+ 0 - 304

@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Hafsteinn Einarsson <haffi67@gmail.com>, 2011.
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Hafsteinn Einarsson <haffi67@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Icelandic (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: is\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Innihald"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Hengigögn"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "flaggað"
-msgstr[1] "flaggað"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Flagga valdar athugasemdir"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "samþykkt"
-msgstr[1] "samþykkt"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Samþykkja valdar athugasemdir"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "fjarlægð"
-msgstr[1] "fjarlægðar"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Fjarlægja valdar athugasemdir"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] "Það tókst að %(action)s %(count)s athugasemdum."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s: athugasemdir"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Nýjustu athugasemdir á %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nafn"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Netfang"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "Veffang"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Athugasemd"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Passaðu orðbragðið! Orðið %s er ekki leyft hér."
-msgstr[1] "Passaðu orðbragðið! Orðin %s eru ekki leyfð hér."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "og"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Ef þú skrifar eitthvað hérna verður athugasemdin sjálfkrafa meðhöndluð sem "
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "efnistag"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "kenni hlutar"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "notandi"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "nafn notanda"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "netfang notanda"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "veffang notanda"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "athugasemd"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "innsent dags/tími"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP tala"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "er öllum sýnilegt"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Taktu hakið úr til að fjarlægja athugasemdina af vefsíðunni."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "hefur verið fjarlægt"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Hakaðu við þennan reit ef athugasemdin er óviðeigandi. Skilaboðin „Þessi "
-"athugasemd hefur verið fjarlægð“ birtist í staðinn."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "athugasemdir"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Athugasemdin var send inn af innskráðum notanda og því er ekki hægt að "
-"breyta nafninu."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Athugasemdin var send inn af innskráðum notanda og því er ekki hægt að "
-"breyta netfanginu."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%(user)s sendi inn %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "flagga"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "dagsetning"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "flagg athugasemdar"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "flögg athugasemdar"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Samþykkja athugasemd"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Gera þessa athugasemd sýnilega?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Samþykkja"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Takk fyrir að samþykkja"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "Takk fyrir að gefa þér tíma til að bæta gæði umræðunnar á síðunni."
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Fjarlægja athugasemd"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Eyða þessari athugasemd?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Fjarlægja"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Takk fyrir að fjarlægja"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Flagga athugasemd"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Flagga þesa athugasemd?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Flagg"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Takk fyrir að flagga"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Birta"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Skoða"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Takk fyrir að senda athugasemd"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Takk fyrir athugasemdina"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Skoða athugasemd"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Vinsamlegast lagfærðu villuna fyrir neðan"
-msgstr[1] "Vinsamlegast lagfærðu villurnar fyrir neðan"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Birta athugasemd"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "eða breyta"


+ 0 - 307

@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# Nicola Larosa <transifex@teknico.net>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Nicola Larosa <transifex@teknico.net>\n"
-"Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: it\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Contenuto"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadati"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "segnalato"
-msgstr[1] "segnalati"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Segnala i commenti selezionati"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "approvato"
-msgstr[1] "approvati"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Approva i commenti selezionati"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "eliminato"
-msgstr[1] "eliminati"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Elimina i commenti selezionati"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "Ad 1 commento è stata applicata con successo l'azione %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"A %(count)s commenti è stata applicata con successo l'azione %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "commenti su %(site_name)s "
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Commenti più recenti su %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nome"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Indirizzo email"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Commento"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Modera i termini: la parola %s non è ammessa qui."
-msgstr[1] "Modera i termini: le parole %s non sono ammesse qui."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "e"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Se inserisci qualcosa in questo campo, il tuo commento verrà considerato spam"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "content type"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ID dell'oggetto"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "utente"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "nome utente"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "indirizzo email utente"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL utente"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "commento"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "data/ora di inserimento"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "indirizzo IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "è pubblico"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Deseleziona questa casella per far sparire del tutto il commento dal sito."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "è eliminato"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Seleziona la casella se il commento è inappropriato. Verrà sostituito dal "
-"messaggio \"Questo commento è stato rimosso\"."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "commenti"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Questo commento è stato inserito da un utente autenticato e quindi il nome "
-"non è modificabile."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Questo commento è stato inserito da un utente autenticato e quindi l'email "
-"non è modificabile."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Inserito da %(user)s il %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "Segnala"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "data"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "segnalazione commento"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "segnalazioni commenti"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Approva un commento"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Sicuro di voler pubblicare questo commento?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Approva"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Grazie per aver approvato"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Grazie per aver speso tempo a migliorare la qualità della discussione sul "
-"nostro sito"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Elimina un commento"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Sicuro di voler eliminare questo commento?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Elimina"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Grazie per aver eliminato"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Segnala questo commento"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Sicuro di voler segnalare questo commento?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Segnala"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Grazie per aver segnalato"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Pubblica"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Anteprima"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Grazie per aver commentato"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Grazie per il tuo commento"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Mostra l'anteprima del tuo commento"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Correggi l'errore qui sotto"
-msgstr[1] "Correggi gli errori qui sotto"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Pubblica il tuo commento"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "o fai dei cambiamenti"


+ 0 - 296

@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-04 16:06+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Yoichi Fujimoto <wozozo@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Japanese (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ja\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "内容"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "メタデータ"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "にフラグが付きました"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "選択したコメントにフラグを付ける"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "は承認されました"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "選択したコメントを承認する"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "は削除されました"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "コメントを削除する"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s個のコメント%(action)s。"
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s のコメント"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s の最新コメント"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "名前"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "メールアドレス"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "コメント"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "言葉使いに気を付けて! %s という言葉は使えません。"
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "と"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "このフィールドに入力するとコメントはスパム扱いされます"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "コンテンツタイプ"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "オブジェクト ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "ユーザー"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "名前"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "メールアドレス"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "コメント"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "コメント投稿日時"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP アドレス"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "は公開中です"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "は削除されました"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "コメント"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%(user)s が %(date)s に投稿\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "フラグ"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "フラグを付けた日時"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "コメントフラグ"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "コメントフラグ"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "コメントを承認する"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "本当にこのコメントを承認しますか?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "承認"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "ご利用ありがとうございました!"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "当サイトの品質向上にご協力いただきありがとうございました"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "コメントを削除する"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "本当にこのコメントを削除しますか?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "削除"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "ご利用ありがとうございました!"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "このコメントにフラグを付ける"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "本当にこのコメントにフラグを付けますか?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "フラグを付ける"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "ご利用ありがとうございました!"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "投稿"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "プレビュー"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "コメントしてくれてありがとうございました"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "コメントありがとうございました"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "コメントのプレビュー"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "下記のエラーを修正してください。"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "コメントを投稿"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "さらに編集"


+ 0 - 297

@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# avsd05 <avsd05@gmail.com>, 2011.
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Georgian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ka\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "კონტენტი"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "მეტა-მონაცემები"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "დროშა"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "არჩეულ კომენტარებზე დროშის დასმა"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "დამტკიცებულია"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "არჩეული კომენტარების დამტკიცება"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "წაშლილია"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "არჩეული კომენტარების წაშლა"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "წარმატებით %(action)s %(count)s კომენტარი"
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s-ის კომენტარები"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "ბოლო კომენტარები %(site_name)s-ზე"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "სახელი"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "ელ. ფოსტის მისამართი"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "კომენტარი"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "დაიცავით წესრიგი! სიტყვა \"%s\" აქ დაუშვებელია."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "და"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "თუ თვენ შეიყვანთ რამეს ამ ველში, თქვენი კომენტარი სპამად აღიქმება"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "კონტენტის ტიპი"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ობიექტის ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "მომხმარებელი"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "მომხმარებლის სახელი"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "მომხმარებლის ელ. ფოსტა"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "მომხმარებლის URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "კომენტარი"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "გაგზავნის თარიღი და დრო"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP-მისამართი"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "საყოველთაოა"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "გადანიშნეთ ეს დროშა, რათა კომენტარი რეალურად გაქრეს საიტიდან."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "წაშლილია"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"მონიშნეთ ეს დროშა, თუ კომენტარი შეუსაბამოა. მის ნაცვლად გაჩნდება "
-"შეტყობინება: \"კომენტარი წაშლილია\"."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "კომენტარები"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"ეს კომენტარი გამოგზავნილია აუდენტიფიცირებული მომხმარებლის მიერ, და ამიტომ "
-"სახელის შეცვლა შეუძლებელია."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"ეს კომენტარი გამოგზავნილია აუდენტიფიცირებული მომხმარებლის მიერ, და ამიტომ "
-"ელ. ფოსტის შეცვლა შეუძლებელია."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"გამოგზავნილია %(user)s-ს მიერ, %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "დროშა"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "თარიღი"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "კომენტარის დროშა"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "კომენტარის დროშები"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "კომენტარის დადასტურება"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "ნამდვილად გსურთ ამ კომენტარის გამოქვეყნება?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "დასტური"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "გმადლობთ, კომენტარის დადასტურებისათვის"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"გმადლობთ, რომ დრო დახარჯეთ ჩვენს საიტზე დისკუსიის ხარისხის გასაუმჯობესებლად"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "წავშალოთ კომენტარები"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "ნამდვილად გსურთ ამ კომენტარის წაშლა?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "წაშლა"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "გმადლობთ, წაშლისათვის"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "კომენტარის მარკირება"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "ნამდვილად გსურთ ამ კომენტარის მარკირება?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "დროშა"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "გმადლობთ, მარკირებისათვის"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "გაგზავნა"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "წინასწარი ნახვა"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "გმადლობთ კომენტარისთვის"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "გმადლობთ თქვენი კომენტარისათვის"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "კომენტარის წინასწარი ნახვა"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "გთხოვთ, შეასწოროთ შეცდომა ქვემოთ"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "კომენტარის გაგზავნა"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "ან შეიტანეთ ცვლილებები"


+ 0 - 301

@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-#   <germanilyin@gmail.com>, 2011.
-#   <zhazira.mt@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: yun_man_ger <germanilyin@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Kazakh (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: kk\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Мазмұн"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Метадата"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "белгіленген"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Таңдалған коментарийлерді белгілеу"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "Расталған"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Таңдалған аңғартпаларды бекіту"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "өшірілген"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Таңдалған аңғартпаларды өшіру"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"one: 1 аңғартпа ойдағыдай %(action)s.\n"
-"other: %(count)s аңғартпа ойдағыдай %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s аңғартпалары"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Соңғы %(site_name)s аңғартпалары"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Атау"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Email адрес"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Аңғартпа"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"one: Байқап сөйлеңіз! Бұл жерде %s сөзіне тыйым салынған.\n"
-"other: Байқап сөйлеңіз! Бұл жерде %s сөздеріне тыйым салынған."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "және"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Егер сіз бұл жолаққа қандай да бір нарсені енгізсеңіз, сіздің коментариіңіз "
-"спам ретінде белгіленеді."
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "мазмұн түрі"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "нысан ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "пайдаланушы"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "пайдаланушының есімі"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "пайдаланушының email адресі"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "пайдаланушының URLі"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "аңғартпа"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "жіберілген күні/уықыты"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP адрес"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "ашық"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Анғартпаның сайттан жоғалуы үшін құсбелгіні алып тастаңыз."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "өшірілген"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Анғартпа дұрыс болмаса құсбелгігі қойыңыз. Орнына  \"Бұл анғартпа өшірілді\" "
-"деген хабар көрінеді."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "анғартпалар"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr "Бұл аңғартпа пайдаланушы орналастырған үшін аты өзгертілмейді."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr "Бұл аңғартпа пайдаланушы орналастырған үшін email өзгертілмейді."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%(user)s %(date)s орналастырды\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "жалауша"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "мерзім"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "Аңғартпа жалаушасы"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "Аңғартпа жалаушалары"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Аңғартпаны мақұлда"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Бұл аңғартпаны ашық қылуға сенімдісіз бе?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Мақұлдау"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Мақұлдау үшін рахмет"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "Торпабымыздағы"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Аңғартпаны өшір"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Аңғартпаны өшіруге сенімдісіз бе?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Өшір"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Өшіргеніңіз үшін рахмет"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Бұл аңғартпаға жалауша қой"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Бұл аңғартпаға жалауша қоюға сенімдісіз бе?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Жалауша"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Жалауша қойғаныңыз үшін рахмет"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Орналастыру"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Алдын ала қарап алу"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Аңғартпаңыз үшін рахмет"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Аңғартпаңыз үшін рахмет"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Аңғартпаны алдын ала қарап алу"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"one: Төмендегі қатені түзеңіз\n"
-"other: Төмендегі қателерді түзеңіз"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Аңғартпаңызды орналастырыңыз"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "немесе өзгертіңіз"


+ 0 - 290

@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: English <en@li.org>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: km\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "អត្ថបទ"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "ឈ្មោះ"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "អាស័យដ្ឋានគេហទំព័រ(URL)"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "ផ្សេងៗ"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "និង"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "ប្រភេទអត្ថន័យ"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "លេខ​សំគាល់​កម្មវិធី"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "សមាជិក"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "មតិ​យោបល់"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "កាល​បរិច្ឆេទនៃ​ការ​សរសេរ​​"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "លេខ IP"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "ផ្សព្វផ្សាយ​ជាសធារណៈ"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "ត្រូវ​បាន​លប់​ចេញ"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"សូម​ចុច​ជ្រើសរើស​យក​ប្រអប់​នេះ​ ប្រសិន​បើ​មតិ​យោបល់​មិនសមរម្យ។ ឃ្លា \" មតិ​យោបល់​នេះ​ត្រូវបាន​គេលប់​\" នឹងត្រូវ​"
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "មតិ​យោបល់"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"សរសេរ​ដោយ %(user)s នៅថ្ងៃ​ %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "​កាលបរិច្ឆេទ"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr ""


+ 0 - 292

@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-#   <karthikbgl@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: karthikbgl <karthikbgl@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Kannada (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: kn\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "ವಿಷಯ"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "ಹೆಸರು"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr ""
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯ"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "ಮತ್ತು"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "ಒಳವಿಷಯದ ಬಗೆ"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "ವಸ್ತುವಿನ ಐಡಿ"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರ"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಿದ ದಿನಾಂಕ/ಸಮಯ"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP ವಿಳಾಸ"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "ಸಾರ್ವಜನಿಕವಾಗಿದೆ"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲಾಗಿದೆ"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ ಅನುಚಿತವಾಗಿ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಚೌಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಗುರುತು ಮಾಡಿ. ಅದರ ಬದಲಾಗಿ \"ಈ ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ "
-"ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಲಾಗಿದೆ\" ಎಂಬ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು  ತೋರಿಸಲಾಗುವುದು."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿಗಳು"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಿದವರು %(user)s ರವರು  %(date)s\n"
-"  ದಿನ/ಸಮಯಕ್ಕೆ %(comment)s\n"
-"http://%(domain)s%(url)s  ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಿದ್ದು"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "ದಿನಾಂಕ"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯ ಒಪ್ಪಿಗೆ"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "ಒಪ್ಪಿಗೆ"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr ""


+ 0 - 291

@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ko\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "내용"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "메타데이터"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "플래그되었습니다"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "선택된 코멘트에 플래그 달기"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "승인되었습니다"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "선택된 코멘트 승인하기"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "삭제되었습니다"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "선택된 코멘트 삭제"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s개의 코멘트가 성공적으로 %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s 의 코멘트"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s 의 사용자 비밀번호가 초기화 되었습니다."
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "이름"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "이메일 주소"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "코멘트:"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "비속어/욕설입니다. %s (은)는 사용하실 수 없습니다."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "또한"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "이 필드에 무엇이라도 입력하면 코멘트는 스팸으로 처리될 것입니다."
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "콘텐츠 타입"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "오브젝트 ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "사용자"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "사용자명"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "사용자 이메일 주소"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "사용자 URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "코멘트"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "날짜/시간 확인"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP 주소"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "공개합니다."
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "이 사이트에서 코멘트가 나타나지 않게 하려면 체크 해제하세요."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "삭제합니다."
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"코멘트가 부적절한 경우 체크하세요. \"코멘트가 삭제되었습니다.\" 메시지가 표시"
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "코멘트(들)"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr "이 코멘트는 등록된 사용자가 작성하였으므로 읽기 전용입니다."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr "이 코멘트는 등록된 사용자가 작성하였으므로 읽기 전용입니다."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%(user)s (이)가 %(date)s 등록\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "플래그"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "날짜"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "코멘트 플래그"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "코멘트 플래그"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "코멘트 승인"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "정말로 이 코멘트를 공개하시겠습니까?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "승인"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "승인해주셔서 고맙습니다."
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "우리 사이트의 토론에 기여해주셔서 감사합니다."
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "코멘트 삭제"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "정말로 이 코멘트를 삭제하시겠습니까?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "삭제하기"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "삭제해주셔서 고맙습니다."
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "코멘트에 플래그 달기"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "정말로 플래그를 다시겠습니까?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "플래그를 답니다."
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "플래그를 달아주셔서 고맙습니다."
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "작성하기"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "미리보기"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "코멘트 작성 완료"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "코멘트를 달아주셔서 고맙습니다."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "코멘트 미리보기"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "아래의 오류를 수정해 주세요."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "코멘트 작성하기"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "또는 변경하기"


+ 0 - 311

@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# lauris <lauris@runbox.com>, 2011.
-# Simonas Simas <simonas@kazlauskas.me>, 2012.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-09 16:58+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Simonas Kazlauskas <simonas@kazlauskas.me>\n"
-"Language-Team: Lithuanian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: lt\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n"
-"%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Turinys"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Meta-duomenys"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "pažymėtas"
-msgstr[1] "pažymėti"
-msgstr[2] "pažymėti"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Žymėti pasirinktus komentarus"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "patvirtintas"
-msgstr[1] "patvirtinti"
-msgstr[2] "patvirtinti"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Patvirtinti pasirinktus komentarus"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "pašalintas"
-msgstr[1] "pašalinti"
-msgstr[2] "pašalinti"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Pašalinti pasirinktus įrašus"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s komentaras buvo sėkmingai %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s komentarai buvo sėkmingai %(action)s."
-msgstr[2] "%(count)s komentarai buvo sėkmingai %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s komentarai"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Paskutiniai %(site_name)s komentarai"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Vardas"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "El. pašto adresas"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "Nuoroda"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Komentaras"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Žiūrėk ką kalbi! Žodis %s yra čia uždraustas."
-msgstr[1] "Žiūrėk ką kalbi! Žodžiai %s yra čia uždrausti."
-msgstr[2] "Žiūrėk ką kalbi! Žodžiai %s yra čia uždrausti."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "ir"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Jei ką nors įrašysite į šį laukelį, jūsų komentaras bus laikomas brukalu"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "turinio tipas"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "objekto ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "vartotojas"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "vartotojo vardas"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "vartotojo el. pašto adresas"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "vartotojo nuoroda"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "komentaras"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "įvesta data/laikas"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP adresas"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "viešas"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Nuimkite šį žymejimą, kad komentaras būtų panaikintas."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "pašalintas"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Pažymėkite šį laukelį, jei komentaras netinkamas. \"Šis komentaras ištrintas"
-"\" bus rodoma."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "komentarai"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Šis komentaras buvo paskelbtas neprisijungusio vartotojo, todel vardas yra "
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Šis komentaras buvo paskelbtas neprisijungusio vartotojo, todel el. pašto "
-"adresas yra neredaguojamas."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Paskelbta  %(user)s, %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "žymė"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "Data"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "Komentaro žymė"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "Komentaro žymės"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Patvirtinti komentarą"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Tikrai publikuoti šį komentarą?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Patvirtinti"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Ačiū už patvirtinimą"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "Ačiū, kad radote laiko pagerinti diskusijų kokybę mūsų svetainėje"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Pašalinti komentarą"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Tikrai ištrinti šį komentarą?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Pašalinti"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Ačiū už pašalinimą"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Pažymėti šį komentarą"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Tikrai žymėti šį komentarą?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Žymė"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Ačiū už žymėjimą"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Siųsti"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Peržiūra"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Ačiū už komentarą"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Ačiū už jūsų komentarą"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Peržiūrėti savo komentarą"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Prašau ištaisyti žemiau esančią klaidą"
-msgstr[1] "Prašau ištaisyti žemiau esančias klaidas"
-msgstr[2] "Prašau ištaisyti žemiau esančias klaidas"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Publikuoti komentarą"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "arba keisti"


+ 0 - 309

@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Latvian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: lv\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : "
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Saturs"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Metadati"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "atzīmēts"
-msgstr[1] "atzīmēti"
-msgstr[2] "atzīmēts"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Atzīmēt izvēlētos komentārus"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "apstiprināts"
-msgstr[1] "apstiprināti"
-msgstr[2] "apstiprināti"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Apstiprināt izvēlētos komentārus"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "dzēsts"
-msgstr[1] "dzēsti"
-msgstr[2] "dzēsts"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Dzēst izvēlētos komentārus"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s komentārs tika veiksmīgi %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s komentāri tika veiksmīgi %(action)s."
-msgstr[2] "%(count)s komentāru tika veiksmīgi %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s komentāri"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Pēdējie komentāri lapā %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Vārds"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "E-pasta adrese"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Komentārs"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Lūdzam ievērot pieklājību! Vārds %s šeit nav atļauts."
-msgstr[1] "Lūdzam ievērot pieklājību! Vārdi %s šeit nav atļauti."
-msgstr[2] "Lūdzam ievērot pieklājību! Vārdi %s šeit nav atļauti."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "un"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "Ja aizpildīsiet šo lauku, tad komentārs tiks uzskatīts par spamu"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "satura tips"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "objekta ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "lietotājs"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "lietotāja vārds"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "lietotāja e-pasta adrese"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "lietotāja URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "komentārs"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "nosūtīšanas datums/laiks"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP adrese"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "publisks"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "Noņemiet ķeksi, lai komentārs neparādītos lapā."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "dzēsts"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Atķeksējiet, ja komentārs ir neatbilstošs (nepieklājīgs). Tā vietā tiks "
-"rādīts paziņojums \"Šis komentārs ir izdzēsts\"."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "komentāri"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Šo komentāru rakstīja autentificēts lietotājs, tāpēc vārds ir tikai "
-"lasīšanas režīmā."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Šo komentāru rakstīja autentificēts lietotājs, tāpēc e-pasts ir tikai "
-"lasīšanas režīmā."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Pievienojis  %(user)s, %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "atzīmēt"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "datums"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "komentāra atzīmējums"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "komentāra atzīmējumi"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Apstiprināt komentāru"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Patiešām padarīt šo komentāru publisku?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Apstiprināt"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Paldies par apstiprināšanu"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Paldies par laika veltīšanu mūsu lapas diskusiju kvalitātes uzlabošanai"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Dzēst komentāru"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Patiešām dzēst šo komentāru?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Dzēst"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Paldies par dzēšanu"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Atzīmēt šo komentāru"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Patiešām atzīmēt šo komentāru?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Atzīmējums"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Paldies par komentāra atzīmēšanu"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Iesūtīt"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Priekšskats"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Paldies par komentēšanu"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Paldies par Jūsu komentāru"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Pirmsskatīt komentāru"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Lūdzu izlabojiet kļūdu zemāk."
-msgstr[1] "Lūdzu izlabojiet kļūdas zemāk."
-msgstr[2] "Lūdzu, izlabojiet kļūdu zemāk."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Iesūtīt komentāru"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "vai veikt izmaiņas"


+ 0 - 305

@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
-"Language-Team: Macedonian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: mk\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Содржина"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Метаподатоци"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "обележан"
-msgstr[1] "обележани"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Обележи го одбраните коментари"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "одобрен"
-msgstr[1] "одобрени"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Одобри ги одбраните коментари"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "отстранет"
-msgstr[1] "отстранети"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Отстрани ги избраните коментари"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 коментар беше успешно %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s коментари беа успешно %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "коментари за %(site_name)s"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "Последни коментари за %(site_name)s"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Име"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Е-пошта"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Коментар"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Внимавајте на јазикот. Тука не е дозволен зборот %s."
-msgstr[1] "Внимавајте на јазикот. Тука не се дозволени зборовите %s."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "и"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Ако внесете нешто во ова поле вашиот коментар ќе биде означен како спам"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "тип на содржина"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "object ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "корисник"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "името на корисникот"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "е-пошта на корисникот"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "веб страна на корсникот"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "коментар"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "датум/време пријавен"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "ИП адреса"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "е јавен"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Одштиклирајте го ова за да направите коментаров да исчезне од овој сајт."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "е отстранет"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Штиклирајте го ова поле ако коментарот не е пригоден. Наместо него пораката "
-"„Овој коментар беше отстранет“ ќе биде прикажана."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "коментари"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Овој коментар бил пратен од автентициран корисник и затоа името е заштитено "
-"од промена."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Овој коментар бил пратен од автентициран корисник и затоа е-пошта е "
-"заштитена од промена."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Напишан од %(user)s на %(date)s\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "обележи"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "датум"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "обележје за коментар"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "обележја за коментари"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Одобри коментар"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Навистина ли сакате овој коментар да биде објавен?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Одобри"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Ви благодариме што одобривте"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Ви благодариме што допринесовте да се подобри квалитетот на дискусиите на "
-"нашиот сајт"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Избриши коментар"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Навистина ли сакате да го отстраните овој коментар?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Отстрани"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Ви благодариме што отстранивте"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Обележи го овој коментар"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Навистина ли сакате да го обележите овој коментар?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Обележи"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Ви благодариме што обележавте"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Објави"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Преглед"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Ви благодариме за коментарот"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Ви благодариме за коментарот"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Прегледајте го вашиот коментар"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Ве молам поправете ја грешката подолу."
-msgstr[1] "Ве молам поправете ги грешките подолу."
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Објавете го вашиот коментар"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "или направете измени"


+ 0 - 300

@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# Rajeesh Nair <rajeeshrnair@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Rajeesh Nair <rajeeshrnair@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Malayalam (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ml\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "ഉള്ളടക്കം"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "മെറ്റാ-ഡാറ്റ"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തി"
-msgstr[1] "അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തി"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തുക"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "അംഗീകരിച്ചു"
-msgstr[1] "അംഗീകരിച്ചു"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ അംഗീകരിക്കുക"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "നീക്കം ചെയ്തു"
-msgstr[1] "നീക്കം ചെയ്തു"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "1 അഭിപ്രായം വിജയകരമായി %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ വിജയകരമായി %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s ലെ ഏറ്റവും പുതിയ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "പേര്"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "ഇ-മെയില്‍ വിലാസം"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL(വെബ്-വിലാസം)"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായം"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "ശ്ശ്ശ്! %s എന്ന വാക്ക് ഇവിടെ അനുവദനീയമല്ല."
-msgstr[1] "ശ്ശ്ശ്! %s എന്നീ വാക്കുകള്‍ ഇവിടെ അനുവദനീയമല്ല."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "ഉം"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr "ഈ കള്ളിയില്‍ എന്തെങ്കിലും രേഖപ്പെടുത്തിയാല്‍ നിങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായം സ്പാം ആയി കണക്കാക്കും"
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "ഏതു തരം ഉള്ളടക്കം"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "വസ്തുവിന്റെ ID (തിരിച്ചറിയല്‍ സംഖ്യ)"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "യൂസര്‍ (ഉപയോക്താവ്)"
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "യൂസറുടെ പേര്"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "യൂസറുടെ ഇ-മെയില്‍ വിലാസം"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "യൂസറുടെ URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായം"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "സമര്‍പ്പിച്ച തീയതി/സമയം"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP വിലാസം"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "പരസ്യമാണ്"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായം സൈറ്റില്‍ നിന്നും ഫലപ്രദമായി നീക്കം ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഈ ബോക്സിലെ ടിക് ഒഴിവാക്കുക."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "നീക്കം ചെയ്തു."
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"അഭിപ്രായം അനുചിതമെങ്കില്‍ ഈ ബോക്സ് ടിക് ചെയ്യുക. \"ഈ അഭിപ്രായം നീക്കം ചെയ്തു \" എന്ന സന്ദേശം "
-"ആയിരിക്കും പകരം കാണുക."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr "ഈ അഭിപ്രായം ഒരു അംഗീകൃത യൂസര്‍ രേഖപ്പെടുത്തിയതാണ്. അതിനാല്‍ പേര് വായിക്കാന്‍ മാത്രം."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"ഈ അഭിപ്രായം ഒരു അംഗീകൃത യൂസര്‍ രേഖപ്പെടുത്തിയതാണ്. അതിനാല്‍ ഇ-മെയില്‍ വിലാസം വായിക്കാന്‍ "
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%(date)sന്  %(user)s രേഖപ്പെടുത്തിയത്:\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "അടയാളം"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "തീയതി"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായ അടയാളം"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായ അടയാളങ്ങള്‍"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായം അംഗീകരിക്കൂ"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "ശരിക്കും ഈ അഭിപ്രായം പരസ്യമാക്കണോ?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "അംഗീകരിക്കൂ"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "അംഗീകരിച്ചതിനു നന്ദി"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr "നമ്മുടെ സൈറ്റിലെ ചര്‍ച്ചകളുടെ നിലവാരം ഉയര്‍ത്താന്‍ സമയം ചെലവഴിച്ചതിനു നന്ദി."
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായം നീക്കം ചെയ്യൂ"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "ശരിക്കും ഈ അഭിപ്രായം നീക്കം ചെയ്യണോ?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "നീക്കം ചെയ്തതിനു നന്ദി"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "ഈ അഭിപ്രായം അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തൂ"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "ഈ അഭിപ്രായം ശരിക്കും അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തണോ?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "അടയാളം"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തിയതിനു നന്ദി"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "രേഖപ്പെടുത്തൂ"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "അവലോകനം"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായം രേഖപ്പെടുത്തിയതിനു നന്ദി"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായത്തിനു നന്ദി"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായം അവലോകനം ചെയ്യുക"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "ദയവായി താഴെ പറയുന്ന തെറ്റ് തിരുത്തുക"
-msgstr[1] "ദയവായി താഴെ പറയുന്ന തെറ്റുകള്‍ തിരുത്തുക"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "അഭിപ്രായം രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുക"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ മാറ്റം വരുത്തുക."


+ 0 - 307

@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
-# Translators:
-# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011.
-# Анхбаяр Анхаа <l.ankhbayar@gmail.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Django\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-15 10:56+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-14 13:24+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Анхбаяр Анхаа <l.ankhbayar@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Mongolian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: mn\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: admin.py:25
-msgid "Content"
-msgstr "Агуулга"
-#: admin.py:28
-msgid "Metadata"
-msgstr "Мета өгөгдөл"
-#: admin.py:55
-msgid "flagged"
-msgid_plural "flagged"
-msgstr[0] "тэгдэглсэн"
-msgstr[1] "тэгдэглсэн"
-#: admin.py:56
-msgid "Flag selected comments"
-msgstr "Сонгосон сэтгэгдэлүүдийг тэмдэглэ"
-#: admin.py:60
-msgid "approved"
-msgid_plural "approved"
-msgstr[0] "зөвшөөрөх"
-msgstr[1] "зөвшөөрөх"
-#: admin.py:61
-msgid "Approve selected comments"
-msgstr "Сонгосон сэтгэгдэлүүдийг зөвшөөрөх"
-#: admin.py:65
-msgid "removed"
-msgid_plural "removed"
-msgstr[0] "устгасан"
-msgstr[1] "устгасан"
-#: admin.py:66
-msgid "Remove selected comments"
-msgstr "Сонгосон сэтгэгдэлүүдийг утсгах"
-#: admin.py:78
-#, python-format
-msgid "1 comment was successfully %(action)s."
-msgid_plural "%(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s."
-msgstr[0] "%(count)s сэтгэгдэлийг амжилттай %(action)s."
-msgstr[1] "%(count)s сэтгэгдэлүүдийг амжилттай %(action)s."
-#: feeds.py:14
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(site_name)s comments"
-msgstr "%(site_name)s сэтгэгдэлүүд"
-#: feeds.py:20
-#, python-format
-msgid "Latest comments on %(site_name)s"
-msgstr " %(site_name)s сүүлийн сэтгэгдэлүүд"
-#: forms.py:96
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Нэр"
-#: forms.py:97
-msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Цахим шуудангийн хаяг"
-#: forms.py:98
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: forms.py:99
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Сэтгэгдэл"
-#: forms.py:177
-#, python-format
-msgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."
-msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."
-msgstr[0] "Соёлтой байна уу! %s гэсэн үг оруулах хориотой."
-msgstr[1] "Соёлтой байна уу! %s гэсэн үгүүд оруулах хориотой."
-#: forms.py:181 templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "ба"
-#: forms.py:186
-msgid ""
-"If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam"
-msgstr ""
-"Та энэ хэсэгт ямар нэг зүйл оруулбал таний сэтгэгдэлийг  спам гэж үзэх болно."
-#: models.py:23
-msgid "content type"
-msgstr "агуулгын төрөл"
-#: models.py:25
-msgid "object ID"
-msgstr "объектийн ID"
-#: models.py:53 models.py:177
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "хэрэглэгч "
-#: models.py:55
-msgid "user's name"
-msgstr "хэрэглэгчийн нэр"
-#: models.py:56
-msgid "user's email address"
-msgstr "хэрэглэгчийн цахим шуудангийн хаяг"
-#: models.py:57
-msgid "user's URL"
-msgstr "хэрэглэгчийн URL"
-#: models.py:59 models.py:79 models.py:178
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "сэтгэгдэл"
-#: models.py:62
-msgid "date/time submitted"
-msgstr "оруулсан огноо/цаг"
-#: models.py:63
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "IP хаяг"
-#: models.py:64
-msgid "is public"
-msgstr "нийтийн"
-#: models.py:65
-msgid ""
-"Uncheck this box to make the comment effectively disappear from the site."
-msgstr ""
-"Сайтаас санал сэтгэгдлийг байнга устгахын тулд энэ хайрцагны өмнөх чагтыг "
-"авна уу."
-#: models.py:67
-msgid "is removed"
-msgstr "устлаа"
-#: models.py:68
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been "
-"removed\" message will be displayed instead."
-msgstr ""
-"Ирсэн санал сэтгэгдэл зүй зохисгүй бол энэ хайрцгийг чагтла. Ингэснээр "
-"тухайн санал сэтгэгдлийн оронд \"Энэ санал сэтгэгдлийг устгалаа\" гэсэн "
-"бичиг гарч ирнэ."
-#: models.py:80
-msgid "comments"
-msgstr "сэтгэгдэлүүд"
-#: models.py:124
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the name is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Энэ санал сэтгэгдлийг баталгаажсан хэрэглэгч оруулсан учир зөвхөн нэрийг нь "
-"харж болно."
-#: models.py:134
-msgid ""
-"This comment was posted by an authenticated user and thus the email is read-"
-msgstr ""
-"Энэ санал сэтгэгдлийг баталгаажсан хэрэглэгч оруулсан учир зөвхөн цахим "
-"шууданг нь харж болно."
-#: models.py:160
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"%(date)s-д %(user)s дараах санал сэтгэгдлийг үлдээжээ\n"
-#: models.py:179
-msgid "flag"
-msgstr "тэмдэг"
-#: models.py:180
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "огноо"
-#: models.py:190
-msgid "comment flag"
-msgstr "Тайлбарын тэмдэг"
-#: models.py:191
-msgid "comment flags"
-msgstr "тайлбарын тэмдэгүүд"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:4
-msgid "Approve a comment"
-msgstr "Сэтгэгдэл зөвшөөрөх"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:7
-msgid "Really make this comment public?"
-msgstr "Үнэхээр энэ сэтгэгдэлийн нийтийн болгох гэж байна у?"
-#: templates/comments/approve.html:12
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Зөвшөөрөх"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for approving"
-msgstr "Зөвшөөрсөнд баяраллаа"
-#: templates/comments/approved.html:7 templates/comments/deleted.html:7
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:7
-msgid ""
-"Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of discussion on our site"
-msgstr ""
-"Манай сайтанд цаг гаргаж хэлэлцүүлэгийг сонирхолтой болгосонд баяраллаа."
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:4
-msgid "Remove a comment"
-msgstr "Үнэхээр энэ сэтгэдэлийг"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:7
-msgid "Really remove this comment?"
-msgstr "Үнхээр энэ сэтгэдэлийг устгах уу?"
-#: templates/comments/delete.html:12
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Устгах"
-#: templates/comments/deleted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for removing"
-msgstr "Устгасанд баяраллаа"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:4
-msgid "Flag this comment"
-msgstr "Энэ сэтгэгдэлийг тэмлэглэ"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:7
-msgid "Really flag this comment?"
-msgstr "Үнэхээр энэ сэтгэдэлийг тэмдэглэх үү?"
-#: templates/comments/flag.html:12
-msgid "Flag"
-msgstr "Тэмдэг"
-#: templates/comments/flagged.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for flagging"
-msgstr "Тэмдэглсэнд баяраллаа"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:17 templates/comments/preview.html:32
-msgid "Post"
-msgstr "Бичлэг"
-#: templates/comments/form.html:18 templates/comments/preview.html:33
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Урьдчилан харах"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:4
-msgid "Thanks for commenting"
-msgstr "Сэтгэгдэл үлдээсэнд баяраллаа"
-#: templates/comments/posted.html:7
-msgid "Thank you for your comment"
-msgstr "Сэтгэгдэл үлдээсэн таньд баяраллаа"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:4 templates/comments/preview.html.py:13
-msgid "Preview your comment"
-msgstr "Өөрийн сэтгэгдэлээ урьдчилан харах"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:11
-msgid "Please correct the error below"
-msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below"
-msgstr[0] "Доорх алдааг засна у"
-msgstr[1] "Доорх алдаануудыг засна у"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "Post your comment"
-msgstr "Сэтгэгдэл оруулах"
-#: templates/comments/preview.html:16
-msgid "or make changes"
-msgstr "эсвэл засвар хийх"

